Solo Q for survivors is just an absolute nightmare and the worst place ever...

I love playing survivor role but you don't always have your friends online to play with you so you just go and play some solo Survivor Queue since playing killers while waiting for 10 minutes in a lobby to find a match is also a not fun experience.
And the solo survivor Q experience is just so terrible.
- Players stayng afk under hook on purpose after you unhook them, and they simply don't move.
- Players self killing themselves on hook and not even progressing during Phase 2 of hook sequence.
- Players disconnecting as soon as they get downed.
This doesn't even include those who assist killers (I had a dude writing in chat that he is proud he showed the killer where I am hiding so he could kill me), bodyblock any way for you to escape thus letting killer catch you easier and many many other examples of that kind.
this is pretty much the experience I had when I went into one solo queue game as Jonathan Byers.
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Honestly, you are right. I haven't been playing survivor but killer again. Every match I have, at least one survivor throws (Afk, kills themselves on hook) or straight up DC'ed after getting downed once. It makes me feel bad whenever it happens, but also question why. A good 95% of the time, I didn't camp or tunnel — they just throw the minute why got downed.
I just go friendly afterwards because it's unfair to the other three. I don't mind since I don't have long queue times on killer (2-3 minutes tops)
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You know how it is. From how survivors acted when I was a killer one trick, I knew what I was getting into. I never expected anything from them and therefore they have never disappointed me. I hope they buff the hell out of survivor so that the queues can be instant even during the day.
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I don't get a lot of DC's but I do have a lot of players who are gaming for hatch. They don't do much. They never get in chase barely do gens and even with a hatch escape they score less than 12k bloodpoints. While everyone else that died has 20k+ bloodpoints. It's frustrating as hell to be on my 2nd hook seeing 1 survivor in chase, one on gen and the other crawling around the other side of the map away from all the action.
I lump those people with killers who tunnel and camp to start off the game. These are people who, if we believe mmr is actually working, are over inflating their mmr pushing them into much harder matches. They refuse to learn how to loop or chase better by making better decisions. The same kind of person that will eventually quit playing and maybe gives us a diatribe of why they're quiting the game.
The other kind of survivor I get in solo q is the kind that never gets hooked because they always bring chase to the gen another survivor is working on. They're the ones using aura reading perks to see other survivors. Those are slimy people.
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I haven't played in over a week and life feels better.
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That's not a individual solo issue, that's a sbmm teammate issue.
Nothing about current balance makes solo a horrible experience. Survivors are balanced fine, it's the fact that mmr is averaging everyone out which creates the worst case team scenario. The sbmm range is so wide; you could be a great survivor but still be paired down to average the team.
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If the match is going bad fast I just try to save and heal as much as possible to max points. It is all about the points for me live or die.
If you care not for death then you just see it as a fast way to a fresh match. I don't pay attention to pips and life is fine.
The trick is I try to not take it personally and just do my best. If I get triggered I take a break. Stretch. Drink. Throw my cell phone away. Burn down my house and disappear under mysterious circumstances.