AFK Survivors

I have had an increasing amount of survivors, going AFK in my killer games.
I don't believe it's because of my playstyle as I like playing killer mostly for fun, so I go out of my way to have fun moments and play fair. Further evidence that it's not my playstyle, is that some of them don't even experience my play style! It's not that they spawn in AFK, no they will play maybe 2min till they see whatever killer I'm playing (Plague, Dredge, Ghostface mostly) and then enter a locker or the basement and AFK the rest of the match.
Why? Just because they don't like the killer, they are gonna ruin the match for everyone else?
Because playing against the Plague makes me sick!
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Against a plague i can see why, the others you listed I wouldn't be sure. Do you play plague the most?
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It's part BM and part trying to smurf down their MMR. I see the occasional AFK killer, presumably for that reason, as well as the occasional 'ghost squadron', 4man SWFs who jump into lockers at the start of the match and go AFK.
I have no idea why people would AFK against Plague, Dredge or Ghosty - these are all immensely fun killers to face.
I see it mostly when I play Doctor, Trickster and Hag.
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Maybe they had to do something mid game
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I agree with Doctor, it's too noisy of a match. All the screams, plus the constant harassment while trying to do anything, it gets old real quick.
I like going against the plague, especially when the whole team knows to suck it up and not cleanse. Just all of us being broken, puking all over he place the whole match and knocking out gens results in a win.
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The screams are half the point...the lovely, lovely screams...
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No Plague is just occasional, I main dredge but love meme killers like Pig, Ghostface and The Twins.
What's wrong with playing Plague? I get dislike going against certain killers, but to the point of AFK is ridiculous to me. What you aren't having fun, so nobody else can because you are throwing the game going AFK? That's not only selfish but also childish.
I doubt they had any reason other than refusing to play, it would be consistent with seeing my killer then refusing to play. One game lasted 20min cuz because a survivor had hidden the entire game in a basement locker.
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Not "decided" anything Ofc I cant know for sure but just noticing a pattern in the timing of the AFK's that would make me think it's a refusal to play :/
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Survivors get triggered they are injured all match and can't use Circle of Healing