Suggestions regarding recent patches

Most killer buffs are fine and acceptable to me.

However, I 'd like to point out some that could be problematic.

First, reduced sprinting time and successful attack cooldown are bit overtuned.

Both buffs now make chases end quick benefiting most killers.

In my opinion, still there are some killers who need buff to their power, not this general buffs.

Instead of focusing on basic buff, consider weak killers like Freddy, Sadako and others.

2nd, I really wonder if faster Bloodlust was needed.

Many people again and again mention maps are the biggest balance problem in DbD.

However, leaving maps alone and accelerating this feel like just a lazy solution.

When not all pallets are very strong, loop length was nerfed, was bloodlust buff necessary?

And recently people have been saying increased amount of survivors let go on hook, disconnect.

The solo survivor and matchmaking problem.

With survivor meta perks being nerfed, general killer buffs, solo survivor has become reluctant to play.

Of course, survivors got 5 seconds of Endurance and Haste when rescued but is it enough?

Tunneling has become easier because of Decisive Strike nerf with killer buffs.

It is laughable if you think 5 seconds of Endurance will prevent hardcore tunneling.

And nothing has been done to Camping, I have to mention.

Survivors got no outstanding buffs to recent patches.

And how do you expect anyone to trust and rely on random teammates when matchmaking is terribly questionable?

Feels like you just butchered solo survivor this patch and probably nothing will be done for them in ages.

Don't get me wrong. I do feel the need to camp & tunnel in certain situations and weak killers who aren't good at patroling generator can pressure with those 2.

But recent changes just increased the amount of 2 strategies to be more common and solo feels like they are the biggest victim from this patch.

Please care about solo survivor disaster.

Give up your persist on bad matchmaking, let players have more satisfying games.

I once thought MMR was better than Rank based matchmaking, I feel like I'm a fool for falling for it.

Current matchmaking system is far worse than Rank based matchmaking system.

With perk changes, I want to mention DS, Thanatophobia, Pain Resonance.

DS nerf just made killers no longer worry about tunneling and just got worse.

Make DS nullfiy killer's power for a moment or just revert stun duration.

Thanatophobia nerf is an abosolute joke.

Killers who gain advantage from this, Legion and Plague don't get terribly affected but other killers now have no reason to pick this perk.

Don't you feel this contradicts your direction of shaking meta and making perks viable for all killers?

Honestly, original Thana would be more worthy and balanced than current one.

Pain Resonance didn't need any synergy back with Dead Man's Switch.

You wanted to prevent the synergy with Merciless Storm which is a mediocre perk and reverting the combo?

DMS was already having decent pick rate before the patch and you wanted to shake meta?

What's your reason that Merciless Storm is more unhealthy than Dead Man's? I honestly have no words to say.

Before new RE colaboration starts, I had to mention progression system too.

With current prestige system, P1 gives all characters the character's unique tier 1 perk. So does P2, P3.

In long term, this is good and nice. Because you don't have to waste BP on the characters for the perks.

But this becomes serious problem for beginners, new players.

Even bloody cosmetics require P6, new players have urgent need to get certain unique perks first.

So they will just P1 character and delay P3 because they have to raise other characters.

And obtain tier 2,3 perks in the other characters' bloodwebs.

Is this right direction for reducing grind?

Personally old teachable perks (Lv 30,35,40) feel less pressuring than current one.

What's the point of P2 and P3 when getting tier 2,3 perks from Bloodweb is much economic with few characters?

Also I think the biggest flaw you didn't recognize at all is bloodweb.

Bloodweb is such a burden, large and expensive.

If you wanted to erase BP bonus in WGLF and BBQ, you also should have looked at this.

Bloodweb should be shorter than now. At least, in P0~P3 considering new players.

And let players get the character's unique perks in Lv 30,35,40 bloodweb. This did not need any removal at all.


Make players equip Prestige icon they want. (which are lower than current prestige level)

And rework score events you get while playing a match.

For the first one, just make another customization section where players can choose prestige icon they already obtained.

Icon design fixed just because of prestige level feels harsh and restricts players choice in my opnion.

About score events, I recently had an experience that Huntress cannot gain maximum 10,000 deviousness points (without sacrificing all 4 survivors) because her deviousness score events are so outdated and bizarre.

You should look at all score categories, Objective, Survival, Altruism, Boldness, Brutality, Deviousness, Hunt, Sacrfice.

Like gain 2,500 Objective points (1 person repairing single gen by himself) instead of 1,250 (current).

SImply why not just make them 1.5x~double?

Let both survivors and killers gain BP more easier in single match.

Players all want to gain huge bloodpoints no matter what.

This should've been done earlier but you just increased maximum 8,000 to 10,000 only and so many things feel they lack.

Hopefully Ithese changes come or game gets better in close future.

Thanks for reading.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    all good points i must say. as a legion main i think you are right about thana. before the update thana was fine and sure legion and plague get the most out of the perk but is that really something bad? no, ofcourse not since the killers are so diffrent from eachother you will always have a killer that can get more out of a perk then other killers. what is so bad about thana and why so many survs rightfully complaint is that its not only thana. a legion or plague with a full slowdown build is not ok, we should have a cap when it comes to action speed be it slowing it or speeding it up