Which killer do you have the most fun with ?

Just want opinions , no fighting or nerfing this or that. Just wanna know which ones are the most fun for the rest of you mechanics wise, and just overall gameplay! Thanks all. Trying to switch up my posts lol
legion I prefer the simple killers and legion is probably the most simple killer in the game
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Clown is by far the most fun to me. He’s simple yet also has a lot of depth but I don’t need to sweat hard to do well with him
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I personally am one of the weird people enjoying every killer to play as and against. But the killer i have the most fun playing as is pinhead. His gameplay is very different every match, as his power has so many aspects. Also he feels rewarding and has cool techs. Plus, he is a little learny, but not a lot. AND, as if that's not enough yet, his addons allow for a lot of variety.
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Clown because there's no penalty to using his power and what it does is simple and useful, slow survivors down.
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My favorite will always be oni for obvious reasons!
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Probably Dredge at the moment, I like its teleportation and Dredge is also great at jump scares. 😄
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Ghost face is fun when it's fun, and truly tragic in any open map, god forbid against a SWF in comms.
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trickster and nurse
they're a break from the usual gameplay loop every other killer does.
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Scratched Mirror Myers
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Deathslinger, but STBFL needs to max out at 40% weapon cooldown reduction.
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Dredge and Artist both are so Fun to play
But mostly Dredge because he is my Main :)
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Trapper as long as I have one of his iridescent add-ons equipped.
Funny enough I hate facing him as a survivor. I’d rather get a face camping Bubba or an infectious star struck Nurse who slugs and bleeds everyone out at 5 gens.
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Spirit. I love her so much ❤️❤️❤️
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non basement BOOBA
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Been enjoying Blight a lot recently. Usually play Nurse and Demo.
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Hm trapper is just so satisfying if you get enough time and people walk into oddly placed traps. Dredge is weird fun too though.
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Baby girl Sadako, forever and ever.
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Trapper, if it's on Midwitch even better xD
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Trickster. I get a lot of enjoyment out of using his power personally and hearing his personality through his lines and actions as you play is pretty cool.
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Any killer thats not Nurse or Huntress
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Demogorgon. He is fun to play and I think people also like to play against him.
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Even if I HATE his current power, he will always be special for me.
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Changes every week or two tbh.
Right now? Pinhead, Deathslinger, and Demo. I just enjoy learning a new killer or a killer I’m not that good with more than anything else. I will say that Demo is probably the most consistently fun.
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In low to mid MMR, it's with Anna and her hatchets. Survivors there do pre-drop pallets, don't play Tom & Jerry until the very last second (you know, the classy running in circles until it's time to drop the pallet, then wait for the killer to break that pallet and move to the next pallet and repeat the entire process), but the moment there's SWF, I do gotta go with Rin.
Nothing brings me more joy than playing with a character I've grown attached to, regardless of the effectivity. The character's design is pretty important aswell, but it doesn't completely cut it - I need a character, whose personality I can see inside of myself.
As long as the character have had to go through the same or nearly the same experiences in their life as I've had to or do share pretty much the same point of view that I can relate to, that's the character I pick. Of course, it can be both at the same time, but it doesn't have to be.
Oh, and another reason is because I'm quite into asians and their culture, especially to Japan and South Koreans.
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Artist. I really enjoy trying to predict survivor pathing on the fly, and landing long distance birds is pure dopamine.
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Pig, I like handing out party hats (In with at least 5, sometimes 6 with the two extra bear trap addons because the rng will mess me over majority of the time)
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Probably Bubba. I always seem to have at least a decent game with him even if I don't 4k.
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Pyramid Head! I loved Silent Hill 2 to death and playing as him, even though its problematic for lore reasons, is pretty cool. And his power is very satisfying to learn, there is nothing better then to hit a sick punishment of the damned through a wall or semi blind after some survivor took a tight corner after a vault and hearing that sweet, sweet scream.
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This sexy man;
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Demogorgon is the most fun Killer in the game imo
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Trapper, he's more about the macro game than the micro game.
Solid #2 Demogorgon: very satisfying kit.
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Favorite to Play: Trickster
Least Favorite to face: Also Trickster
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If they never gutted Billy, i would say him.
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Probably Nemesis, I love the zombies; which I call Jack and Sally, yes... It is a Nightmare Before Christmas reference. They add a lot to the standard M1 game-play loop in my opinion. At least when they work. My favorite is the tech where you can use them to reset wiggle progress.
I also feel the tentacle of desire and passion is a great tool that shuts down most of what survivors tend to want to do... Drop pallets and vault windows. I also love the sense of progression where the tentacle is useless and limp at stage 1, and gets progressively more potent as you reach the climax.
His sound design is also unparalleled. Best chase music (for now) and the bass boots when he drops, it does a great job of making you feel powerful. And also he gets to punch survivor mains in the face. I am extremely jealous that he was granted such an opportunity.
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I've honestly been enjoying deathslinger, getting those shots to consistently land over and over again feels nice.
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Blight as I love how he as so many ways to use his power and so much to learn even for me I've played so much blight and am still learning new things about him
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Doctor with some meme impossible skill check build targeting either gen skill checks or healing skill checks.
Distressing, unnerving presence, sloppy butcher and that clahphioa something clown perk.
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Most fun? Sadako for sure. Not the most effective, but the jump scares are top tier. If they ever buff her, I may actually main her, and I've never really mained a killer before.