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The Cannibal is slower than Survivor during his Chainsaw Sweep while using one of his iridescent addons, Carburetor Tunning Guide.
With this addon duration of Chainsaw Sweep is 7.5 seconds.
First 2-3 seconds Cannibal is literally slower than Survivor.
Then, next 2 seconds we can compare Cannibal's movement speed to Survivor (maybe slightly faster).
And then, last seconds, Cannibal is faster than Survivor (I feel like 115-120%).
This addon should decrease Chainsaw Sweep movement speed just by 2%.
132.25% ----> 129.95%
To proof that this addon is bugged I compared Carburetor Tunning Guide with the addon with the same penalty to the movement speed during a Chainsaw Sweep (Depth Gauge Rake).
We can see that Depth Gauge Rake is working correct and I can catch a Survivor.
But with Carburetor it's impossible, even with 7.5 seconds duration and without Charge Time penalty.
I can catch Survivor with Depth Gauge Rake using just 3 Charges and longer Charge Time.
BHVR, please! Fix that!
This has been bugged for years now and never fixed or acknowledged
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They acknowledged it on April 2022, but they didn't fix this bug...
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Oh wait, they acknowledged it? Interesting, actually a vaguely remember it had been acknowledged.
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Seriously, if this bug gets fixed, you need to be heralded as a saint for Bubba players.
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i kinda hope it doesnt get fixed purely bc you can run depth gauge with tuning guide and its like bk bubba and its just stupid and i love it
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I was fighting 1 year with other Bubba Bug (his cooldowns) and they fixed that in MidChapter (with Legion & Ghost Face).
Sooo, I hope they will fix this too.
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if this gets fixed then it will need an instant nerf
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no it won't?
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Nerf? This addon isn't strong even in correct version. When you destroys a Pallet with this addon, Bubba lose all charges.
And when you down Survivor with Chainsaw you need wait a few seconds Chainsaw Sweeping, because you can not stop using your power.
And also this addon decreases your movement speed during a Chainsaw Sweep.
Award Winning Chili is 100x better than this.
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Exactly, like those are just wrong complains for something that isn't even strong and won't be strong likely.
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why didn't fix this yet