Meat packing plant rant.

Dude, I had to break what felt like 40 pallets before finally getting my first down. Same guy, just pre dropped everything. Got the 4k eventually because he dropped every pallet on the map then DC’d when I caught him. But HOLY ######### there are so many pallets. XD end rant.
The other day I had the tome challenge "Break 25 pallets / walls / generators".
I completed it in one single game on that map.
(I actually quite like the map, but it did make me chuckle)
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I don’t doubt it!! I was just trying to relax and practice some blight flicks but didn’t get to do so until going through literally every pallet on the map. 😂 it’s actually absurd. So many of them are safe pallets too.
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But still you won there are worser maps than the game for killers. Once you get rid of pallets you will start to get easy downs.
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Yes I know lol. I’m just ranting about the AMOUNT of pallets in close prox to each other.
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Blight is my 2nd main and that challenge was perfect because I can just run the C33 addon and offer Gideon map. I know it's broken but it's the fastest way to finish the challenge and still get 4k
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I hate the game it's just pallets that map is so unsafe if there were just less pallets but because it is known as pallet city it's a super safe map!
I mean seriously you can predrop until endgame and still have more!
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Yeah that map is poorly designed. each map iteration spawns at least 12 god pallets which you have to break as killer to continue chase. i'm sure that survivor was salty his team didn't finish the gens lol the game map is clearly easy af if the team is on gens while killers are busy kicking god pallets every 10 seconds.
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I kind of like that map. Wraith with shadow dance and chase perks (my favorite build for him) is just a sad, sad day for survivors.
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weclome to dbd
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No kidding! The first chase lasted 3.5 gens worth of pallets alone. I was running blight was I was able to just rush through them, but jessuussss
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You can say that about literally any map, though.
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No shame to be had my man.
How is Gideon for Blight usually ? I've only seen like 2 Blights ever (not frequent in low mmr), never played him. I can see a lot of rebound potential but on the other hand it does seem like it could be hard to actually charge at someone.
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I played it with blight, it was pretty rough downstairs. Upstairs not so bad
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Your tip is just "Go against bad Survivors".
There's a 0% chance good Survivors will drop all Pallets before all 5 Generators are done
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I tend to do ok on The Game actually despite all the pallets. The reason is the map has a few features that help the killer too
- Once you know the layout it’s one of the quicker maps to navigate. The floor areas are small and there are nice conveniently place stairs and drops you can use to go up and down as needed. So patrolling the map is faster and getting in range of a gen in progress to start a chase is faster than a lot of other maps.
- There are a whole lot of pallets but only a couple of windows. This is particularly good if you happen to be playing a killer or loadout that is good at breaking pallets but not good at dealing with windows.
- The map has a lot of walls and line of sight blockers to help block survivors seeing you coming in, but on the flip side there are no bushes and such to hide in so if a killer has a line of sight on you they will very likely see you. This makes the map pretty nice if you play a stealthy style of killer because you get the benefits for your stealth without a lot of the stationary hiding spots some other maps have.
- The breakable walls are actually not bad to destroy because they open up additional paths of approach which is generally a good thing for killer. I appreciate that compared to a few of the walls on other maps that seem like they’re just cosmetic.
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Find the weakest link then there is always one unless you play agains't seal team but that match you would lose in any other map too.
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No way you go through all of gideons pallets and still have gates unopened/99ed. The person dcing probably was angry the team hadn't finished by the time the killer cleared the map. This is with a fast pallet break killer too. #########! Gideon is assininely desigened and its 100% the worst map in the game. I wish the license holders pulled a stranger things and pulled this map. Dbd would be better off.
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You don't need to be seal level skilled to pre drop every gideon meat plant pallet in chase. Your teammates just need to stop arsing around and do a friggin gen. Of someone is stupid enough to get downed on this map at max pallet capacity they have horribly messed up or are terrible.
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If the survivors somehow haven't done all gens by that time yes, but any decent team will be out of the match before they run out of pallets in that map.
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You know that if a killer is using Jigsaw offerings its either a souped up Wraith or an angry Nemesis.