Just went into a solo queue match since the update dropped

Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Wow. You guys were not kidding @Marigoria @deKlaw_04 it is almost unplayable. 😳

I knew it had to be somewhat bad because even playing SWF with my friends the games definitely have felt slower for sure. Especially with people still adapting to the new same scummy tactics meanwhile having much more limited perk resources.


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
    edited August 2022

    Those are actually some really great ideas Mazoobi!

    Honestly, I am not sure why some of those things didn't make it with this last patch. I think it would have remedy some of the current frustrations. I have always been a believer that solo Q could still be good if the teammates were competent, but this new patch seems to have brought the worst in some players. Buffs? Ok let's camp/tunnel more and stack even more slow down perks of the same effect. 😂

    I went ahead and commented to bump your post. :)

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,808

    I think it's the lower MMR solo queue that is more miserable. I've found that as you move up, your teammates get better, and the games are generally more balanced. After losing too many and you get stuck in MMR hell, things are their absolute worst. Also I think that camping/tunneling are more common in the lower end and the very high end, but not so much in the middle.

    Like you, games have felt pretty much the same, on balance. The only exception was a 2 day stretch where I was in casual mode and lost several in a row and ended up in MMR hell and had to sweat my way back out.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,077
    edited August 2022

    Maybe the years of solo queue has desensitized me to dying all the time but I'm actually pretty happy with that last patch and where it put Solo Queue.

    While there are certainly things that could make it better and more in line with SWF (specifically those icons that were supposedly in development at one time but evidently they've changed their mind or something), I like the much more difficult survival in the current state of the game. I can go up against M1 killers and actually feel somewhat threatened and escaping actually feels like I accomplished something now instead of just stomping some baby killer.

    Campers are still a major problem but campers were a major problem pre-patch too and I've yet to hear a suggestion that I didn't think was either easy to abuse by survivors, unfair to killers whose only option is to camp at the time, or both.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    I mean, you can stomp a baby killer whether they are a Nurse or a Trapper.

    I think my problem is that this update has made the game more stale. There isn't really anything that stands out as "threat" is more like we know you suck at chases but now you have more time to end a chase and have your hand held. Not to mention it has overbuffed killers with high mobility and also made it more of a chore to play survivor. The game for me has lost a lot of it's casualness.

  • Zmue
    Zmue Member Posts: 11

    Started playing SoloQ since the patch, it's not that bad. Objectives are boring though.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,499

    Thank you! I appreciate it!

    And yes I agree, this patch definitely brought the worse in many players. Solo Q just ain't it right now.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,077

    Baby killer was probably the wrong word. I should have stuck with M1 killer :D

    I don't think your complaint is invalid, it's more about what you want out of the game. For me, I like the more...competitive for lack of a better term edge that the update gave the game. I feel like surviving should be rare in a game like this and the only reason you do so is because either the killer is actually a baby killer (in which case, they shouldn't be playing against me but this MMR is goofy sometimes) or because I actually played very well.

    There is absolutely work to be done still as there are some perks that are heavily stacked against the solo queue player (something like Overcharge sucks for Solo because you have no way to communicate to others what's going on so you might get a gen almost done, have it get Overcharged, and lose everything just because you couldn't tell anyone to go tap that gen while you were hanging around on the hook) but personally I like the direction the patch took the game in. But I can understand why others may not, especially if you prefer the more casual nature the game had.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 402

    For solo queue bring clairvoyance and a key and be ultra stealthy, before the first gen pops all 3 of your teammates will be on death hook and you can wait for hatch. Happens almost every round for me but this tactic has a high success rate. Ofc I still play normally and do gens/ go for saves at first but all my rounds end up snowballing at 5-4 gens.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,163

    In high mmr you have to tunnel/camp basically if you're not playing nurse or blight. Good survivors still do the gens fast and can loop well. In middle mmr I think tunneling or camping is less common because they're not needed. Super tunneling ofcourse is more rare in high mmr where you focus on one survivor and ignore rest of them. You can usually down and hook other survivors but you have to priorisate that you target one survivor bit more.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,163

    Some buffs were not needed camping and tunneling got unneccesary buffs and also 3 gen situation takes so long now. Some killers now keep your hostage defending it right at the start of the match. In soloQ that is horrible experience I had match like that and I worked to avoid it but killer chased me away kicked the gen and got me down. When I went back there gen had lost all it progress. We worked on 2 gens and killer just defending them like crazy. then about 25 minutes after that and finally got last one done. 3rd gen was between them so no reason to even try to fix it. We got 3 man out and he got one lucky kill at exit gate. My solo teammates were too scared to help me bodyblock.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,773

    It's pretty unbearable to people farming you because hue hue 5 second borrowed time to people insta killing themselves no matter what situation

    I keep getting games where my teammates get downed more then doing gens then I can basically only save and then before I know the game is over

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707
  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2022

    They wouldnt have buffed the killers if there wasnt an actual issue with the kill rates so yeah im sure the biggest problem still lies on the survivors themselfs and not leaning against very strong perks like DH and endgame DS.

    Dcs and insta rage quits are the biggest issue for me not the fact that killers are playing well. I still see survivors that can loop even good killers very well while others do gens and dont hide in corners. Usually these matches end 3-4 survivors getting out of the matches.

    Also the fact that you say going against a good killer is not fun just tells me all i need to know... I love going against good killers that dont lean on tunneling and camping anyone but kill survivors with their actual skill. I dont mind losing at all to them and i always give them props at the endgame chat

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 939
    edited August 2022

    Yeah 😴 last paragraph is funny pretty sure you rarely touch solo Q, tunneling is still the best way to win for good or bad killers it doesn't matter, it's at an all time high right now because it's easy, effective and DS is dead, the game rewards it massively

    if you enjoy solo Q good for you but some things need to be fixed it has nothing to do with DCs

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I can tell to to take your posts with a grain of salt as soon as you use the term "entitled survivors". No bias there!

    I played 3 matches last night (as I posted in this thread) and every Killer camped and tunneled at 4-5 gens. The D/Cing in my matches is usually a reaction to being hooked, and having the Killer camp and tunnel them down immediately. It's out of exasperation.

    Are there survivors that D/C for stupid reasons? Like being downed first? Sure, I've seen that too. Everyone has. But in the vast majority of Solo Q games, people D/C because the Killer is playing like a scumbag and people are sick and tired of it. It's a symptom of an underlying problem.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,160

    I call people who dc and leave 3 other teammates to hang entitled cause it is pretty damn selfish to just leave and dc because something doesnt please you in the match.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
    edited August 2022

    That is your opinion about someone, which is not needed here.

    Move on to the next thread. Thanks.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,653

    Been on a bit of a streak today, but haven't been pulling much weight due to 'Tomies.'

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,434

    You don't need to be in a vacuum. Every thread I have looked at since joining the forums he has been there saying completely survivor sided things. I'm all for balance, but one sided opinions in a vacuum is bad.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
    edited August 2022

    I understand but I can vouch for them that they are not one sided. In fact there are things they and I don't agree with, specifically where SWF vs SoloQ is concerned. Which is what prompted my initial post to begin with. (Hence why I tagged them)

    I just don't appreciate when people are making half-way trollish posts about someone, especially when it doesn't add anything to the conversation.

    Regardless of which side people might sound like they "side" with. It's just not a good look to attack someone simply because of that opinion of them exists in your head.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,434

    You are @ing someone who I know is completely against the killer changes that pretty much only affect killers below S-tier outside of gen slowdown, im not sure about the other guy but you are essentially creating a vacuum depending on him. I am not "attacking him" nor am I trolling your posts. You essentially said "this patch is unplayable for survivors am I right guys who agree with me?"

    You don't have less resources they have simply changed. Unless you are going against iri tag blight/ nurse it is quite literally a skill issue. I am not discounting that mmr has been terrible for a descent amount of players since the patch dropped. But me as a blight player with extremely high mmr am going against survivors who are performing much better in every way just with a different meta, not because of there perks but because high mmr has shifted to the actual good survivors instead of the e,w, pre throw survivors. These survivors aren't just SWFS, they are also solo queue. Everyone except low mmr PLAYERS have been unaffected by these changes other than E survivors. This game and no game in general will every be balanced around low mmr, high mmr survivors are doing just fine with a few outliers. I do agree solo queue needs some information buffs but that is all.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,138

    Against fair play killers, thing is still okay. You dont spend time to search for Ruin/Undying anymore.

    Against killers who tunnel/camp... Just let them gain MMR and taste their own medicine from far better survivors.

    Anyway, I feel the gameplay is less depth than before. Killer could use Noed to punish gen rush survivors, survivors have more chance to gen rush against campers. Now, its all about Gen rush because you know it will be a 3K with hatch escape if killer downs someone early and decides to camp/tunnel.

    Its not about escaping, it was all about cheap playstyle from killers that got buffed with the patch. But again, let those taste their own medicine

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
    edited August 2022

    First off, just because I am tagging specific people doesn't mean that I am basing my own opinion entirely off of theirs. I have read some of their own opinions which align with some of the stuff I've experienced in Solo Queue. It doesn't need to go deeper than that.

    The reason I felt you were half-way trolling is because you only added their name and talking about how they are "the most survivor biased person on the forums". That one sentence was your first post, tell me how that doesn't sound like you are just trolling. Imagine if I went to a thread and tagged you and the only thing I said was "Sava the most biased killer player on the entire planet"... how would that even be remotely productive?

    You are welcome to view the changes as you wish. Survivors DO need more resources because the game is no longer what it used to be. Especially now with the new patch.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    Yea and that's the thing... in my honest opinion, the patch just made the game feel less fun in general. I am not saying it's less fun because there is no winning. It's just in solo queue, things were already bad but with the new patch it has amplified those frustrations.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,138

    I think survivors objective can extend longer, but not on Gen, they should go back to 80sec but add something else. Then further nerf Gen perks

    With many perks that affect Gen perk recently (better than new, hyper focus, and Haddie totem perk), its still possible to Gen rush.

    BUT I really think hook time should be extended to 90sec (3min for both hook stages instead of 2min) to punish campers, not with perk. Old DS should be basekit too, for tunnelers

    Should not use perks just to prevent camping,tunneling,gen rush

  • badrepo
    badrepo Member Posts: 93

    You described my experience on solo q the past 5 days