Why the hate for Hook Suicide?

JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Sure I don't do it alot. But when I get matched with solo q mates who are self-caring, crouching in the corner, or otherwise not doing gens (especially when I've had killer in chase for at least 2-3 to pop), then yeah I'm out. Killer can have the 4k, they deserve it. 🤣😭



  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    While "Losers" is a strong word, I agree. You know what this game is about, you know the situations you can get into, still people get overly salty. I'm going to say it, it is just a game. Giving up everytime you face "hardships" in a digital setting is like refusing candy, because you don't like the color. It's a question of mindset.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I think the reason there is hate on hook suicides is when survivors just do it early in the match even when someone is on their way to save them. I see this a lot and I hate it. It's almost like throwing a temper tantrum. They didn't do a good job escaping the killer so they just want to leave and find another match to be mad in.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,188

    I only dislike people letting themselves go on hook when it's for selfish reasons. Like the type of "I dont like this killer, so Ill DC or let myself go on hook" or "I got hooked first, so now I dont want to play the game" players, the type that throw themselves and the entire team under the bus as soon as one negative interaction happens.

    Those types of players I talk about. Those are the ones I dont like.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m with most of the posts here. I don’t care if someone kills themselves on hook when they were obviously about to die on hook anyway. But killing yourself on hook when it’s the first hook or when it’s the second hook but someone is on the way to rescue you is pretty weak sauce. Imagine if football players just went home after they got tackled or baseball players left after they struck out, it’s just really disrespectful to all the other players in the game.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    How come I get timed out for saying this but you don’t 🗿

  • TarunCosmo
    TarunCosmo Member Posts: 181

    I almost hook suicide because it was an evil Pinhead build and bad map, and I was like, nah I don't want to deal with this. But I yeeted off the hook. We all escaped.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    You should see those games as opportunities. You know, there is a saying. "You only learn from loses, never from wins". Sure, that's very simplified, but it serves my point. Try out stuff. Help your teammates, who are still alive. My gosh, earn bloodpoint, if the other things are not motivating enough.

    And about the friend thing. He could watch you and the others, helping you. At least that's what I do. Much more fun imo.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    My mistake is having a Claud who doesn’t know how to play? This game is 1v4 as SoloQ; killer and 3 survivors vs you.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2022

    Learning what? I have 4k hours in this game and have been playing since 2017... there is nothing new to learn. As for bloodpoints I am often sitting at the max to the point its a meme among my friends that I bring BPS or something similar cause well I am maxed.

    To be fair, I do mostly play killer, so I only really play survivor to play with my friends... I don't enjoy the role of survivor because I honestly think 80% of the killer base think their fun and win is all that matters... So to be fair, I really don't care about their fun, nor the fun of those outside of my friends. I want to play the game with my friends. If we can 4 man SWF we do. But we all have lives, family, work, and friends. We can't always get together as a group, so it's often 2 of us.

    Also, I will stay in the game if there is like 1 gen maybe 2 left, but if my friend dies at 3+ gens, I just want to get out and go into the next one to play with them.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    In that case.. Why don't you protect your friend? Sure, the price is gonna be high, but it is all you can do.

    To make it the worst for the killer, just hop onto generators and get them done ASAP. Each second you're not on a generator is a second wasted.

    The moment you do queue for the match, you do accept the fact that you may be tunneled or camped to death, or play against any of the available killers. Yes, that's just the way it is. It sucks, but it's not like you can do a thing about it.. You're sayin', that you'd rather give up and ruin the match to other two players, who're not your friends? Yikes.. That's some selfish mindset..

    If someone disconnects early, then you shouldn't follow his or her example. Prove that you're better. Prove that you're not such a loser. Not only it'll make you feel better at the end of the day, but you may still escape the match.. May.

    Players with the same attitude or mindset as yours are the reason, why do others tend to give up early aswell. It's infectious.

    If you play Solo Queue, you do accept the fact that you may encounter such players. If you wanna avoid such cases, get into SWF or play as a killer; But, I'm certain you knew about those possible ways around it, aye?

    In that case, you're just looking for excuses for ruining matches to other players.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    So you’re telling me to have fun I either need to have people play with me or play completely different role?

    Im looking for a fun time. Having teammates that do the killers job for them isint exactly a fun time after the 80th time it’s happened. It’s not a player problem, it’s a MMR and BHVR problem. It’s not the players fault they’re matched with players that have no idea what they’re doing. No multiplayer game has teammates so horrendously bad before. Yes you’ll occasionally get you’re team that throws in other frames; in DBD, it is guaranteed you’ll get someone who does little to nothing for the team and/or does the stupidest play imaginable.

    Just had a game where 2 people got hooked and I was injured. The Kate decided to go to BASEMENT WHILE HEALTHY when 2 people are on hook and another one is going to 2nd stage. SoloQ is at an unacceptable place and the only real reason people still play it is for the very, very, very, VERY off chance you’ll find an actual decent match which is actually really enjoyable and addicting. 99% of the time you’re getting that Kate in the basement while 2 people are on hook. If anything your team is looking for an excuse to ruin YOUR games. But sure let’s blame the players that are getting oh dogged on by BHVR’s poopoo caca balance and MMR calculations that don’t even work half the time

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2022

    I feel like you don't understand what tunnel means... Cause if I save my friend, and then go down for them, and get hooked, then my friend wasn't tunneled. But if I save my friend, go down and the killer still chases them down and re-hooks them... That's the tunneling I am talking about.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2022

    I do understand very well what tunneling means - To get rid of one specific player ASAP, regardless of the cost, right?

    Exactly, exactly. You're complaining about tunneling, but you can make it so the killer doesn't or can't tunnel; In that case, why're you complaining instead of playing around it?

    In the response you've quoted, I haven't called you a loser. Just because you decide to take it personally doesn't mean I'm the one to be blamed. It's not like you're proving to others that you can play the game; You're proving it to yourself. Mainly to yourself. The moment you do give up, however, you do ruin the entire match to other players. That's selfish and unfair. In such cases, I feel like you'd be better playing some single player games, so you won't be able to ruin the game to other players, but to yourself.

    If you don't enjoy playing as a survivor, why do you play in SWF in the first place?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Because you're completely screwing over your teammates - just because they didn't play how you wanted.

    Solo queue means you'll get looping gods, immersed self-carers and everything in between. Sometimes you'll win, sometimes you'll lose, sometimes you'll get carried and sometimes you'll have to carry yourself.

    Throwing a pout and suiciding immediately makes the game unwinnable for your allies, as well as denying the killer points and BP. It's pure BM.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I don't think you do, as I clarified what I meant as tunneling my friend out and thats when I decide to leave. If I can force the killer to hook me instead, than they are not tunneling.

    I am not complaining about tunneling. I simply said if someone tunnels my friend out, I leave the game as well. There was no complaint there.

    Well, technically it was inferred as I was doing the things you said "losers" do. So moving away from that and onto your points. I have no reason to prove myself to anyone. Its a game that I already know I am decent at, I am not a god tier killer or survivor, but I am also not hiding in a corner self-caring either. I have nothing to prove to myself or other players. I simply want to play with my friends.

    If you re-read my quoted statement, I started off by saying  "I do mostly play killer, so I only really play survivor to play with my friends" So yeah in a way I generally play DBD as a single player game. However, I have friends that like to play this game, I've made them through my games as killer, twitch and discord. Thats why I play SWF... Cause I want to PLAY the game with FRIENDS.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 991

    Because just because your teammates are bad, it doesn't give you an excuse to quit the game. That is not how multiplayer cooperative games work mate.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2022

    Sarcasm is not your strong suit is it...

    EDIT: Just in case you are still missing the point of the trickster part... Basically, I was just making the point that people give up for all sorts of reasons...

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    The types of first and second hook quits you mostly see have nothing to do with losing the game and everything to do with poor sportsmanship. We have people giving up on first hook, because they didn't get deliverance value, don't like the killer, don't like the map, or their pizza arrived when they knew it was coming.

    On the other hand I don't mind people who don't want to stick around for being camped (although I always do to give my team time to do gens).

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    it's not sarcasm when its the truth like i said when you both hit that ready button you know what can happen and you having 4k+hours know that it can be a lot of things, you know people DC when they get hit first, found first or even screw up in a chase it could be a killer you don't like, a map, you or your friend could be tunneled out early.

    Killing yourself on hook because of those reasons makes you entitled so calling 80% of killers entitled while your in the i.e 80% of entitled survivor's.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2022

    I am getting a little tired of this "hit that ready button you know what can happen" because guess what... When you play survivor or killer, you know the other players can press M1 or whatever it is on the controller and then they can press nothing too... You know what those actions are, hook escapes and missed skill checks. If you're saying I am readying up knowing my friend can be tunneled out, then you're readying up knowing I can use those game mechanics as well.

    If it helps, 6.2.0 is going to come with a perk that stops me from missing skill checks, if it bothers you that much, run that perk.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    It's the first found and hook that ppl don't like more. Just played a game, it's nurse. Dwight is on a gen, nurse blinks and he just gives up and kills himself. Thing is the nurse was still in training so we got a 3 man escape.

    Another game I was found first and went down really fast cuz I made potato plays. I get hooked, one gen pops, one person slugged, legion camps til I hit second stage. This is where someone might get annoyed and give up, but I'm petty. I get saved, run across map, heal and do a gen. 3 gens left, I get found because of frenzy and decide I need to waste time cuz she has no reason to leave me. I drop every pallet, just absolutely stall until gens pop. By the time I go down all 3 gens are done and I get my team out with more points than the killer (except me obviously) but I take that W.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    I never said it bothers me but the topic was about "Why the hate for hook suicide" and you said you do it and listed some reasons why you hook suicide and yet in another post calling 80% of killers entitled which is why you play killer, i just called you out and said your a entitled survivor for killing yourself on hook for those reasons.

    That is why there is so much hate for hook suicides is because of people like you that do it for no reason and then try to justify it i.e i didn't get a killer i like, my friend got tunneled out early, someone else DC, the killer downed me first.

    As for 6.2.0 is the perk going to counter camping more or is it going to used more to stop people from killing themselves on hook and make them stay in the game, i think people are saying one person alone can make 1 stage take like 3-4 min now.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I never said I play killer because I find other killer mains entitled... I said I play prefer to play killer cause I like the role better. It has nothing to do with anyone else other than me. I do still find 80% of killers entitled and that they don't care who has fun in there games as long as they do. I'll stand by that statement.

    I don't care if people give up in my games, it sucks for everyone involved, I'll kill the other 2 and let the last guy get hatch. Its already happened, no reason and getting annoyed with it. Its not my fault you are getting annoyed someone is doing it in your game. If your the survivor, go die on hook and get in the next game, if your the killer, kill everyone quickly... Whats the problem?

    As for the perk, not sure how it counters camping? All its doing is making it take longer, someone whos camping probably already doesn't care. Well I havent seen the perk in action? Does it stop you from making escape attempts? does it still regress to second stage if you make 3 attempts? cause if not, it really only keeps you on hook for about 100 seconds if you try to escape and go to stage 2

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    • Outside of facecamping, why let the killer tunnel your friend out? It's not the killer's job to split damage evenly, it's your team's job to protect someone being focused. Bodyblock, obfuscate, interfere, save.
    • DCs - sure. DC penalties need to be amped up.
    • What is wrong with Trickster? He's a low tier killer.

    It is amusing to see you calling killers entitled, then admitting to griefing people because they play a low tier killer that you have a weird grudge against.

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161

    For me, it comes down to a value judgement made around the probable outcome of the match. If my teammates are doing nothing/being unproductive, and I can see the match is going to be a slog from the gate, then I'm out and on to the next one. It's just not worth it to stick around and suffer with either inexperienced or farming players who aren't in it to win. (Higher MMR does sort of help here though) The single most frustrating thing as a survivor is running the killer for what should have been half, if not more, of the match and then going down/getting on hook only to see someone going in a locker while two Megs are crouching close by, ready to race for the unhook.

    PSA--- DO GENS

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2022

    So the fact you brought up the entitled comment, means you've at least attempted to read my replies. All of the answers to your questions are in my replies. Dont' worry, I'll quote them here for you to save you time, cause I am a nice guy like that.

    Outside of facecamping, why let the killer tunnel your friend out? It's not the killer's job to split damage evenly, it's your team's job to protect someone being focused. Bodyblock, obfuscate, interfere, save.

    Sorry this quote got deleted and I can't seem to edit it in so here is a screenshot.

    What is wrong with Trickster? He's a low tier killer.

    DCs - sure. DC penalties need to be amped up.

    Naw, DC punishments are fine. I'd be fine if they were gone, to be honest. I never really had an issue with DCing... Maybe I am not a unfun killer, maybe I just got lucky, who knows.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Hook suiciding (when it’s not for hatch/cheater) is for immature players. Don’t queue up if you can’t handle playing. Uninstall instead of ruining the game for 4 other people.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Cant win with 3 people? "git gud" as they say.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    eh depending on the variables it doesn't bother me

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,657

    Hate is a strong word. Hate implies an obsession. Nobody get obsessed with worms.

    That being said, if a survivor attempts to disrespect his team in my game (now only as killer, soon also as survivor) I make sure he stays for a long time. Curiously, or not, quite often his teammates ... how shall I put it ... let's just say they emphatically express their dissatisfaction.

    I shall not give details because it's not pretty.

    This may be the one match situation where survivors and killers can agree with each-other.

    I wonder why.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,657
    edited August 2022

    It's kind of worse : it's screwing* your team with all the freedom to do it immediately again without any consequence.

    It's despicable.

    *) Isn't there an automatic censor tool?

  • badrepo
    badrepo Member Posts: 93

    There is no way to prevent someone from being tunneled. If the killer wants you gone you will die, period. The only variable is if he throws the game to do it, or not.

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122

    When I play survivor and I see no teammates close and none are even slowly making their way to me then I will try to 4%. If I fail and no one is making their way to me then it's goodbye cruel world lol

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    And I do strongly believe, I do.. Or are you claiming, I don't know such a popular term after almost two thousands hours? That's really something..

    If you're not complaining about it, why're you runining the match to the other.. Three players?

    Yes, technically so, but for that to be an actual harrassment or insult, it'd have to be direct.. Otherwise, you'd be taking it personally - Which'd be the most negative way of how to take it.

    Wait, what? If you're decent at the game, then what's the problem? Decent players shall be able to evade killers for, at least, a minute of a chase with a minimal usage of pallets, unless the killer has Bamboozle, of course, or is Nurse, Huntress, and RNG doesn't favour you (in sense of a bad map or bad map's layout). Self-caring in a corner may be a valid move, dependable on the presented case scenario; Since you haven't presented any, you can't just claim that it's a bad move from that player. If you just wanna play with your friends, then get a full SWF - You do ruin the match to other players, is that really okay with you? I'm pretty sure, you wouldn't wanna be literally sabotaged by other survivors, would you?

    Yes, that's what you've stated.. That shall also mean, you're better than your average player in terms of looping, but may not be such good when it comes to the other things, but that's off.

    If your friends don't mind you giving up early, then that's OK.. And that's the reason, why I've suggested to you numerous times that you should only play in a full SWF with such a mindset; Like, sure.. Do give up whenever you wanna, but don't do that to other players whom you don't know! That's such a direspectful and selfish move... I really don't know, what else comes close to that in this game, besides slugging all four survivors for those four minutes.. But then again, you're playing alone as a killer, so there you have a valid excuse, whereas such a behavior in Solo Queue, Duo or Tripple SWF will always be seen as ruining the match for, at least, that one survivor(s) who wasn't or weren't with you in SWF in the first place.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited August 2022

    Because it is selfish and the majority of the time someone is doing it is a fixable situation. Typically they whine about their team and are just projecting their own shortfallings. If you're doing it just cause you went second that's childish. If gen progress was being made then that trade off may be worth it. Depending on the killer there could also be traps set up to slow getting there. So what would be a normal time to get there if it was just a m1 or ranged killer may not be enough if it happened to be a trapper/hag that set traps. Doing it over player skill is silly considering one that just lowers you further so its more likely and secondly I seriously doubt you're the perfect player either. The one time I think it is fine honestly is only when there is a hacker or someone abusing their connection to get hits easier.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    And to be honest no one in their right mind would run for a rescue while injured....so I expect a self care away from the Killer....mind you it's annoying but totally expected.

    That being said there is no reason to hook suicide yourself, any amount of time on hook means more time for you team especially if the Killer is face camping....now if my team are being stupid and are all coming to rescue against a Bubba I will die on hook to save them.

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    My question about all of this stuff is would suiciding on hook (directly after the match has started/your first down) count as something that violates the Dead by Daylight EULA?

    Under the section "Rules of Conduct" all users of the BHVR software are prohibited from a great many number of things that make sense, as well as:

    "Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users."

    I find it hard to argue for the second condition, unless sacrificing yourself puts a greater strain on BHVR's queue system and servers than if you had played out a match. I have zero evidence to back up that theory though so I cannot see it as a violation.

    However, leaving the match ASAP once it has started (via sacrificing yourself or DC'ing) most definitely interferes with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR service. Granted, I'm not lawyer or a BHVR staff member so if such behavior actually does breach the agreement of the EULA I don't know that.

    Personally I'd just prefer we flag all accounts that DC at the start or die within a minute and a half of the match and then give them their own little queue where they get matched with all of the quitters, but that's just me.

    What are your thoughts on this everyone?

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    That's a good question, we'd probably need someone from staff to answer it for us.

    Sacrificing yourself does, kinda, ruin the match to all other four players, if they're still alive, but it definitely doesn't put servers under pressure, does it? Well, maybe just a little, but it shouldn't matter.. Otherwise we'd have been told about that in advance, I guess.

    As much as I'd be up for flagging such accounts, we mustn't forget that cheaters and hackers do actually exist; As long as they're present, I'd kinda hesitate when it comes to putting such players with each other.. The consequences may be great and cause a loss of playerbase, afterall.