Who's to blame for long killer queue times?

I really don't know, but I have 3 theories:
1. Bhvr's servers are just ######### right now because of the new system and stuff.
2. Because of just slightly long queue times, but much longer related to survs, most just think: "nah, just play Surv it's faster." + to play with friends theire is no other mode that is just real. Custom games don't count if you Literly only have 2 friends.
3. Nobody wants to sit for 15 minutes in search just for an unfun killer match vs most of the time "a bit but enough value of toxic" survivers or even worse a bully 4 man swf group.
For me it's mostly none of those because I do rift challange in switch between one I do as Surv and one I do as killer. But the killer ones are always over after one match and the survs ones I'm sitting in extrem cases Days on.
Edit: you know what: in my idiot logic I never thought about to much killers XD. You have a valid point.
It's because the average Survivor experience is ######### awful right now.
No one wants to get camped and tunneled out at 5 gens with a Killer stacking 4 slowdown perks and get 8K points when the Grind for BP got way worse.
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I think it's because solo queue is harder now, and killer is easier now.
So a lot of solo queue survivor mains are now playing killer, when they normally would be playing solo queue.
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Killer queues are long because of 6.1.0.
The update made casual Survivor harder by adding a few QOL improvements to Killer, along with Perk nerfs and buffs, which made the average Survivor player (average=bad) stop playing Survivor and instead play Killer
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Because solo Q is awful only addicted people like me are still playing, 6.1 was the worst patch they ever did, it could be fine with incentives and bonus BP for the awful side but nah we have to wait months for it
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Solo survivors left the game mostly or they are playing killer now. That's why you have long killer queues. And you will get more toxic SWFs because game has less solo players now.
Blame BHVR for that, they ignored solo-q for years.
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Behavior for disabling queue incentives. I want the bugged version base kit, fam. Just let survivors have their bloodpoints so that I can kill them in peace.
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If only we could all be happy Thicc.
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BHVR... to say the least
they are the ones that control how players get matched, how the game is played and any changes that come into the game
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Between matchmaking pairing you with relative baby teammates and almost every killer playing like there's $10k on the line, there's at least an 80% chance solo survivor will be a complete waste of time.
There's absolutely nothing fun about playing solo queue with 2 teammates with 1/10th of your experience level farming Rift challenges while the killer is running Pain Res/Overcharge/CoB/Eruption. I'll just play a different game.
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My killer queue times are longer, but also still well shorter than my survivor times were pre-patch, so net win?
But more people are playing killer and not survivor, not really a mystery why the queue times changed. Why? Because BHVR improved killer (which was needed, make no mistake; killer had been in a rough state for a long time), without helping solo queue as well.
The solution isn't to revert the patch, it's to buff solo.
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Because a lot of people are playing Killer because of 6.1.0
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Nothing you wrote here is any new to the game.
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The awful Survivor experience which, in turn, is BHVR's fault.
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It's a Fox, Chicken, Corn puzzle in real time. If BHVR buff solos (outside of simple communication), it futzes with the SWF matchup. If BHVR buffs killers to be able to handle SWFs, it futzes with the solo matchup.
Very, very tricky to solve. Someone is going to lose out in the equation somewhere.
This will get a lot better once the incentives are in and the initial tidal wave of people playing Wesker recedes.
It's...also not really anyone's 'fault'. The game needed a meta shakeup and a balance shakeup, and people don't like being nerfed, and don't like being on the greasy end of balance changes at any point.
They are going to have to find some way of helping solos, but I don't think the status icons will do all that much and I'm at a loss as to what else could be changed without making SWFs stronger.
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I hope there aren't too many like you out there. I quit the game for now but really want to return someday, but not for bloodpoint bonuses but when I'm having some fun again. If they find enough people who don't mind the awful state of solo queue as long as they get the bloodpoint bonus, BHVR has absolutely no reason to do something about it. OTOH, there are other games, if they really don't need/want me to play any longer I'll have to accept that and move on.
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Is the devs fault for making camping even easier, playing survivors is horrible now. The patch that was supposed to address camping just made it worst
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Bhvr for neglecting solo q for too long. They've known about how solo q have needed QOL changes for a while and what are they doing about it? Put it on the back burner to address Killrates, add a streamer mode and basekit killer moris.
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oh god.
you weren't here for the ghostface release. Queues were 45 minutes to an hour per Killer match.
Wesker is going to be worse.
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Yeah, but on the other hand, survivors get a new feet perk.
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Oh yeah...I honestly had forgotten about that.
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Solo Q being worse than usual in multiple ways; the DCers/rage quitters, the frustrating changes to some things and so on.
More people playing Killer than before
That's my guess
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This is exactly it. Wonder how long it takes them to admit the current situation just isn't good. Survivor is both unfun AND unrewarding.
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i think if the average survivor experience was really awful, killer queue times would be even much longer. So I would say that is a bit of an exaggeration.
There is no doubt that survivor needs help though, because the matches where killers camp and tunnel do stick out as particularly frustrating at the moment. It's not just those cheap strategies however. Matchmaking being bad also adds to the frustration too often.
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BHVR is to blame. They don’t seem to care *at all* about their promise to provide bonus BP for the role incentives. If it was really a priority, they would have fixed this a long time ago.