Guess it's tike to go back to full slowdown
Really can't blame people playing killers below A tier for running slowdown, Survivors of your skill level will get a 3 man out if you don't run at least a couple gen perks. I either run just PR or none depending on how good the survivors I've been getting are. But tbh I think running less slow down on blight makes me play better.
Some of the people in this thread don't realize that taking prove and a toolbox every game impacts the game way more than CoB, overcharge. Just as a lot of survivors run the best stuff to win, killers take slow down to win. In fact most perks are pretty bad on non-mobility killers other than slow down. If you guys lose to a wraith or a nemesis running full slow down, it's absolutely a skill issue.
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This is what I was trying to say pre-patch, and now post patch I tried to say this when some Survivor Main was complaining "Doing gens is boring! I want to be chased all game!" They had options as to how they wanted to win. Wining via Gen Rushing with Speed Up perks, or winning via the Survivor equivalent of "Slow Down" perks. Bonus of bringing items as well.
The old meta was the Survivor "Slow Down Perks" meta. Dragging chases on far longer than normal, slowing the killers down. However they had THAT route, plus at any time they could go the current "Speed Up" route with Perks like Prove Thyself and Resilience. Not to mention Speed Healing to cut that down time like We'll Make It, CoH, Autodidact, Deliverance (to eliminate the need for other survivors wasting time to come get you off the hook), ect. Not to mention Speed Up with Tool Boxes that have BNP and Swivel Sockets. Bonus of adding the perk Built To Last.
To me, a lot of Survivors are just complaining they don't have options on how they want to play to win. Meanwhile, Killers never had an option. It was always Slow Down perks. Slow down to deal with Infinites, God Loops, and Loops. Slow Down to deal with Survivor Slow Down Perks, Slow Down to deal with Survivors Speed Up perks, Slow down to deal with items being stacked with all of the above.
Killer Speed Up perks were useless. Only Nurse and more recently Blight got any use out of them. Speed up being Aura Reading. Making finding Survivors faster, though that doesn't matter. Survivors don't care if you find them unless it's Nurse, cause they are going to be ready to go to Loop A, Loop B, Loop C, ect. Speed Up in the terms of Enduring, Brutal Strength, Spirt Fury, ect. on chase perks means nothing because most loops, 90% of the time wasted is before the Pallet even drops.
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id say it's entitlement but honestly anyone that calls people entitled on this forum isn't worth listening to.
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Golden rule: If the most effective way to win is unfun and boring, blame the devs for making unfun and boring tactics the most effective way to win.
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That's what is called optimal play. If you play to win, and camping and tunneling is at that moment the most effective strategy to win the game, then you can only blame the devs for not making NOT camping and tunneling the incentive, they need to do more to encourage killers to not camp or tunnel by changing fundamental parts of the game to make it less effective by slowing the game down more and pressuring survivors more when you don't camp, not by bandaiding everything with a perk.
There are tons of ways to do this
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Then do it.
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The only time I bring a toolbox in the first place is when I get multiple killers in a row stacking slowdowns and proxying every single hook.
I actually prefer a more relaxed pace to a match, with killers that aren't playing like #########. If I don't have to chew through four slowdown perks while teammates are getting camped out, I will screw around a lot more. I'll try to go for more chases, go for more altruistic plays, etc.
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This is what happens when devs ignore the feedback from their community. Increasing gen times was unanimously agreed upon as being boring, and that survivors would use perks and items to offset it.
It's the same deal with stacking slowdowns. Survivors are constantly told to adapt, and when they do, killer mains act surprised and blame them for adapting.
Tunneling? Adapt by getting better at running the killer so your team can smash out gens. Camping? Adapt by not getting found in the first place. BBQ? Adapt by hiding in lockers or pretending to walk one way, but doubling back and going a different way. etc. etc.
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I could poke a million holes in all the points you've raised, but I think I'll just see myself out of this scripted conversation.