Just how bad is the new Mettle Of Man?

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

After the recent patch I attempted to use the newly nerfed MoM to see if I could get some use out of it. And I am not exaggerating when I say it might be the worst survivor perk currently in the game. The situations you could use it pre-patch were scarce to be sure but at least when you got your three protection hits you were able to keep the endurance effect until you needed it.

Now? Well...

Conspicuous actions will now remove your endurance. This includes healing survivors, cleansing totems, repairing gens, healing yourself and sabotaging hooks. No more using your endurance to save a survivor from being hooked. Once you get your second protection hit you cannot commit to anything without losing your endurance.

But wait! It gets worse.

As long as your endurance is active your aura will be constantly shown to the killer when they are further than 16 meters from you. Which means that an experienced killer will now know when you're using MoM and will simply not bother chasing you. Because they would know that you cannot progress the game in any way without losing your endurance. Instead they will just ignore you until your aura goes away from performing a conspicuous action.

And to make matters even worse, if you go down when taking your second protection hit your endurance goes away! I don't know if this is even a bug. Because the perk's description hasn't even been updated to inform players that certain actions will disable your endurance.

The only possible scenario in which the new MoM is useful requires you to:

  1. Take a single protection hit and escape the killer
  2. Heal up
  3. Take a second protection hit
  4. Body guard the survivor you just protected
  5. Hope the killer hits you instead of them

Revert the changes to Mettle Of Man. They were not necessary.


  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Well I play duo que with a friend and we made some pretty good plays with the new Mettle of Man.

    Usually you take one protection hit and heal up, as you said. Then you mostly forget about it until the time arrived for endgame or so. Mettle is pretty good for unhooking or bodyblocking as the Killer will only see the aura if you move away from him and has no way to prepare (honestly who track if the survivor had a single protection hit).

    The "best" situations we had so fare were one where I was working on a generator injured and the Killer came. I continued working and my friend bodyblocked. The Killer hit him, Mettle goes on, the generator pops and we both run. The Killers hits him again and we both get away thanks to Mettle.

    The other time was when it goes for unhooking during the endgame. My friend has 1 stack Mettle. He unhooks me, the Killer hits him, it counts as a protection. The Killer ignores me because of the new unhook-BT and goes for my friend, Mettle lets him tank another hit and we both escape.

    I think new Mettle has its place however it requires some coordination and at lest one other teammate that helps you. I imagine it becomes even better when you play as a full squad and coordinate your Mettle. My friend and I used Borrow Time and Empathic Connection for this. Maybe you can add some other perks to the mix to get more value.

    Does Mettle of Man work with Object of Obsession by the way? That would be fun...

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    What the heck are you people doing?

    I'm using the new MoM just fine? Imo it's a ton more usefull then it was before.

    That only possible usefull scenario you described is something you can do pretty much everymatch against bodyblockable killers and helps so much to slow down tunneling. Not to mention that it makes you the obession so it ruins stbl users which there are quite a few of

    The aura reading should almost never come into play. You just got a shield. You stick to the player that's getting tunneled. If the killer leaves far enough to read your aura that means they aren't getting tunneled anymore and the perk did it's job.

    You can then even let the tunneled person heal you before you heal them and you'll be able to protect them when the killer comes back cause you'll either have endurance or be healthy again

    I have stopped dead hooks by being able to bodyblock a hook for 3 hits. Add unbreakable and there isn't even a risk of getting slugged if the killer decides to keep going after the survivor that just got off.

    Not to mention it's infinite endurance at the end game cause conspicious actions aren't a thing for the most part

    It's not a great perk by any stretch cause of how many killers you can't bodyblock but against those the old version would have sucked too. Even more so.

    I have a feeling people don't really remember just how bad the previous version was. Or they remember the 2 games they had where it did something and are forgetting the 20 matches before that where they throwed the game trying to activate it

    Against killers that aren't nurse or bubba i have been able to activate it every time. The previous version it was a miracle if it even activated in the first place. That alone makes the new version that much better. It doesn't matter how much stronger the old effect was if it almost never happened in the first place

    The bug that makes you lose endurance on down sucks but even with that it's still so much more concistant then the previous version.

    Are people just that bad at bodyblocking? Are they forgetting just how terrible the previous version was? I really don't understand how anyone can concidder this version to be that much worse then the meme that was the previous one

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    This perk is ripe for abuse and im surprised its not talked about more.

    Conspicuous action doesnt matter when more than 1 people have the same idea and are doing this so for swfs that just want to take hits for each other and fool around, this perk is a godsend.

    But probably more worryingly this perk is legitimately scary when paired with Object of Obsession. You can broadcast with pinpoint accuracy all of the killers actions so the killer is either forced to have to deal with survivors that book it to the other side of the map before the killer even sees them or has to chase a survivor that has an additional health state, can see the killer coming and will play it super safe just to waste as much time as possible.

    Yeah i mean, worst perk in the rooster mate.

  • Ni7rogen
    Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80

    You could find utility if you are playing very toxic, bring out a flashlight do clicky-clicky, start getting into their nerves, they want to tunnel you after that.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Here's the difference between this and Old Object.

    You could use Old Object and still... do everything. You were a useful teammate capable of progressing the game.

    This scenario has them completely down a teammate since the MoM user can't perform a conspicuous action. Even with wallhacks a 3v1 is still a 3v1

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386

    Also Old Object was active at the start of the game.

    Object with Pre-6.1.0 MoM was also more useful than this since the aura reading took effect after the endurance effect if you could heal up. So you would have tanked a hit for a teammate and than be able to watch the killer while doing gens.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Fair enough. Imo even with a 3v1, wallhacks are worth it but i might be wrong there. Need survivors to actually try making it work first.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    They should revert all the modifications.

    Mettle was unnecessary, with the scourge they made the problem worse and with thana they simply needed to put it back to 5%.

    Or to make the reward not at the 4th wound but at the 2nd as other proposed.

    Like 3-10-13-16 %.

    And maybe to give back 5 seconds to DS.