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Item Rework

Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89
edited August 2022 in Creations

With all the perks being reworked, I feel like the item system should also be changed.

The first thing is a item HUD, where the killer and other survivors can see what item/addons you have with an icon above or to the side of their name. (During pre-game)

This would help new killers learn what different items are and what they do.

Add a single character specific item or addon for each survivor, these items wont be overly game changing. Character specific items wont be able to be given to other survivors.

I feel like this would give reason to play a certain survivor other than looks.

Dwight Fairfield:

Heirloom Moonshine (Very Rare Toolbox Addon): Moonshine so high in proof it can be used as fuel.

Hold the Ability button while repairing a generator to boost progress by 25%. Using this ability considerably decreases the toolbox charge.

Meg Thomas:

Steroid Syringe (Ultra Rare Item): A quick cheat to winning any race.

Press the Use Item button and gain the haste status effect for 8 seconds. This item can be used once per trial. (15%+ Speed | 4.6m/s)

Claudette Morel:

Horsetail Extract (Very Rare Medkit Addon): Used to stop to stop bleeding, heal ulcers and wounds.

Press the Ability button while healing with a medkit to slow down the Deep Wound status effect by 75%.

Jake Park:

Makeshift Hook (Rare Toolbox Addon): A fake hook designed to trick the killer.

Press the Item Interactions button to replace the hook, when the killer goes to hook a survivor the hook breaks instantly and the survivor gains the Endurance status effect. (The survivor technically still gets hooked)

William "Bill" Overbeck:

Explosive Gnome (Ultra Rare Item): Chompski fitted with remote flash grenades.

Press and hold the use button to place Chompski, press the use button again to detonate it and blind anyone in it's vicinity.

Can only be used once.

Nea Karlson:

Spray Paint (Rare Item): Dirt colored spray paint.

Press and hold the Use button to spray the floor with fake scratch marks.

48 Charges.

David King:

Damson Gin (Uncommon Item): The more buzzed you get the less you feel.. and remember.

Press and hold the use button to drink, while drinking your exhausted status effect decreases faster.

6 Charges.

Laurie Strode:

Door Keys (Common Key Addon): The keys to the old Myers house. Can be attached to the Key using its jump ring to channel the Key's Aura-reading ability.

Allows you to read the aura of all breakable walls and doorways.

Ace Visconti:

Platinum Coin (Rare Key Addon): A shiny platinum coin won from a bet. Can be attached to the Key using its jump ring to channel the Key's Aura-reading ability.

Allows you to read the aura of all chests and dropped items.

Feng Min:

RGB Bulb (Ultra Rare Flashlight Addon): A bulb that fades into different colors.

Changes the color of the flashlights beam.

Increases the length and width of the beam by 30%.

Decreases the blindness duration by 8%.

Quentin Smith:

Awake Pills (Very Rare Item): Makes you feel alert and energetic when you feel tired and drowsy.

Press the Use button to take a pill.

Increased Aura reading distance by 35%.

Increases the killers terror radius by 25%. (Doesn't work for other survivors).

4 Charges.

Detective David Tapp:

Police Cuffs (Ultra Rare Item): Restrain the killers wrists with standard issue Police Cuffs.

Cuffing a killer will displease the Entity.

When the killer is stunned, press the Use button on him to extend his stun by 60%

The Entity strikes you with a Deep Wound when you do this.

Only 1 Charge.

Kate Denson:

Engraved Scratch Plate (Ultra Rare Key Addon): A miniature version of Kate Denson's scratch plate, can be attached to the Key using its jump ring that channels a reality altering ability.

Allows you to remove scratch marks when running.

Adam Francis:

Pocket Mirror (Very Rare Item): A small mirror typically used for makeup.

When the killer becomes undetectable, see the killers aura.

This item is automatically used.

8 Charges.

Jeff Johansen:

Homebrewed Beer (Uncommon Item): Homebrewed beer inside an aluminum flask.

When used, lose all status effects but gain the Hindered (8%) status effect.

8 Charges.

Jane Romeo:

Dark Green Makeup Kit (Rare Item): A swamp colored palette of makeup.

Press the Use button to hide your aura from the killer for 10 seconds.

Can be applied to other survivors. (Other survivors cant pick it up)

4 Charges.

Ashley J. Williams:

Ugly Necklace (Ultra Rare Item): A silver looking necklace with a magnifying glass on it.

When downed, press the Ability button to activate a cooldown on a killers Power.

Activates every bear trap, removes every Blackened Catalyst, closes every Portal, etc.

1 Charge.

Yui Kimura:

Motorcycle Paths (Very Rare Map Addon): Shows a list of dirt roads for motorcycles. Enhances the maps aura-reading ability.

Allows you to see the killers scratch marks.

Zarina Kassir:

Film Camera (Very Rare Addon): An old Film Camera used to record and take pictures. Compatible with Flashlight addons.

Press the Use button to emit one quick flash of light from the camera that instantly blinds the killer.

Has a short cooldown of 2 seconds.

8 Charges.

Cheryl Mason:

Beef Jerky (Rare Item): Processed, dried meat. Sometimes it's just enough to distract monsters.

Press the Use button to make a loud noise notification where you stand.

Hides your scratch marks for 4 seconds.

Can be used 4 times.

Felix Richter:

Wood Planks (Ultra Rare Toolbox Addon): Wood planks the exact length of doorways.

Press the Use button beside a doorway to board it off.

Takes 10 seconds to set up.

Uses 16 charges.

Elodie Rakoto:

Tealight Candle (Rare Item): "To soothe her mind, her grandma would light a tea candle and tell her stories"

Press the Use button to lower everyone's screams and grunts of pain by 70% in a 16 meter radius.

42 Charges

Yun-Jin Lee:

I couldn't think of anything.

Jill Valentine

Lockpick (Common Item): You can unlock the simple locks with this.

Press the Item Interactions button next to a chest to unlock it 50% faster.

6 Charges. (One chest takes 3)

Leon S. Kennedy

Flash Bang (Uncommon Item): Can be used as a distraction of blinding device.

Can be used as a distraction of blinding device.

  • Detonates with a loud bang and flashing lights:
  • Creates a Loud Noise Notification.

The Flash Grenade has 1 Charge.

Mikaela Reid

Shadow Crystal (Very Rare Item): A dark mystical Crystal that keeps whispering.

When used, see the aura of all crows. 0.5 charges per second.

When a crow is startled, gain a 4% haste effect for 5 seconds. (Uses 3 charges)

24 Charges

Jonah Vasquez

Notepad (Rare Toolbox Addon): A notepad with equations written on every page.

Increases repair speed of the toolbox by 15%.

Increases sabotage speed of the toolbox by 15%.

Shows the aura of anyone who misses a skill check for 4 seconds.

Yoichi Asakawa

Curse Bond (Very Rare Offering): A supernatural bond with the killer.

At the start of the trial, see the killers aura for 4 seconds.


Haddie Kaur

Spirit Radar (Rare Item): Makes beeping noises when it detects the supernatural.

Press the Use button to activate the Spirit Radar. It will beep when the killer is close by.

Leave a comment if you have any thoughts or you like the idea of survivors having unique items/addons/offerings.

Post edited by Ivory_Partnaite on


  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Moonshine is just a better BNP if I'm reading it correctly, not sure how I feel about that being paired WITH BNP.

    Steroid is fine. It's a one time use and it's basically a weaker form of Sprint Burst that doesn't exhaust.

    I'm not sure what "slow down" on Horsetail means but if you mean it takes longer to bleed out...mending usually isn't that hard to do. Seems a bit unnecessary.

    I'm gonna assume you meant the Endurance status effect. So the killer tries to hook the survivor, it breaks and they run away with the endurance effect but do they still take a hook state in damage? If not, then that's a pretty strong addon. If not, eh.

    Gnome is just a flashbang or firecracker but as a trap. Sounds okay.

    Spray Paint sounds like it would be a really funny item, I like it. Might even want it as a general survivor item.

    I fear the Gin. I don't want the Gin.

    Door Keys is bleh, not really worth it.

    Platinum Coin seems alright but I feel like if you're going chest hunting, Plunder's Instinct is already there for you to use.

    RGB Light sounds funny but I'm not sure what's ultra rare about it. Maybe rare or very rare but I usually think of something a bit stronger when I hear Ultra Rare.

    I would probably just slap on a static bonus to the aura reading and killer terror radius increase, maybe like 8 meters for both?

    Police Cuffs turns pallet stuns into 3 seconds stuns and the stun perks into 4 second stuns. Feels a bit nasty but I'm not sure if the deep wound is necessary here. But it's better to be safe than sorry

    Engraved Scratch Plate doesn't really seem all that appealing? Most people would prefer being able to see the killer's aura than remove their own scratch marks, so it doesn't really compare with stuff like Blood Amber.

    "When the killer can not be detected by auras, detect their aura!" is just really funny. I know you probably meant to bypass it but it seems a bit situational. It depends on how long the bypassing aura reveal is.

    8% hindered blows because it's one of the most punishing debuffs outside of Incapacitated (which can't be cured because it blocks using items). Depends on the overall duration of the hindered but eh.

    The makeup kit is just fine.

    The ugly necklace just feels too punishing for the mere crime of the killer downing you. I would probably make it something akin to "the killer gets hindered for X seconds and stunned for X seconds" instead of spitting on set up powers.

    Killer scratch marks is a unique concept but it would only matter on stealth killers (which aren't super common) since killers tend to have this thing called a Terror Radius. You already tend to know where they are.

    Film Camera is a nice side grade to a flashlight. I'm fine with it.

    Where you stand just means you're attracting attention to where you are right now. I would at least have it be delayed (4-5 seconds so you can run away) or you can throw it.

    A breakable wall you can set up in exchange for a lot of charge sounds pretty okay. Makes some loops stronger, I think it's fine.

    Ehhh, you might as well make them silent since it's in a very limited range and it has limited charges for the tea one.

    Chests don't require that long to open. Honestly, it's the fact they make a ######### ton of noise that makes them a gamble to mess with. If it also make opening them silent, it would be a good item.

    Flashbang is literally just flashbang, moving along.

    Seeing the aura of crows is not really worth it in the slightest but getting a minor speed boost during chases is actually neat, even if where you get the boosts are a bit random.

    Notepad is just an overall good addon. You could probably make it general and it would be fine.

    Curse Bond is also good.

    Spirit Radar, again, only matters if the killer has undetectable since the terror radius is a thing.