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The Grind

gregbydaylight Member Posts: 19

This is just some constructive criticism I have.

Okay so I'll try to keep this short but explain as much as I can. I personally feel like the grind is more annoying. It used to be get to level 40 with a character and all their perks would show up for the rest in bloodwebs. Many people just got to level 50 with a character and they were good.

Now to get all perks for a character you need to get them to Prestiege 3. Not to mention spending 20k BP to prestiege and also finish off Level 50 which we didn't have to do before which is like an extra 50k.

Look for players that have been around for years and finished off many characters I'm sure immediately having every perk for a new character is nice. But for newer players or even ones that have been around for over a year this just makes the grind worse. Maybe if we got a character to prestiege 1 and than their perks started showing up in other survivors bloodwebs would make it easier as than we won't have to prestiege 3 everyone just because they have 1 perk we want.

This is just a suggestion so if anyone has any better ideas please let me know.