Why the hate for Hook Suicide?



  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Rare occurrences this happens, but it's still constitutes the type of hook suicides that people get annoyed with the most. My point wasn't mentioning the frequency, but just the type of hook suicides that really grind people's gears.

    People can obviously have reasons they do this that are valid (need to leave for emergency), but it still is extremely annoying when you hop off your gen, run across the map and then they die in front of your eyes.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    just because a killer decides he wants to play in a way that makes it so bad i dont want to really play. doesnt mean i dont have the option to leave on my own terms. thats the luxury of it all. we can just call it "strategy".

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I feel like reassurance is going to be the first ever survivor perk you'll want to see nerfed

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You're talking about two different things here, and that's the problem.

    In your first scenario, you equate simply making mistakes and getting outplayed as 'spitting on your hard work'. That's a really poor attitude, as the entire nature of solo queue is - well - random. Remember, (AFAIK) if the queue is getting longish, SBMM will attempt to pair you with people to give you an average MMR close to that of the killer's, within your MMR 'bracket'.

    That could mean you getting 3 god tier players against a killer way better than you, or it could be 1 god tier player, you, and two people not as good as you versus a killer at your skill level.

    The other scenario is a player who is deliberately refusing to participate - ie. trolling. That's reportable.

    The issue is that far too many people think that just playing badly is trolling. Dunnig Kreuger is alive and well in cyberspace, but this is a very snowbally game which also doesn't help matters.

    Just remember: we were all new once, and survivor - especially for newer players - is not a role that's especially intuitive. It has a rhythm to it that takes time to learn.

    There is an unspoken contract when it comes to playing solo - that you'll take what you get. If you don't want to abide by this, you have multiple ways to find a group. If I find myself with a trolling or (more likely) simply out of their depth teammate, I'll focus on practicing looping and maximizing BP gain, and who knows, maybe we'll catch a break?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Freedom here has certain restrictions. You don't get to troll, grief, hack and there shouldn't be such an easy way to completely ruin games without penalty.

    I'd love to see BHVR track hook suicides and start penalizing people who do it excessively.

    There are dozens of free VPNs with enough monthly data to play DbD and then some. Although, if you're that worried, you've got way bigger things to worry about online.

    By giving them a chance to play the match out, and not deliberately sabotaging the match?

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Yea that’s my entire point. If you don’t do gens and meme with the killer the killer will think you’re a bully squad. You actually do gens? Toxic gen rusher lol. Not every killer wants to meme or will meme so when you actually try to play you’re labeled as toxic. Can’t really win

  • Le_Turbine
    Le_Turbine Member Posts: 11

    Because if you are in the Team Role and Left the team behind because it ain't your liking then MAYBE your team (and the killer sometimes) may found you obnoxious

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    DBD if there weren't immature players ruining the game for all 4 other people because they decided to queue up despite being too immature to handle playing against something that's part of the game:

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    This feels like projection, to be honest. I play both roles about equally and I'd say that I'm multiple times more likely to encounter BM survivors on killer than the inverse, even accounting for the 4 to 1 ratio. And I'm about the nicest killer you could hope for.

    If you win, you're a sweaty tryhard.

    If you lose, you're a noob and are told to uninstall.

    Play a meta perk or killer? Lol carried.

    Play an unconventional killer or build? 'OMG just play the game normally'.

    You'll get cussed out if you 4k.

    You'll get cussed out if you let people go.

    I've been whinged at for running Lightborn, Franklins, Retribution and all sorts of off-meta stuff. I've been whinged at for playing Demogorgon, Plague, Artist and Cenobite. If you want to know what a lose/lose situation is like - play killer for a few weeks.

    Yes, survivor is a role with it's own frustrations - but I think most killers are just there to play the game and to have some fun.

    The problem is that there are some extremely toxic SWF 'bully squads', and after facing a few you start approaching all SWFs as if they are one.

    My policy is always to go hard from the start, and ease up if I'm stomping.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    having a har dtime understanding this one.....are you calling somoene who d/cs a cheater for leaving so a pal can get hatch.....if thats the case isnt it kinda bending the rules of hatch if the killer decides he wants to play the slug game so he can prevent the dynamics of hatch from working? i mean one is more scummy than the other. killers wanting 4ks so much is what led to the delusion that all killers arent viable. problem really is that people arent good enough with that killer to make that killer a viable option at high ranks. but noone wants to hear the truth

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    I said hook suiciding for reasons that are NOT cheaters or hatch is immature.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    sounds pretty toxic to me....if they dont want to play and you hold them hostage. thats no better then them wanting to leave. But this is how the community works. you basically just admitted you're goal was to make the game fun for others. the problem is you are entitled and think that them leaving is against the rules. hate to break it to you. but people outside of d/cing have every right to just let themselves die on hook. if you dont like that im sorry. but you do not control others

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    sorry bruh....dying on hook is......"strategy" afterall. welcome to the opposite side to camping/slugging/tunneling....

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Bruh why don't you try reading comments and even more what the topic is about, its not about if you should or shouldn't be allowed to ######### on hook but why people get upset about it, like when a survivor gets a killer they don't like or they get downed first and rage quit.......this topic had nothing to do with camping/slugging/tunneling.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    It's the reason why people kill themselves on hook that people are upset about not that they can do it, you say they are entitled sorry but it's people like you who really are entitled that think they have every right to kill themselves on hook just because they get a killer they don't like, a map, found first and got downed quick when you thought you could loop that killer for ages.

    I do the same thing if i know a survivor just wants out of the game because i hooked them before a gen popped so they try and 4%, sorry but if your team gets you of the hook your the last person i'm hooking, if its a emergency then DC by the time you have sorted out the emergency your DC penalty will be over.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    Survivor q is instant. What are you guys complaining about? Just join another match. It's that simple.

    I will KMS if I don't enjoy match and join another one in a minute. Why should I waste my limited time? If devs don't care about solo q experience, why should I? Unlike them, I don't get paid for it.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    When did I say that you weren’t able to encounter more BM survivors? Don’t see that anywhere near my comment.

    Killer BM and survivor BM aren’t even comparable to each other

    Killer BM: Tunnel, Camp, Slug to death

    Survivor BM: Crouch animation, flashlight clicking, flashlight blinding, doing the objective too fast, Engame T-bagging at gate.

    Counter for Killer BM: Nothing unless you can loop for 5 gens, Nothing unless your with a SWF and if they’re Bubba you’re dying regardless, Unbreakable which you can only use once, don’t look at chat

    Counter for Killer BM: It’s a crouch animation why are you bothered they’re giving you time to catch up, it’s a click animation they’re giving you time to catch up, Shadowborn and Franklins, Nurse, force them out by M1.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You're talking about two kinds of BM here.

    The survivor equivalent would be stuff like double locker flashlight abuse, hiding to stall the game out forever, abusing spots where you can't be picked up etc.

    Or, the killer equivalent would be stuff like hitting on hook.

    Tell me, what is the counter to a group of survivors that switch to flashlights last second with a DDS offering, and stall the game out for an extra 10 minutes abusing double lockers?

    Clicky macros give me an actual migraine.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Easily countered by Shadowborn? And Franklins?

    Thats bannable.

    Also bannable.

    Nurse. Shadowborn, franklins. Or Alchimst ring blight. Or looking around for the survivor trying to save? Am I missing something here?

    Fari enough with the flashlight clicking but then what do you do if you play doctor or against him? Or Artist, Demo, gens popping right after each other, skill checks, and when a survivor is injured? They also produce constant noise. Some higher pitched than flashlights.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    You can also just slug forcing 2 people off gens if they’re abusing spots where you can’t pick up.

    If they’re clicking at you they aren’t getting any distance helping you even if it is a macro.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The issue isn't that it gives them an advantage.

    The issue is that it gives me a massive headache.

    And sure - the issue is that they are stalling the game to BM, not that it's unbeatable. We aren't talking about balance here, we're talking about toxicity.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I can understand the hate for suiciding on hook...

    But I gotta play Devil's Advocate again, since it's just so fun.

    What if the player doesn't have much time to play and is trying to smash out their tome challenges quickly so they go into the round do the challenge ASAP then find the killer and die first hook?

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    In the case of them having them go somewhere I would rather have them go afk instead of hook suiciding as at least we can get more time from them hanging around on the hook or on the ground

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    I don’t need people telling me how to play, if I want to die on hook for any reason at all,I am perfect able to do so whether you think it’s right or not, and back to your previous comment, it’s ok for killers to do things survivors cringe about regarding tunneling and all that other hoopla so if you wanna play in a toxic manner which makes people want to move on from your match, so be it, killers have this cringe idea they are the only ones who dictates how a match goes, and the way to combat that is to simply show yourself to the hook and allow the entity to take them. If the devs had any desire to fix the mess they currently have on their hands, how about actually give survivors something they can use when a killer decides he’s just going to take a player out so he can get ez mode.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Because hook suicide is basically DC without any penalty at all? who gonna love broken, toxic and extremely unhealthy mechanics like that.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    When the toxicity is helping you compared to not being able to play the it’s a lil different story. But yea it sucks when people macro. You could run Franklins and force the Flashlight out of there hands.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Should we bring up the last few years before some survivor items and perks started to get nerfed they dictated how the killer had to play the match i.e old DS+UB combo, go back to the very OG post about this topic and what they are asking and talking about, all you care about is that you are able to ######### on hook fine go make a new topic about that and ######### about it, the OP asked people why the hate and people responded to it both killer and survivor mains.

    So it's got nothing to do with if i play killer or survivor they wanted to know why people hate people that do it and there was a lot of good answers from both sides but all you care about is if you can do it, this msg you just posted has nothing at all to do with the topic apart from i'm entitled and i should be able to pick the matches i want to play.

    To set things right most people enjoy my matches i don't camp, tunnel and most of the time everyone gets out why because i have more fun chasing and having fun even if i meme with survivors.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    This is exactly why for the hate, doesn't matter what happens in the game, play it out, don't be such a wuss

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, SC is 42 seconds now just by itself, and I think that's even before sloppy, that's alot of time wasted, time you could've probably spent finding a teammate, getting healed, then have like 10 extra seconds to do a gen to gain profit

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    It's called your friend finds something else to do and play out your match

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Most squads who want to clicky spam flashlight swap at the last second, otherwise I run Lightborn.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Yea you can’t really do anything about that. There should be Ana option to turn off flashlight clicks or certain sounds in the game.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Because people do it constantly when they get downed first or face a killer they don't like. The people who do it tend to be babies who want to throw a tantrum and shouldn't be playing online games if they are just going to give up acting like they are entitled to things when they aren't if there was a hook suicide penalty for the early game I would rejoice lol. To those of who are like "but what if teammates bad" first of all I never leave my teammates to die unless they left me hanging on hook.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2022

    I guess it is rude to die on the hook while two twitch streamers are teabagging each other in a corner and proceed to farm with the killer after i die.

    Post edited by Gary_Coleman on
  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2022

    So what do you do when you get into a match where 1-3 players are working with the killer to tunnel you? Stay in the match, invite them to a party and teach them how to play better? Do you stay in games where other survivors unhook spam you in front of the killer? Sometimes the fun thst other people are having is the fact that I stay in the game and try to outwit them, but sometimes I don't feel like doing that.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    What I dont understand is people trying to sit here and BLATANTLY look someone in the face and say "Just keep trying." In the face of a hopeless situation?

    That is the only thing that bothers me, if you KNOW you wont win, there's a three gen going on/ 5 gens left to do, slowdown perks in plays, high mobility killer or a killer that can destroy loops easily, and someone's already on death hook. There's no sudden comeback for that, it's just adopting the go next mentality and move on.

    People try to use bloodpoints as a valid argument for Survivors to stick around and give that killer a 5 five while they're leaving with a score below 15K all the time while the killer walks away with 25-30K+ all the time? Why? What selfish pleasure do you get by trying to convince players to just take a hopeless loss gracefully and play as if there ISNT a problem when there clearly is?

    Do they look like Luffy to you? Or goku? Usagi from Sailor moon? Do we have some type of plot armor that I'm not understanding? Cause if not, let survivors keep going with the "Go next" mentality and just let it be, no point on playing a match if you KNOW it's pointless.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    How about because people do give up early? The players can't properly judge whether a match can still result in one or more of them escaping, the killers do make mistakes too, you know?

    If you're not willing to give it your all, then get back to your hideout in SWF and give up there, but don't try that on players whom you don't know! Or, would you really prefer if I'd have outright called you out and made attempts to offend you right-away? This is a team based game on survivor side, you can't just call it off whenever you want to; That's incredibly selfish and ruins the entire match for both sides!

    If perks are the reason, then don't play the game, get back to singleplayer games, so you won't ruin them to players, who're not giving up whenever things aren't going their way.

    It's not about gameplay or the result, it's about principle. I can't say, I've expected so many people to miss the point.. I sure didn't expect to hit the nail on the head right-away.

    As long as there's, at least, one other survivor who ain't trying to ruin it and actually plays the game as intended, don't give up and do the same. However, the moment everybody is sabotaging each other (it has to be absolutely clear, you do gotta think about it from multiple perspectives), then that's when I'd accept giving up as a valid solution.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    suicide on hook should be counted as leaving penality

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    The scenarios I listed aren't the scenarios you're talking about. I can understand that you can't make someone stay if they just give up, it's a shame they give up because in some close situations, not giving up could result in a win still, but I understand that in some cases, there's literally no point in continuing.

    The examples I listed are the hook suicides that happen that turn a winnable game into not a chance of winning. Having someone give up because their first chase was trash isn't a valid reason to have a "go next" mentality. Just because you only had a 15 second chase, doesn't mean that someone else on the team won't have a super long chase with the killer. I've had games where I was caught in a dead zone against a nurse and went down immediately, but later in the game had a main building or decent tile and kept her busy enough to either drop chase or let a gen pop or team reset.

    If the game is totally not winnable, then yeah, giving up on hook can be good because it gives maybe 1 person the ability to find hatch. I've learned to never give up because I've had games that were complete come backs from a dire situation because everyone kept pushing gens and trying their hardest in chases, but I don't expect that from everyone. I just want people to not give up in their first down or give up when I'm 10 m from their hook running to them.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    Nah.....its not basically dc...its built into the game like slugging, tunneling and camping. whether you agree with it or not. its part of the game design