Merciless Storm and yellow glyph and accessibility issues

So I'm a mouse wheel up for skill check player, mostly for mobility issues with hypermobility and minor arthritis from so many years of playing arpg click fests like diablo 2. I find it really taxing on my hands to do fast, repetitive keystrokes. Before the new wiggle and hook struggle mechanic change, I had to have an Xbox One controller just not kill my hands after 1-2 matches as surv. When skill checking, I've been using mouse wheel up because I find that the least taxing option for my hands in the long run. Up until now, I've been dealing with just 90% gens and waiting for a teammate to finish the rest because merciless storm skill checks are constant and so precise if I enter more than one mouse wheel up inputs I just fail it automatically. The same goes for the yellow glyph challenges.

My suggestion is to the devs is please have a .3-.4 ms input delay from the initial input to the next one registered on merciless storm and the yellow glyph challenges. That way, it allows for more options to people with accessibility issues that have to use all different types of control configurations to game comfortably.