Can we talk about the ring girl on midwich?
Not asking for direct nerfs for her but midwich is just damn terrible size and layout wise. Over half the TV's can apply curse at any one time and I had a killer use the offering, curse killing all 4 of us .
Don't think I've had a match feel that awful in a while
yes nerf one of the 3 worst killers in the game wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Like I said I'm not asking for nerfs for her, just pointing out this map sucks and seems to be used a lot on certain killer builds. Same with starstruck nurse runs
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Well it is one of if not the only real killer friendly map and even that depends on the character they are playing.
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I'd argue it and new haddonfield really are killer freindly with the sheer amount of deadzones and the amount of 3 gen situations they can have. Hell, midwichs exit gates are 8 seconds away from eachother and a straight shot
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Literally Houses almost can be an infinite for M1 Killers on new Haddonfield. Got Bamboozle? Dont matter there are enough windows into the next house connected together to make it miserable as Killer. But i agree outside is mostly one huge Deadzone.
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Yeah, onyro is much stronger than people give her credit for I think. Especially on maps like that. I wouldn't be opposed to there being a cooldown before you can gain another curse stack after getting one, so they can't cheese condemned kills.
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suggestions like these make me wish there was a downvote button. you dont need to nerf one of the 3 worst killers in the game, go back to complaining about nurse
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Weird that I usually escape there. But die in those survivors friendly maps.
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Thanks, i know what map to go with sadako ! But you exagerate.
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That's like the only good map she has. The Game is too safe and other indoors are not so small like this map.
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If she cursed killed all 4 of you, it seems like the survivors misplayed as well and it wasn't just because the map was strong for her. It definitely is her best map to try and get curse kills on, especially if you run a build for it, but I don't think it's much of a problem.
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She is only good on that map, maybe lerys and the game, cut Onryo some slack she already dealing with a bunch of other issues
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That's why you do turn televisions off, get around ~25% of a generator done, and head to the previously marked television.
The moment you turn off her televisions, insert tapes into the other ones, she can't teleport and therefore can't apply the condemned status, can she?
Houses can be infinite? I guess, I don't understand the game even after two thousands hours on record, then..
The way I see it, if you vault a window, the killer will either do the same and catch up to you before you can vault the same window again for the third time, or you get downed before getting near those houses in the first place.
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Once we've nerfed trapper we can take a look at oreo
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The Quadruple F- tier killer has disturbed the player.
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Sadako's condemned mechanic isn't at all threatening.
On most maps, you can get by without ever touching a TV or getting cursed.
On maps like Midwich, oh no, now you have you move a tape once or twice.
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I think what's best is to just make it so that when you teleport to a television it takes 7 real-life days for her to come out. You know, for balance and lore accuracy.
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Of all things to complain about…
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I think the solution to this problem is to delete Midwich.
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Imagine caring about the biggest meme of an ability the game has ever seen for the same reason that boons and starstruck can affect multiple floors. Just use your free built in counterplay mechanic to both remove her TVs and remove your curse buildup.
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I think every license map is problematic because of some advantages for one side.
Maybe the idea of license maps are awesome but was a mistake.
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Excuse me but if at this point you still cant see how good new haddonfield is for survivors you are extremely bad at the game.
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There is one map which her power was actually an issue for me.
RCPD and she had the purple addon where you start with the tape. One of us, the Adam, wasn't able to find the route to his TV and...yeah. 0 hooks one dead at 5 gens, of all my solo games that was definitely one of them
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Nope, that would be ridiculous. Curse is so easy to remove anyway, that you hardly ever see it. I basicaly use Onryo as a high mobility stealth killer, but so far I only had the chance for curse kills 3 times. It's mostly a gimmick, and some additional thing for survivors to be slightly busy with, but nothing more
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I'm sorry that your teammate took nearly three minutes to find the right TV? I can only assume they were doing a gen and ignoring the tape cuz while rpd is big and annoying it's not " takes three minutes to make a lap" annoying.
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And give Trapper's Traps a cooldown. If you step in one you gain immunity for 30 seconds
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Nope, as far as I could tell he was trying to get there the whole time. But yes I'm also sorry that occurred
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If your teammate spent nearly three minutes to figure out how to route to a big glowy box that he could see through walls I've got bad news for you: you were not going to win that game regardless of killer. If he couldn't find the thing you can see at all times he certainly can't find gens. If he's enough of a potato to run into the same room multiple times then he certainly can't run the killer for any appreciable time.
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A good point
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Her condemn is good for Midwich but you still need to secure downs as Onryo..
Good survivors dont make Midwich easy, even if we do have the home field advantage. For example, sabotaging one hook can turn the entire match
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Even when a map is small enough that you actually get hit with stacks... all you have to do is do the intended counterplay to her power and plug in some tapes. Like, I'll agree she's stronger on indoor two-story maps, but it's still Onyro.
Hell, playing as Onryo, I've had more fully condemned survivors pop a tape in my face than I've had condemned kills.
I chalk this more up to survivors getting used to ignoring the condemned mechanic and then not reacting as they should when the map or the addons make it a threat.
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Shelter Woods.
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You call that killer friendly?
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I dont get how people keep messing up her name...
The Ringu GirlThe RingRinguThe Ring WomanThe OreoThe OnionThe Onryo
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not that they've nerfed spirit i see we're trying to find the next killer to nerf
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Sadako isn't the problem. It's the map itself. It's very killer sided but I think it's still fine considering how many maps are survivor sided and you can always use map offerings if you don't wanna end up in midwich.
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For the record durring the match she had the addon her tvs could constantly reset after a post teleport hit and I think an addon for post teleport speed.
This was a planned encounter with the killer choosing the map and killing everyone just with condemned not even going for hooks
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Well, let's see; while not the worst killer, Sadako is in the bottom half, so not oppressive.
In its current form, the Condemned mechanic will only be an issue for you if you're really not paying attention, or you're playing one of the like 3 god tier Sadakos out there.
Midwich is one of a few maps that isn't survivor friendly, and one of maybe 2 that is killer friendly, and given the hook placements recently, even that is debatable.
So not really a priority, I'd say.
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You want to enumerate all the maps that sucks?
The Game? Crows? Garden? Mother's? Corn? ...
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Yes? Super high visibility, deadzones everywhere, very few pallets, lack of strong loops or even chained tiles. The only element in there that's bad for killers is that it's quite large. But the real distance of travel is often going to be higher on a map like Gas Heaven, Badham, or even Midwich because Shelter Woods completely lacks walls in your way.
I'd rather load into Midwich in a survivor game than Shelter Woods. A killer like Hag might be kind of screwed because there's no choke points and the map is very large, but most of the roster is plenty comfortable there.
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You Can also hide in the dark places of houses as well
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Onryo ? The meme killer ?