Boon totems still have basically twice the range on 2-story maps and that's extremely unfair.

Anyone who's played killer knows how frustrating it is knowing that there's a boon right above/below you, but you can't do anything about it because countering it is basically throwing the game in many (most?) scenarios. Boon totems cover a 24m radius, but since the effects work on both levels it essentially doubles their range. That's pretty busted.
I'd love to know why the devs still haven't changed this. It leaves the killer with no counterplay as you'd have to waste an obscene amount of time to snuff the totem, only for survivors to bless it again as soon as you go back to the upper/lower level (after losing all of your pressure).
I've noticed a lot more people using boons lately and I think 2-story boons are very depressing/unfair to go against.
Well, yeah. It is unfair, i agree.
But i don't think they allowed boons do that. I think they failed to find way how to stop this. DbD still has spaghetti code after years.
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I love putting my boon on the top floor of library on RPD, whole wing is now covered, muahahahahaha!
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I mean, anything that has an aura or burst ability works like that right? Boons take advantage of it best, but Starstruck, Jolt, the new info perk, etc all get value out of the same mechanic.
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Killers get value out of multi-floored map too, so I think that's fair.
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Anything that works within X meters applies three-dimensionally. Breakout works across multiple floors, for example, as does Starstruck.
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At their worst, on giant maps like Red Forest, boons cover around 20% of the map.
On tiny maps, and especially two-story maps like The Game or Midwich, boons can cover over 80% of the map.
They are not balanced in any way and they will almost certainly never actually do anything to fix it.
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The difference is that you can heal yourself/get shadowstep etc relatively quickly very far from the boons actual spot meaning there is no risk that the killer can chase you off the boon and snuff it. The worst one obviously being RPD since you can heal yourself on multiple floors with many rooms between you and the killer as well. The killer shouldn't have to spend 20-30 seconds just to snuff an infinite supply of boons once.
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Yes, you're correct, but I think that's comparing apples to oranges. The examples you mentioned do work similarly but don't really create a disadvantage for one side the same way boon totems do.
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All the ranges in the game are like this, it's part of the balancing issues of two-story maps. I love going on The Game as doc cause every single static blast will hit everyone all the time. They can't just change boon totems, they'd have to change how ranges work for everything that has a range.
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Most effects (like jolt) are spheres, not cylinders like boons are.
Onryos affliction add ons when you go near a TV is a cylinder that doesn't go through floors is what boons should be, or if that isn't an option, at least have it in the shape of an oval/ellipse around the totem.
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Can we not nerf boons any further? Most of them are just garbage or require a sweaty swf to get any use out of
Only good one is CoH and shadow step is just okay
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I agree that Boons working through floors is problematic on certain spots in certain maps. Ideally the range to the Boon so be path driven, not a cylinder or sphere (whichever it is), to take account for oddities like that. However since that’s probably too difficult to code for the benefit, the next best solution might be to simply move or delete the specific totem spawns on those specific maps that are most problematic (e.g. that second story totem spot on top of Ironworks which takes a ridiculously long time to reach if you actually want to snuff it but covers maybe the entire center building give or take.)
At some point the devs might want to consider doing a pass on any totem spot in any multilevel building or map, time how long it takes to reach it from outside, and if its beyond a certain threshold move or delete it.
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If they limit the effects of things to be the same floor only, I hope that includes doctor's static shock.
Not because he needs the nerf. Just because it's funny to want to limit things because they're mildly annoying.