(Crossplay) PC/Steam/Twitch streamer looking for SWF with Discord

@Ryanartist64 I have been playing DBD for a few years (1,500 hours), I play survivor and killer evenly. My previous SWF doesn't play as much as I do anymore, and I'm wanting to join a decently strong team. I try and be a relatively family friendly streamer. I've done an absolute ton of solo queue and for obvious reasons would love to have a Discord VC group. I have every perk in the game memorized and have all but 1 survivor at P3 or higher. Let me know if I fit the bill!
This shouldn't really matter, but:
Survivor mains: Nea, Felix
Killer main: Twins (without being toxic... I know, I am a miracle 😘)
Good sir
Today is the most luckiest day ever
I have what u seek and u are what I seek
More players to add to my server that we can play together
My discord is CHAOSLORD136 #4522
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Definitely willing to check it out. Are you normally able to fill full SWFs? I am in the middle of doing a Hardcore Solo Queue Challenge. After that, I'd love to play in some teams!