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PC - Previewing cosmetics in Store is bugged

crystalkitti Member Posts: 394

Seems like any time I try to preview a cosmetic (a single piece, not a whole outfit), it shows that piece, but all the others are reset to default. It's only for the preview, and it doesn't actually re-equip the default cosmetic.

Happens for both Survivors and Killers.

16 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Yes. Got this too.

  • Jashton
    Jashton Member Posts: 3

    Same. I really like to try on individual items in the store to see how they fit with my current items before buying. Would really appreciate this being fixed please.

  • Shadowhell7
    Shadowhell7 Member Posts: 2

    I'm having this issue on PS5 as well. It's too distracting seeing the base stuff when I check out specific items and I can't bring myself to buy anything if it's not going to fit my usual head 😅

  • spliffysands
    spliffysands Member Posts: 54

    Still not fixed.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    Mixing and matching was basically the only reason I ever bought cosmetics. I for one won't buy any without fist being able to make sure they match, so I hope this isn't an intended change by BHVR in the way of "buy to try" rather than "try & buy".