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Tunneling is getting out of control

Member Posts: 3,611

Literally half of my matches tonight were full of tunneling and camping killers. I had a match where a Pig tunneled me for 4 gens, with an active trap on my head. She waited out the laughable 5 second BT every time.

Please just revert the DS stun to 5 seconds so survivors can actually have a chance against this tunneling nonsense.

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  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I mean, not really. Usually when I go against Pigs they're good, but they don't tunnel. The Pig that I recently went against had many opportunities to grab survivors off of gens and pressure gens, but she chose to tunnel me all game. Plus I had an active trap on, so she was kind of being counter productive with her power. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

  • Member Posts: 524

    nah just probably your interpretation for camping or tunneling is way too broad so you blame that in each game

  • Member Posts: 10,130

    5-second DS wouldn't have saved you there, btw. Neither would 2 DS's. The only chance you have against Pig there is for your team to do 5 gens, all leave, and then hopefully you get hatch. It takes efficiency and coordination, but it can be done. And you're taking a pretty extreme example of tunneling, a tunneling Pig who has an active head trap on you, to justify why the current anti-tunnel isn't good enough. I'm also guessing you don't run Off The Record or an exhaustion perk.

  • Member Posts: 10,130

    True. They usually go after the person with the head trap, despite that being the one person they now have passive pressure on if they'd just leave them.

  • Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2022

    Yet another one that doesn't seem to read the post let me repeat it AGAIN how many threads and discussions of the same issue do you need??? Are we going to make a new thread everytime one of you survivors have a bad game and just want to rant about the same thing that has been discussed in multiple other threads just go find one and bump that one instead of filling a forum with the same complain. Same goes to killers doing exactly the same thing when thana was nerfed.....

    There is a difference between a discussion and you all just starting thread after thread just to cry that you lost a game

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 3,611

    If a lot of people are complaining about it, then it's clearly an issue. People are allowed to voice their opinions and concerns about the game.

    Also 2 second DS is a joke, which is why a lot of players want it reverted to it's previous version. 2 seconds isn't enough to get distance from the killer.

    Ah yes, because the killer standing right next to the hook isn't considered camping, and the killer waiting out the 5 second BT and chasing you all game isn't considered tunneling, which is what has been happening most matches.

    True, but 5 second DS would've bought me more time to get away and my team more time to do gens. Anti-tunnel doesn't even exist in this game anymore, thanks to DS being nerfed into the ground. And no, I don't run OTR and the only exhaustion perk I run is Overcome, which can only do so much when you're injured.

  • Member Posts: 524

    A lot of people complain about a lot of things, of course we understand losing in a pvp game doesn't feel nice but that is not a proof for anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    You're really just describing every other pig player out there

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Fair enough. Tbh, I only go against Pig rarely so maybe I just don't go against enough of them to form a solid opinion.

  • Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    true, but probably less things need to be changed and probably some things are part of the game by design. I mean it's not like you can remove the killer's freedom of choice to kill whoever they want. In the same way killers can say that you keep tunneling the same gen, why don't you go do another! Tunneling the gen is even easier. It doesn't run away :))

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I am sure you did not like pre-patch killer posts too. Because you are that person. "Nerf Dead Hard", "Survivors are Op" posts were everywhere and you did not like them either!

  • Member Posts: 410
    edited August 2022

    Tunneling is a huge problem, but I think this misses the point a little. Unacceptable tunneling occurs when a vulnerable survivor is unhooked and the killer bypasses all options to rehook that person almost immediately. If you have a chase that lasts 3 minutes, thats just playing the game and you did your part well.

    What's the difference? The hooked survivor has very little options in those first few seconds off the hook. BT helps a little but as you mentioned the changes to DS, the recovery time after swinging, and the reduced speed boost all contribute to a situation that isn't fun at all. Survivors go from very unfun hanging on a hook to return there with little chance to actually play the game. After you get to resources, and start running the killer, especially if that duration is measured in minutes, this can hardly be called tunneling. The killer hasn't deleted you from the game.

    The problem with the 2 different scenarios is the survivor is one tiny mistake from turning a very unfun tunneling experience into hanging on the hook again.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    When you have camping killers run the self unhook deliverance / slippery meat luck build i cant remember the other 2 but you can look it up its even stronger if more than one person is running it. Also keep in mind that if a killer is hook camping you absolutely have to punish him for it by poping gens at least this way it will force him to patrol more

  • Member Posts: 115

    No i am not missing your point but yet you miss mine anyhow you have a great day. Maybe i should come in and complain they need to do something about survivors body blocking or flashlight blinding me on every pallet stun.......Oh that is right survivors can do whatever they wish but hey a killer can't...I get it you seem to think that killers need to do things that ensure your fun and ensure that you get a better chance of a win but you as a survivor do not have to reciprocate that or complain if we would ever dare to do the same in return like ask you to kindly not

    • Body block
    • Flashlight killers at every pallet drop
    • Teabag
    • Do what it takes to win a game .......

    To be crystal clear I do not tunnel or camp at 5 gens I find it boring and you lose points for camping so yeah thats another thing.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    There's no such thing as "unacceptable tunneling". It's a player elimination game and the killer is free to decide how they want to try to eliminate their opponents. The only thing that needs to be done is survivors need a bit more tools to help deal with tunneling as it's currently a bit too effective.

  • Member Posts: 3,477

    Everything in this game is "getting out of control" we have read this every day for years now 😀 Also if it's not against any rules the "out of control" means nothing. Survivors escaping and killers killing is also getting out of control.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    The issue is, even if they would revert the DS change, tunneling will be still overly prevalent due to all the other changes that just benefited tunneling. Same goes for (proxy)camping.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Complaining about people complaining doesn't make you any better. They're not breaking any rules, and you aren't a moderator, so I'll say it again:

    If everybody just stays quiet and never says anything, then nothing will ever get changed. People are entitled to voice their issues with the game, just as others are entitled to participate in the discussion and agree or disagree.

  • Member Posts: 464

    No it is not, what i see happening out of control are the number of matches were the survs play poorly and award the killer for camping, allergic to kindred.

  • Member Posts: 939

    *"So now I'm not allowed to read forums on the thread blah blah blah"*

    You have responded not to what I asked, but what you made up.

    You're rude and can't seem to express an opinion in a civil way without a bullying undertone.

    But do go on.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    And yet there are less threads about rampant tunneling and camping than they used to be about DH before 6.1, guess people learned if you complain a lot eventually the developers cave in to demands.

  • Member Posts: 115

    My bad i forgot its all about survivors and their fun i am sorry please continue.....Let the entitlement continue

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited August 2022

    Ah struck a nerve, eh? lol. Off you go.

    Not engaging anymore, it's off topic.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
  • Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2022

    Nothing to fix the only thing that needs fixing is your skill level

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 7,772

    I don't think a total game mechanic overhaul is in the future, unfortunately.

    Maybe Year 7 will be the year, though - Anything is possible.

  • Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2022

    Hopefully we've moved passed "the patch made killers OP" and are back to the usual problems that existed before the patch.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited August 2022

    I ran this killer for 4 gens, but I eventually got knocked down and camped. I guess it's just my skill, though. I should just get good. My teammates finished the gens and escaped while I died on hook.

    This happens very often and isn't rare at all.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Camping/tunneling shouldn't be removed entirely, just make it more difficult to do and less rewarding. I don't care about the toolbox and brand new part. I have a ton of those things because I never used them until the update that buffed killers :)

  • Member Posts: 115

    why honestly i am not trying to be a dick but why....It has never been done in any PVP Game that i know of so what makes this PVP style game any different?? You ALL have many second chance / endurance perks so it seems to me it does not matter how many you have or what measures BHVR put in it will always always be a contention of argument because at the end of the day survivors not all but a lot are so entitled that they wish that easy win and forget that they are in a team game and its not just about them escaping, and have been so used to the crutch perks and all of a sudden they are not there and you have to use other "meta perks".....

    Finally if you can loop a killer for 4 gen then you done your job did you pip in that game did you earn your bloodpoints. Is this not the main reason you play each match to get your bloodpoints and get that pip does it matter whether you escape or not, get tunneled or camped at the end????

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    You are mistaking your personal thoughts about a gameplay style that bvhr has said is fine with the reality. Killers are playing a role with the goal to kill survivors. If they want to tunnel someone to death, that is fine. Survivors have tools that can help deal with that and can work together to slow the killer down from tunneling someone out. The only thing is that right now survivor tools towards tunneling are rather weak and it's a bit too effective to just tunnel someone out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited August 2022

    It's not about wanting easy games. We want to have fun. Who thinks it's fun to hang from a hook or be tunneled until you die? I don't care about pips. I got VERY LITTLE BP when I died because I was chased all game, then camped to death on my first hook. I didn't even get to touch a single gen, lol. Not to mention my MMR dropped...

  • Member Posts: 410

    You mean a play style that behavior has commented they don't like because it is too effective at the moment? And lucky for me, you are not a moderator, and I am free to leave feedback for behavior to hopefully read and ponder.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    They also didn't like Dead Hard being used for distance and it got adjusted to be a more reasonable perk.

    If bhvr nerfs tunneling so it's not as effective, that is fine. The killer can still decide to tunnel you out of the game, it'll just not be as effective. It still doesn't make it "unacceptable" and bhvr has already stated they won't remove the ability for killers to tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I think half as many as there have been threads and posts about dead hard and ds used to have will be fine. And i don´t think we are there yet.

  • Member Posts: 913
    edited August 2022

    Well, yeah. You should git gud.

    Getting good isn't just about how well you play the mechanics of the game and your skills when you play it. It's also about strategy.

    You understand how an asymmetrical game works, right? Individual survivors are weaker than the killer, but the killer is stronger than any individual survivor. So if you base your entire playstyle around getting the killer to focus all of his attention on your survivor character for the majority of the game, is it any surprise that you died? If you're going to be the Jesus Christ of the team and sacrifice yourself to the killer so that everyone else may have everlasting gen time, good chance you'll end up crucified.

    Camping after the gens are done, especially if you have 0K, isn't even widely considered a scummy move.

    I'll say that this is still an effective playstyle overall. Your team won. Killer got a 1K. I fell for someone who did this yesterday, with similar results, and I was kicking myself all day about it. Lots of SWFs have one player dedicated to this, and it's usually best to just ignore them.

    If you looped the killer for four gens and everyone else escaped, mission accomplished. That's what your role was supposed be. If you don't like dying, maybe don't play that role. It's effective, but it has a very high lethality rate for the individual survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Still can’t believe they made it 3 seconds. The end-game nerf was harsh but fair. The duration nerf was just a slap in the face.

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