Solo q is getting better! But deal with the rotten eggs please!

Yes we need more info buffs! But I mean before patch I had a good escape rate no complains, then just after the patch people were DCing or throwing the game it was awful. Now perhaps some of these people are fed up and have left, or have understood that you can still win games and use new DH, OTR etc and be strong as a solo q team. Finally it's getting better again. But as I said..solo survivor needs info buffs! So don't misunderstand the title.
Something that also would buff Solo q is BHVR looking in to why people DC, and start to ban these people that DC just because they get downed in the beginning. Biggest problem Solo q have is people who have a loser mindset and is selfish enough to just leave 3 survivors to deal with the killer. These people seldom pay money in this game but us who does might leave the game, so get rid of them they are not worth protecting.