This game just isn't fun anymore. I stuck it out, it's still unfun, community liaisons ignore issues

It really sucks because I've put so many hours into this game, I truly was invested and enjoyed the game a lot. But after these recent changes the entire state of the game has just overall felt really really bad. Between waiting in the crazy long killer queue times, survivors just straight up killing themselves or DCing instantly in a match, or just how utterly terrible the solo queue experience has become, all of these problems are just compounding to a generally really unfun experience. Sure there were some unfun moments even before the patch dropped, but overall I've been finding myself logging off of DBD just feeling really bad rather than good much more often now. I've been taking more breaks from DBD to play other games and reset, but the second I come back to play a match it's right back to that awful feeling.
We've been told BHVR wont do knee jerk reactions, but can you even at least acknowledge any of these issues at all? Can you even give us hope that things are in work to improve the game overall? nope....
We bring up that there's obviously a root cause issue with DBD that's causing players to not want to play survivor, and that BloodPoint incentives only mask a problem....and we are given the answer that "well it's a 4v1 game so that's why there are a lack of survivors"....without even acknowledging the fact that killer queues were not even close to the amount of time before as they are now. There IS a root cause problem with the survivor side and it's NOT just because it's a 4v1 game or the attitude of survivors playing it, it's just straight up ignorance to pretend there isn't a problem causing all of this that can be changed.
We bring up that Solo queue is awful even before the patch dropped with all the changes, and now despite it being even worse now, we are given an update that says no solo queue QoL changes will be coming for a full freaking year?! Seriously?! We are just going to completely ignore the thousands of individual feedback we received highlighting this as a major issue and put it on the backburner for a full
We bring up that hackers are completely out of control and are running unchecked all over the place, and what do we get, Fog Whisperers get the DC penalty, thanks, I'm glad the problem was addressed for the .0001% of the total community and not for the majority of people who actually play the game. And what about the rest of the streamers who advertise your game on twitch that are not fog whisperers? You're just going to completely ignore them despite all the promoting they've done for your game over the years?
What exactly is the point of having Fog Whisperers and community liaisons for this game if none of the suggestions and issues the community is bringing up are even being addressed with us and the DEVs in the slightest. Enough is enough, I'm sorry Mandy and Peanits, I do appreciate the active part you take in the DBD community, but your answers and service you've provided to the community lately have felt more like "We know better than you" rather than a "We want to listen and relay that feedback" approach.
Again, I love DBD and really do appreciate my experience I've had up until this point, and I hope things do change for the better, I wouldn't be complaining about any of this if I didn't really care about the game.
I love, or should say loved, the game. And I'm about ready to move on. I'm down to a few games every week now on each side.
Balancing around the less skilled players is never the right move. If they wanted to dial back some aspects of survivor, I can see that. But balancing around less skilled killer players wasn't the way to go. I can't speak for everyone's experience, but my kill rates weren't low before the recent update, and my MMR was above the cap aside from 3 killers. It wasn't as if this was an MMR issue leading to me having high kill rates. I simply wasn't running into these high MMR boogeymen everyone claimed to see every other game. And I'm still not.
So where were these low kill rates happening and why? It's a skill issue. And when you balance around a skill issue, you make the game unrewarding for the other side. That's what we're seeing right now, particularly in solo queue. There are so many instances of this between the overtuned slowdowns that are no longer predicated on success and bad matchmaking with teammates. Your good plays feel like they simply don't matter. If it takes the killer 15-20 minutes to 4k, they have no business winning that game. They've been outplayed if the game is taking that long.
And there's a strangely antagonistic way the devs are addressing the grind issue. They simply refuse to address it fully. I can't recall a developer being like this with a successful game. I look at the way SE/Yoshi handle FF14. When players aren't finding something fun en masse, they admit defeat and change it for the most part. There's no sense in being stubborn about something so stupid.
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I don't blame anyone wanting to quit I like to but to some like myself this game like a drug.
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Eh what can we expect... bhvr has been so out of touch what direction they are taking the game in.
They have balanced around bad survivors for so long then one small patch that barely buffed killer and people have lost their minds.
The devs are just so slow on fixing anything or putting things into the game that make for better health.
We still have a bad SBMM system, killers still tunnel because theres no punishment or reward for not doing it, its actually smarter to tunnel even if it's not a fun gameplay.
Simple Quality of life changes that haven't been added or take so long to be addressed.
I do still enjoy the game, I dont see any issues after the patch balance wise as it's still survivor sided but everything is so slow and the cheater/hacker issues atm are killer it fast for me
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If the game is still survivor sided for you after the patch I think it might be a you problem.
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If THIS was enough to go from loving the game to not wanting to play it, I honestly believe you were lying to yourself and you should be thanking the patch for allowing you to come to your senses and move on. The game BARELY changed, bro. These were minimalist meta shifts.
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Biggest issue the game had, was that it was balanced around casual surivor gameplay. Which made killer extremely stressful. Now the patch changed that a bit towards equalitly and survivors are freaking out how unfun the game is. Well newsflash, thats how killers felt for 5 years.
But instead of adapting, or "gitting gud" how survivors always preached when killers complained, they just give up on the smallest inconvenience. Which ruins the game for everyone else.
*claps slowly*
The people that don´t enjoy the game currently, should just take a break instead of sabotaging the game for everyone else.
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No I'm just not a baby survivor crying over a 0.3 buff.
Yes killers run slow down and have longer gens but they lost the good actual regression perks.
If you can actually play at a high level its survivor sided, I dont judge the game off bad players sorry I dont see the point.
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If you don't see how the game is still survivor sided that's definitely a you problem. As long as survivors have a modicum of efficiency, map knowledge, and looping skill the advantage is in their favor.
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Its because hes very casual, he thinks weak killers like freddy are strong. While hes allowed his own opinion when everyone actually plays at a good level it still leans on the survivors side.
People see one patch buffing killers and call the game killer sided, I still win most of my survivor games even as a solo, but careful we cant talk like this because we magically become killer mains
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I'm very casual with my 6k hours and playing cross off PC on EU servers.
Edit: Where did I say Freddy is strong? Could you quote me on that? Because I main both freddy and pig and never said that.
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Yes you are casual, you can try and say you arent but I can see your past posts what you call OP and what you complain about...
Saying weak killers are OP or some perk combinations are too strong just highlights that you are casual.. I'm pretty sure you hated pain/deadman combo which no high level player cared about.
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What did I say is OP then?
When did I call a weak killer OP?
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Please explain how this game is solo q survivor sided.
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We have been through this MANY TIMES on SO MANY different topics... oh look heres you defending old DH
The fact you thought old DH was an acceptable state shows you either have no understanding or dont play at a high enough level to where it's used to an unfair level.
Your history is filled with this kind of stuff from calling we killers OP to unbalanced things fine because it's on the survivors side.
I will not go through all your posts and comments every time to prove this to you and everyone else.
You are allowed your opinion, but you are not at the higher level. And the higher the level you go the more it goes survivor sided.
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You're quick to move those goalposts, aren't ya?
This is what people fail to realize: just because you are solo it doesn't mean the other 3 players are.
And if as a solo q player you refuse to use perks and items that give you info on the killer, teammates, and/or generators then the trouble you have winning is your own fault. It doesn't matter if solo q "should" have access to info like SWF, the reality is they don't. You have to deal with that being the reality and play accordingly.
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true but other then 90sec gen and killer basekit buffs(why do people keep forgetting about that)
but what killing it for me is the new grind and the less PB gain.
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Yes I defended old dead hard, which I didnt use. Where is the part where I said that Freddy is OP? Where did I call weak killers OP?
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Survivors included solo q, so by you saying the game is survivor sided, you're also saying that the game is solo q sided.
"you refuse to use". Kindred and Bond have been on my build for more than a year now.
"It is what it is", was basically your response. Lazy.
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He means the game plays the same, while gens take longer and killers will use slowdown it results in basically the same outcome as 80second gens with the old gen regression.
Biggest changes was the DH and DS (because no one runs it anymore). I would say tunneling is an issue same as badly matched games but that's not a patch issue
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They just don't mention those because it's just easier to say survivors are bad because they cant use dead hard anymore.
If they don't acknowledge all the other buffs killer got basekit, it makes them feel better at the game then they actually are.
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Fully agree with this. I play both survivor and killer roles, and it’s clear that a lot of the people complaining about this update have not played killer at all or play it rarely at best. Killer was miserable for a long time unless you played the top tier killers with the best add-ons. Now it’s a bit more balanced and has made the non-top-tier killers more viable. Even with these changes, broken maps have not been addressed and SWF with comms still provides a massive advantage for survivors.
I play solo q survivor and like others have said, not much has changed between before and after the update. I still get some bad matches with bad teammates and the matchmaking is still terrible, but on the flip side I’m still getting enough fun matches to make it enjoyable to play.
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I never used deadhard and only used DS sometime almost never but deadhard was a needed nerf and DS not working for endgame was good but 3sec stun was over nerf for DS hell selfcare nerf was also dumb.
I mean which this patch there was a lot of good changes but also a lot of dumb ones
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someone who never used deadhard it was needed nerf and buff killer got was great but solo need something anything
like kindred basekit that maybe doesn't show killer but shows who going for save something.
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Oh I always use DH, still do lol.
But yeah alot of changes made no sense like DS,Pharmacy and even the bloodlust changes.
For the most part it was good though, some perks was definitely gutted like ruin or DS but there are definitely people over reacting about it. I'd argue it's the most balanced it has been overall but some base issues still remain like bad teammates (sbmm issue) and tunneling (no punishment/reward to discourage it)
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I quite thoroughly enjoy the soloq experience.
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"It is what it is" wasn't my response at all lmao. There's a difference in adapting to the reality of a situation and giving up on being able to change the situation. "It is what it is" means giving up on changing it and I never addressed whether or not solo q could or should be improved, only that their information isn't near the same level as SWF.
As for your first point, "survivor" is a general term that includes SWF and solo, but you made no distinction between SWF and solo until you needed to in order to favor your own argument. The game is always tilted in the survivor's favor. It all depends on their skill level and ability to use those advantages. A 4 man SWF that's overly altruistic and ignores gens gives up all of their advantages and basically gives the win to the killer. However a 4 man solo team where the survivors understand to do gens unless they absolutely have to do something else, make safe rescues, stay healed, and not greed for pallets and vaults still has an advantage over the killer.
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no I'm David main hate the perk I was one that would deadhard into wall not worked for me but I also don't like Exhausted perks why I don't use them.
they fix the MM and BP gain and the emblem system pipping de pipping I be happy
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Oh that's fair lol, I'm more of the "sweaty" one DH perfectly as the killer swings but I mainly used it because everyone else did and I wasnt gonna make both roles harder for myself
But yeah I'd like a better SBMM, escapes dont show skill at all and I'd even argue kills arent the best either. And yeah I dont get why the grind is still bad, gonna take awhile to get p6 wesker. I made a whole quality of life post if you wanna comment on it any changes you want (if the devs ever look at it) got some nice changes suggested in there from me and others
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Honestly I'm really bored with the game too right now - it's probably just me being burned out because I have played so much. I'm finding myself not playing as much as usual anymore and don't have that much fun when I do play.
I don't think I'll quit but I'll probably have a break soon - maybe - I am addicted, so.
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This game will never be truly balanced for one simple reason: there are too many variables in any given match that determine the outcome.
In one match, there are all the following variables at hand:
- Killer skill/MMR
- Specific killer and their specific power/abilities
- The skill/MMR of four, individual survivors
- Map size/number of pallets and loops
- Four different perks for killer
- A combination of 16 different perks between all four survivors
For these reasons, no matter what BHVR do to 'balance' the game, someone will still have something negative to say about it. Look at the recent patch; don't get me wrong, there are aspects of it that are terrible, but other aspects are good. That whole patch was delivered as a direct response to consistent feedback from the community (the killer hatred of DH, survivors hatred of NOED/Ruin, base-kit BT, etc.). Like I said, BHVR is by no means perfect, but I think it's disingenuous to say they don't listen to feedback or try and keep their players happy.
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maybe just link me
the grind what killing me right now on playing I had all killers and survivors P3 with some I put point in after I P3 lvl 50 them just feels like I wasted a lot of BP now tho I have all perks Yay tho on some I already had all perks.
they need to let us sale back some of the crappy offering item and add on we never use now.
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Yes, some of the most absurd comments come from people that only play one side and now think that the game is unplayable. They were carried more by perks than actual skill. The patch just took a step into getting more balanced for both sides. Survivor meta hasn´t changed in 4 years. The meta was boring. Survivors felt forced to equip certain perks. The patch was necesary, so people don´t feel bad for not using the meta perk.
Hell, there are already survivors out there, that use the new DH more efficiently than the old one. Or that have found amazing combos that are more fun than the old meta. But those perks never had the chance to shine. Until now.
7 - here the link, dont have to though completely optional
And yeah I'm not a fan of it, luckily I never prestiged anyone and straight after the patch everyone was p6 so I got all perks and prestige cosmetics. But I'd definitely love the ability to sell stuff even at a smaller value, so much BP is wasted on stuff I'll never use or be able to use them all (the thousands of brown BP offerings for example lol)
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posted my idea will it happen how dev are I don't think so were going to have 1000 of offering,add on,items
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Yeah that is my concern, but I cant help but try help improve the game by dropping suggestions lol
And yeah wouldn't surprise me, I already have hundreds of brown BP offerings on everyone what's another thousand haha
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Yeah, the game is in a pretty miserable state right now. I booted it back up yesterday so I'd finish the rift (can't waste those $10), but I don't see myself playing long after that. The issues that got me frustrated enough to turn DBD off are still there.
The game desperately needs to touch up solo queue. I don't know what else there is to say. Yes, the game was and still is (although less severely) survivor sided at high level gameplay, particularly when comms got involved. When optimally run, survivors have enough resources on nearly all maps to outlast any non-Nurse killer. But killer has always sat on a pendulum between SWF and solo, and if either of the two end up on par with each other, the third stomps or gets stomped. Right now, killer is in a better spot to deal with an average comms SWF (not talking tournament-tier players, but competent) than it's been for the entirety of my time playing DBD, and that's a good thing... but it also means solo is SOL. And barring two weirdly good days in which I started to have hope things were evening out, that has been the entirety of my experience since 6.1 dropped.
Right now, I can't play three survivor games without hating somebody I'm in the game with and that's just not an enjoyable mindset to play DBD with. I can't afford my teammates' mistakes anymore and I have immense spite for their constant ragequitting, and I'm fed up with killers that are still camping and tunneling the snot out of players they already had a colossal advantage over, more than I ever hated the strategy before. Killer queues are still too long for me to want to bother with and half the games turn into farms after someone immediately suicides and I have no choice but to sympathize with the other end of the ######### I've been putting up with on survivor. The entire situation is too frustrating to be fun, and it's seriously the first time I've ever felt like this so universally in my 3k hours of playing.
Solo queue needs information buffs, ragequitting needs to be examined (to some extent, it can be tracked internally), and matchmaking criteria needs to improve so that it doesn't think you're trash because you had five games back to back where someone killed themselves on hook at 5 gens. Nor can you afford any newbies on your team; low MMR is an inescapable pit right now if you're in solo queue.
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If it isn't an attitude problem, why were survivors D/Cing before the killer even had a chance to hook a single person literally an hour after the patch dropped? People were posting "I've played this game for 4k hours now I'm quitting." the day of the patch. People were acting like patch 6.1 is the final DbD patch that would ever be released.
For me the D/Cing and killer queue time was horrible at first but after a few days it went back to normal(ish). My killer and survivor queue times seem pretty even now, which I would say is an improvement.
If I were you, I would just take a break for a bit. While the dev team may not be as open about whatever problems you see (what you are actually complaining about isn't very clear by the way) they were very clear that they intended for this patch to increase kill rates because they didn't think they were high enough. If the changes increased them too much then they will adjust in future patches.
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listen... just be quiet and buy the new skins. everything is fine 🤡
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That's not such great of a solution when you consider that killer queue times are already not in a good spot.
It really just isn't about survivors having to get better. The killer buffs were all great, but they caused some issues that really need to be fixed. Certain slowdown perks on top of 90 second gens just are a bit much for example.
Mots importantly though, camping and tunneling has just become even more effective, and insufferable to go against. That's one of DBD's biggest problems right now, that and maybe solo queue survivors in general not having a fair amount of information to work with.
Camping and tunneling need to be addressed as soon as possible, it's definitely not a problem about survivors not "getting good". Who the hell wants to play against camping and tunneling killers? No one really.
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The game wasn't balanced around casual survivors. The game was balanced around casual at all. Not its just balanced around crybaby killers. Playing killer before was a skill issue now its so stupid that characters don't play different at all.
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me being guilty when project W drops :((
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I have to agree. I have 7500 hours in DBD. I am not even burned out, I really like the game or better - I want to like it.
But the times where it becomes frustrating are more and more. Two weeks ago I was not able to play at all, because I was too busy (getting back home late and having to leave very early resulted in valuing sleep over gaming) and I did not miss the game.
And afterwards there were some of the most frustrating days of playing DBD. And currently, it is basically on/off if DBD is fun or not. Yesterday was alright, today was terrible. First game having a 4 Slowdown-Nurse (at least no Range Add Ons tho) followed by a 4 Slowdown-Blight with strong Add Ons. And Killers like that should not have access to 4 Slowdowns, especially because the Blight was always coming back to the Hook every 15 seconds.
Then I got tunneled two times by a Dredge and a Wraith. Both of them were not good, but the Devs made tunneling and camping super-easy. Like, players complain about Survivors having so many second chances, but if my second changes resolve around Endurance and I can only get one Endurance-effect, it does not matter that there is a Basekit Endurance, BT from the unhooking Survivor and OTR on my end. One hit and all of them are gone. Not saying that they should stack, but it makes tunneling pretty easy.
But I do have to say that I am quite excited about the RE-Content, since I like Resident Evil as a Franchise and I also really liked Nemesis in DBD, one of my favorite Killers to play.
However, really thinking of cutting down on that DBD-Time to not play every evening. Because the game does suck at the moment and the Devs seem to be completely out of touch with their community. And I also dont think that feedback is even appreciated.
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You’ve raised an excellent point about the increased efficiency of tunneling & I just want to acknowledge that. The stacking effect of Endurance was altered following the last PTB, but the anti-tunneling/camping changes weren’t bolstered to address the inadvertent boost those play styles received.
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I'll admit, I haven't been having hardly any fun with the game this past week. I can't quite put my finger on why, and I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly is bothering me. A lot of the time it feels like I lose 3 gens before my first down, with nothing I could do to prevent it. Other times it feels like I can never down or commit to anyone because they run to far corners of the map or force me to chase forever. It just feels like I'm losing control of everything, and it's stressful without being worthwhile. I hate to be like this, and I'm not blaming anyone or claiming that I know what's wrong with the game. I'm just not having fun anymore.
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As an altruistic survivor, all I can say for now is: play a bit more selfishly. Because everyone else is. I'm still enjoying my games for the most part but the concept of teamwork seems to have gone out the window in alot of my games since the update. I'm feeling alot more on my own than as part of a team.
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First of all. Killer queues are roughly at how survivor queues were before the patch (at worst 5 minutes). So by your logic, killer was in a terrible spot and no one wanted to play killer.
Now in regard of camping and tunneling. Survivors received a basekit buff against tunneling + BT buff + OtR buff. Those are very strong buffs, so i really don´t know why you think those things haven´t been addressed and claim that the devs didn´t do something about it.
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Thank you for confirming that playing survivor now is a skill issue.
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Behavior is doing their best, survivors are playing awfully, not even using kindred, running around hook when killer camps, playing awfully. Behavior needs to buff killers a bit more regarding addons, survs just need to make kindred meta, simple. Stop complaining and being salty. Be a better person by relaxing about a game that is not even close to being bad like other awful games.
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The biggest issue for me this patch is the leaning away from fun. They increased m1 time and reduced chase time. That's it in a nutshell. Is it possible to win as survivor, of course. Is it as much fun? I think most survivors agree that something has been lost in the fun. And as much as killers want to scream git gud, or get over dead hard, most survivors aren't complaining about that strawman argument.
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The basekit buff is not powerful. 5 seconds is no guarantee you reach anything and can be effectively waited out and even partially bodyblocked by the killer. OTR or a teammate with BT is still a hard necessity. The only situations where I've observed the 5s BT being really powerful is versus Hag, Plague with Corrupt Purge, Pyramid Head going for a PoTD on the hook, or killers that can't count and hit someone despite knowing it's going to be an endurance hit. On the killer games I've played, I've had zero problems dealing with it.
OTR is a massive buff and a new top-of-the-line meta perk, but it just replaced DS's spot, and having to rely on perks to mitigate being tunneled out of the game does not fix anything from how it was before. That was ostensibly the situation they were trying to fix, and I'd say they failed at that. Survivors still feel the need to bring an anti-tunnel perk in their loadouts due to the ease, effectiveness, and prevalence of the strategy.
So. The devs did something about tunneling, but it's pretty damn little unless you're hooked next to a window or pallet, and honestly I felt the old system where you could count on everyone to have BT was a better environment to play in; 12s is far more of a chance to reach something than 5s and OTR is a necessity because most people don't run BT anymore despite its improved power (because unlike with DS, it doesn't 'stack' with the anti-tunnel perk people currently run.) Meanwhile, camping is even stronger than it was before thanks to increased gen times and how much more difficult hook trades are with reduced hit cooldown.
If the idea was to 'fix' camping and tunneling, decrease the viability/payout of the strategy, or remove anti-tunnel perks from the top pick rates, there's still a lot more work to do. I have not seen a reduction of the use or effectiveness of either.
I mean, if we're going to be perfectly fair here, you have to realize that a really long chase is exactly as much fun for the survivor as it is frustration for the killer. Running in circles around a series of pallets for two minutes is rarely fun for the killer, and in that regard, the patch improved fun. Fun is a bit of a zero-sum game where asymmetry is concerned.