We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Killer Changes Part 1: The Blight

MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello peope of the fog, I am currently working on a project. Changing all Killer Powers/Add-ons and teachable Perks. I wanted to start it simple, so I chose Blight as he doesn't needs many/or any basekit changes in particular.

The lists consist of 4 major parts: Power, Power Trivia, Add-ons and Teachable Perks.

They are split into 2 sides: The current version (left) and the suggested versions (right).

So I'll start and explain stuff on the way:

The Blight:

So, we know how the Blight works and I think that everyone of us agrees that his Power doesn't need major tweaks (ignoring bugs like hug-tech because I am including unintended features).

And going onto the Power Trivia, I also think that the majority agrees that his basic power stats are fine as well. One thing I've changed is his fatigue after a successful hit. It was 3 seconds like the old basic attack cooldown. With it being lowered, I've lowered that cooldown down to 2.7 seconds as well.

Now the interesting part, the Add-ons. There are many undertuned and overtuned Add-ons. I've wanted to make them more interesting, the weaker ones better and lower the power level of the more stronger Add-ons.

Placebo Tablet: Currently it lowers your Rush speed by 15 % of your current movement speed (230 %), so it actually lowers your speed drastically, making you move at not even 200 % of the general base movement speed. I've changed it so it reduces a flat value of 1 m/s or 25 % as a flat value.

Fox Glove: One of the fatigue Add-ons which seem to only reduce your fatigue when you stop rushing (not including missing a hit or hitting). I've changed it to specifically reduce the missing cooldown and buffed the value by 0.25 seconds.

Compound Seven: A quite clunky Add-on, making you face the nearest Survivor after a Slam automatically. To make it less clunky, you can now press "Active Ability" to choose wheter you want to get that effect or not.

Chipped Monocle: A good Add-on for starter Blight's so I think it's fair to keep that one as it is.

Shredded Notes: Personally, I think this Add-on is fine and has a nice tradeoff. It lowers your recharge but gives you only 4 Rushes. People who tend to hit more 2/3-Rush-hits can use this Add-on pretty well so this one stays as it is.

Pustula Dust: Slam duration is one of the things Blight's have to learn via muscle memory, so increasing or decreasing it messes with said muscle memory. I've completely reworked those as they don't server much purpose for the majority of Blight Players. Instead, it applies "Oblivious" for 60 seconds. Similar to the "Etched Ruler" Add-on from the Legion.

Plague Bile: I've reworked all the turn rate Add-ons as well for another reason. On their own, they also don't server much purpose and are really powerful when combined with Adrenaline Vial. So instead, this Add-on gives you some 4.6 m/s M1 Killer buffs as long as your power is on cooldown.

Blighted Rat: A very controversial Add-on, increasing your movement speed by multiplying it's value with your current movement speed by 4 %. Making you move at around 11.2 m/s or 280 % of the general base movement speed once you've used your last Rush Token. To make it less crazy, it now increases your speed by 0.2 m/s (or 5 %) for each Token, reaching a max of 10.2 m/s or 255 % of the general base speed.

Canker Thorn: Similar to the Foxglove Add-on, it reduced some parts of your fatigue but not all, so now it specifically reduces your fatigue when breaking pallets or walls.

Adrenaline Vial: An Add-on which used to be pretty bad was buffed into one of the best Add-ons in the entire game, probably even to good. To make it less obnoxious, the recovery rate was decreased from 1 second to 1.25 seconds per Token, the look angle buff was removed as it allowed the Blight to attack in way to sharp angles, the turn rate was mildened as the turn rate Add-ons got reworked and the Add-on now reduces the Blight's base movement speed to 4.4 m/s (110 %). This will keep the Add-on strong and will make you power much better but with a certain trade-off.

Rose Tonic: As we previously said, Slam duration is pretty meaningless so I've changed the Add-on to apply "Broken" for a certain amount of time.

Umbra Salts: Turn rate is removed, it now instead reduces your fatigue on successful hits by 0.25 seconds.

Blighted Crow: Changed into a "Mangled" and "Hemorrhage" Add-on as the Blight was moving way to fast previously with the double speed combo.

Compound 21: A very helpful Add-on for tracking, was once nerfed because the values were to high and now it's on a decent spot.

Alchemist's Ring: Many people despise this Add-on as it had now downside for it's immense upside. I want to keep some qualities of it as it rewards the Blight for hitting his power. It will now become a Token based Add-on, with each Lethal Rush hit, you gain a Token up to 10, each Token reduces your recovery rate by 1 second.

Basically, you can have the old effect but you'll have to work for it more in order to get it. If you miss a Rush Attack, you will lose all Tokens and you'll have to start over again.

Soul Chemical: Used to be an Aura Reading Add-on, but it was pretty redundant as we already have CP 21, they changed it into a Skill Check gimmick, leaving it pretty weak. I've changed it to a form of "Fuming Mixtape", which allows you to see gen progress while rushing and while rushing, it also regressed gens which aren't being worked. on.

Summoning Stone: For a non Hex version of Blood Favour, the values are way to high, so I've reduced the range and duration to be between what it once was and what it currently is. (the values used to be 8 metres and 6 seconds)

Compound 33: Well, this one is weird. It slows Survivors and it also gives the abilty to break pallets on top of an ability which can break pallets. And it also stuns you for only 1.5 seconds. Many will agree that this Add-on is way to powerful. I've changed it into something new. Now it instead will completely drain your power upon hitting a Survivor with Lethal Rush, but for the duration, the Survivor will move at 90 % of the general base speed.

Iridescent Blight Tag: I would say that it is currently to powerful combined with all the possible Add-on combos. But if the Add-ons worked like they would in my suggested version, the Add-on would stay at a decent strength without being to powerful with certain combos.

Regarding the Blight's teachable Perks, I think that Hex: Blood Favour and Hex: Undying are in a decent spot. But Dragon's Grip has some flaws, going from a way to long cooldown to going on cooldown when not even successfully triggered.

I've changed it so it works similar to Make your Choice. It will now stay highlighted indefinitely and will trigger if you are a certain distance away instead. Forgot to mention that the Aura turns red again once it successfully exposed someone and they would still scream like they currently do. And for it's effect, a 60 second cooldown seems justified.

That would be it, I hope that someone reads it as I've put quite alot of time into it. Mostly editing the document. If you can give some feedback, it'd be well appreciated. I also hope the Devs take some ideas from this for a possible Blight Add-on pass.

Anyways, have a nice rest of your day!


  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I appreciate the depth here! Very detailed. Doesn't leave room for misinterpretation. I can't comment on it much because you only made one base kit change and I have not used Blight so I know nothing about his addons. I do however look forward to your 'slinger rework and yeah I agree he kind of doesn't need changes. Blight seems to be in a good place as far as I can tell.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    I used to play Blight alot actually but stopped at some point because of the rise in Blight players and the rise in compaints about him. But I certainly know what is problematic with him and what isn't. And yeah, his basekit certainly isn't. But thanks for the comment!

    I'll throw in the Slinger changes later or tomorrow.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Those changes are basically perfect. I (as someone that doesn't play Blight at all) can't find anything I disagree with, except Alchemist Ring.

    10 Tokens isn't all that much, I'd rather Alchemist Ring do something completely different than reduce the cooldown.

    If you're looking for a Killer that doesn't need any/major base-kit changes similarly to Blight, Demogorgon has you covered, tho he needs quite a lot of Add-On changes

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited August 2022

    I see you're committed to having blight possess some of the strongest add-ons in the game.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    Imo blight should be a 110% killer to force him to use his power during a chase.

    I think it s kinda weird that someone with a power as strong as blight's can just choose not to use it and be totally fine during a chase.

    Spirit Huntress and Nurse cant do that and I dont think blight should.

    Also a lot of your suggested add-on changes seem over engineered. Some of these add-ons just need nerf, not complete reworks. For example Pustula Dust and Plague Bile turned completely useless for no reason. You dont need to make a survivor oblivious during a chase and blight's power recharges so fast that you cant use the buffs it grants. This looks like the overheat add-ons of hillbilly and they are all kinda really awful.

    also i absolutely hate the dragon's grip change. Why does the killer need to be away from the gen? the survivor could just not touch the gen when the killer is nearby.

    This deletes one of the few scenarios where dragon's grip was useful: kicking a gen and pretending to leave only for a survivor to come out of hiding to touch it and get exposed.

    This is a nerf to an already not that good perk.

    Some of these changes look good, but this imo overcomplicates a very simple issue:

    • some of blight's add-ons are too strong

    just nerf/rework the really strong ones and then we'll see if he's still too strong

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    Not sure how my suggested versions seem stronger than what we already have.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    You said I've overengineered the Add-ons and and stated they need nerfs instead of reworks. And in the last sentence you've said that the strongest Add-ons needs nerfs/reworks, which goes against your first point entirely.

    Also, I've excactly done that. Reworking his strongest Add-ons because straight up nerfing something to the level of becoming useless isn't an option either. (See Ruin and Pop for example).

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    I've actually had Freddy in mind. I try to balance easy changes and major changes so I don't get stuck with only major changes at the end. Hence, @GeneralV could be quite helpful here. And Freddy needs major changes.

    But once I do Demo, I'll ask you for advice.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,839
  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    I do. Currently I've done Blight, Deathslinger and Hillbilly as they were quite easy. So I want to do a "harder" one now.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387


    okay imma go through it one by one then:

    • placebo tablet - good change
    • Fox glove - this is a good change, making it useful while not buffing good players
    • Compound 7 - good change
    • Pustula Dust - why rework this?, does this really need a rework? maybe a nerf is enough? also the new effect is completely useless
    • Plague Bile - why rework this? couldnt this just get nerfed instead? also the new effect is nearly completely useless
    • Blighted Rat - good change, i dont know if this is too good to receive a nerf but i'm just gonna trust it
    • Cancer Thorn - this is a nerf, not a change imo, good nerf; has the potential to be extremely broken if there exist multiple of this kinds of this add-on since they'd stack and just delete pallets against a 115% killer
    • Adrenaline Vial - I'd have to see this in-game to judge it
    • Rose Tonic - why rework it? couldnt a nerf be enough? also applying broken for 80 seconds can be extremely OP with a hit and run playstyle
    • Umbra Salts - again, does this really need a rework? also the new effect looks kinda too weak
    • Blighted Crow - again, does this need a rework or would a nerf be enough? the new effect looks decent
    • Alchemist's Ring - while I agree this needs a rework or nerf, this is not a good way to do it imo; this add-on is now worthless for bad/mediocre blight's while being absolutely busted on good blight's, especially since he is a 115% killer. They could use it like Demogorgon can use STBFL
    • Soul Chemical - I dont know if Blight should have access to this effect since he has such high mobility already. Also the current add-on seems fine to me. adding a regression penalty to missing the skillcheck would probably be enough to make this add-on good
    • Summoning Stone - good nerf
    • Compound 33 - shrugs

    My problem with some of these changes are that a nerf would be enough. The problem with too many reworks at once is that it can completely ruin a killer by either giving them too many strong add-ons or by leaving them with trash.

    If your goal was to basically change Blight into a killer whose basekit is unaffected by add-ons, you achieved that but quite possibly either turned some add-ons into garbage or left them just as good as before.

    changing add-ons just for the sake of changing them is not a good way to do things, this is the same reason i dislike some of the perk changes BHVR did in the last patch. Sometimes add-ons dont need changes or slight nerfs are enough. Introducing a lot of unknown variables all at once is rarely ever a good idea unless you do a complete rework or very tame effects like with the Legion rework.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    You think slam duration and turn rate are so strong that it warrants a nerf?

    Blighted Crow needs something as it is way to strong with Rat. Even Rat alone is busted. Mangled and Hemorrhage seem pretty reasonable.

    Alch Ring was inspired by BFF's. And I still want to keep it's identity but by making it more restrictive. Also, why is it a bad thing that an Add-on requires skill to use well?

    Soul Chemical might be actually interesting, but yeah whatever. It's just my opinion.

    CP33 needs a nerf. Can it be changed differently, yes. That's what I've came up with.

    And yeah, my intention was to make his basekit mostly unaffected by Add-ons as his basekit is strong enough.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Deathslinger one soon?

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,972

    I am currently working a lot, and during my free days I spend my time more outside since it's summer.

    As soon as I feel like it/have time, I'll continue.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I'd prefer it if dragon's grip worked like blast mine, where if it didn't expose anyone, it would have no cooldown