Public Poll: All Seeing VS Blindness
There are 2 sides of the coin
On the Left-Side:
We have people who want survivors to have less information. They generally believe that less information brings more horror to the game and want certain available information removed. Things like Hex Notifications that would reveal you to have lullaby and so on.
On the Right-Side:
Here we have people who want to bring SWF's and Solo survivors closer together in order to have a better measure for balance. This means that solo's should get a lot of free communication tools, as long as they are also given to SWF's by the virtue of having access to communication. They want to stand on equal ground.
Your opinions and reasoning can vary from what I stated and to keep things unbiased I'll not advocate here for either side.
Which direction do you believe the game should head to?
Left: Blindness
Right: Increased Communication
Vote on the first 2 comments down below to bring out your vote.
I invite you to leave your thoughts down below.
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Increased Communication
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AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
In my defense I love horror movies, it's just games that kills me (get it?)1 -
If the game would be left-centered, we would likely see mechanics such as:
Survivors can be heart screaming from a wide distance from the hook. (As hook notifications would no longer be communicated by the game)
Thanks for letting us know your vote (:
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this game is supposed to be a horror game, is it not?
yet the ridiculous amounts of information given to the survivors dont make it feel like one.
also, sometimes they even screw the killers (like hex notifications).id be in for a reduced FoV for survivors (maybe like a thick wall of fog). might bring in some scary atmosphere?
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Middle ground some stuff gets removed for horror but then solos can have access to a few items to make it fairer like seeing the killers aura when there close to them (inside 8 metres out of sight)2
Something funny I noticed when I recently started using Premontion is that when you have to look around to know where the killer is, you are a lot more likely to fail skill-checks because your eyes ARE actually focussed on something else, which was what the whole point of skill-checks was about!
It'd be super cool if you could only hear the heartbeat of the killer when they're within Traditional Terror Radius Range + in your FOV, for longer than 0,5 seconds. (meaning you can't spin around)
Just the trills!
Would cause problems with already weak terror-radius-condition based perks like caulrophobia et al.
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Blindness in my opinion. I wanna be scared when I paly survivor, like in an actual horror game, ya know :sarcastic:
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@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
Increased CommunicationI voted right on this one.
But personally? I just wanna punish SWF somehow. Less BP or disadvantages to anyone who participates in SWF.
Maybe buffs or reworks for solo players. But a solo with enough game sense can do just fine. Maybe some perks to help em out, but otherwise fine.
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Since SWF exists, going the "blindness" route would screw solo survivors, while leaving SWF unaffected. As much as I like the horror aspect of the game, SWF breaks it, and since SWF can't be removed for marketing reasons the game must be balanced around it.
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@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
BlindnessIt should be a horror game or I am wrong? I really hate the fact that this game isn't one.
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@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
BlindnessThe other option already messed with the game too much. Not a horror game anymore but a game where survivors group and make fun of a killer.
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Blindness, but with some level of information. Hex notifications are a little overwhelming, if there were different triggers for them that's better IMO. And no to baseline aura reading unless it's the killer's power.
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AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
Increased Communication
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@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
Increased CommunicationIncreased communication. Trying to fight voice chat is a losing battle. Might as well accept that the year is 2019 and voice comms aren't going away.
1 -
AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
Something funny I noticed when I recently started using Premontion is that when you have to look around to know where the killer is, you are a lot more likely to fail skill-checks because your eyes ARE actually focussed on something else, which was what the whole point of skill-checks was about!
It'd be super cool if you could only hear the heartbeat of the killer when they're within Traditional Terror Radius Range + in your FOV, for longer than 0,5 seconds. (meaning you can't spin around)
Just the trills!
Would cause problems with already weak terror-radius-condition based perks like caulrophobia et al.
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@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
There are 2 sides of the coin
On the Left-Side:
We have people who want survivors to have less information. They generally believe that less information brings more horror to the game and want certain available information removed. Things like Hex Notifications that would reveal you to have lullaby and so on.On the Right-Side:
Here we have people who want to bring SWF's and Solo survivors closer together in order to have a better measure for balance. This means that solo's should get a lot of free communication tools, as long as they are also given to SWF's by the virtue of having access to communication. They want to stand on equal ground.Note:
Your opinions and reasoning can vary from what I stated and to keep things unbiased I'll not advocate here for either side.Which direction do you believe the game should head to?
Left: Blindness
Right: Increased CommunicationVote on the first 2 comments down below to bring out your vote.
I invite you to leave your thoughts down below.Here's the thing, I agree with parts of both sides, although I agree with more of the things on the right side. I think that Huntress Lullaby should only be told to the survivors after 3 tokens because that's when the perk's effect becomes really obvious. But everything else I agree more with the right side, because more information in a complicated game like this (at least to new people) is necessary if one is to get into it. Sure I know almost everything that there is to know about the game, but new people won't and the fact that SWF have so much more info between each other is something that solo players need because the gap between a coordinated team over coms and a completely solo team is huge. It wouldn't be that complicated either, something as basic as making Kindred 3 a built in thing to every survivor would help a lot with save coordination with solo players; this was an idea the devs gave a while ago but they never tested it.
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Good Survivors will Rush Gens in ~ 3mins so by removing information they have to search for others etc and thus waste time giving killer more time to PLAY THE GAME.
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I don't have an opinions but cool art!