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Should Ruin even be a Hex perk anymore?

Member Posts: 3,611

Genuine question. Considering it's current effects, it really shouldn't be a Hex anymore. But what do you think?

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  • Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2022

    Ok, not a Hex anymore. Instead will deactivate after first use like DS.

    Edit: nvm I did read as NOED.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I mean, it already deactivates after first death.

    So, could pretty much be a normal perk now.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    It already deactivates after a person is killed and takes 360 seconds to fully regress a generator. I really don't think it needs further nerfs.

    Literally Surge is now a better perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    They should just remove the self deactivation

  • Member Posts: 143

    Is that sarcasm? Because i honestly don't understand how that would work, as it's not something that has a 'first use' but is something in use all the time.

    I would rather say, make it a non-hex perk, as it now deactivates after your first down or hook, i'm not sure. That is enough of a downside imo

  • Member Posts: 66

    Ops, I did read NOED for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    no it shouldn't be a hex anymore or remove the self deactivation and it stay a hex.

  • Member Posts: 439

    Right now, even Call of Brine performs better in the long run, so the perk shouldn't be Hex anymore.

    I think, the perk would be better if it were passive with a ~60 second cooldown or something around those numbers after getting a hook. You know, it'd be strong, but weak if the killer gets to perform better. Basically, it'd serve as a tool to assist the killers when they're havin' a bad day.

    Another interesting thought to me was that it could still stay Hex, but working a bit differently; If the Hex totem gets blessed or cleansed, a random Dull totem (if there are any remaining Dull or blessed totems - Yes, it'd „overwrite blessed totems, but it shall prioritize Dull totems to avoid the unnecessary confusion and rage from the majority of the playerbase) will become Hex totem upon getting a total of ~3/4/5 hooks. Of course, we don't have to focus on downing or hooking, it could as well be just injuring, but in that case, the amount of required injuries for the Dull totem to become a Hex totem has to be increased to, at least, 6/8/10 or something alike.

    Oh, well.. I guess, I can only dream about such changes..

  • Member Posts: 6,797

    I don't see a reason why it should be a hex perk.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Ruin's nerf was unnecessary...but I didn't even like "New" Ruin anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

    If the perk is going to stay that way, there is no reason for it to remain a Hex.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    It should remain a Hex because it's a Hag perk and because it's the most iconic Hex. But yeah, it should not disable itself, that's a completely unnecessary overnerf. The regression reduction was already more than sufficient of a nerf to push the perk out of the meta, which was BHVR's goal, but the self-deactivation just pushes the perk into a territory where people don't even wanna use it in off-meta builds. IMO they could even increase the regression amount again, to like 1/3rd of a charge a second, the perk would still not regain ubiquity.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    In its current state, it should not be a hex. It's terrible.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    They need to revert the changes and keep it a Hex

    Or they could increase base Gen regression and think about Gen regression perks (yea all of them... even the ones that take away a % of progression)

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    As others have mentioned it will likely stay a Hex as it is one of Hag's perks. The effects can certainly be changed. It was a meta perk for a long time and I think this is just their way of encouraging you to try something else for now.

    There are many alternatives that make generator repair take a very long time as is being demonstrated to me each match I load into.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    This, if they tweak it I think they’d rather buff the regression to 150 to 200% and have it remain a Hex.

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