inFamous chapter DLC

Legion_main56742 Member Posts: 8
edited August 2022 in Creations

New chapter in Dead By Daylight:


New Killer - Cole McGrath/The Beast (Evil Karma Cole)


Cole McGrath was the courier. He ran away from home, did not finish his 6th year of college and got a job as a courier. Once an order was received to deliver one package to the Old City and hand it over to Kessler. He did not find Kessler at the site. Kessler called him and promised $500 in payment, asking him to open the box. There was a Ray Sphere in the box. Ray Sphere caused a powerful explosion that claimed more than 10 thousand lives. In the center was Cole Magrat, it was his fault that the explosion occurred, without knowing it, he activated the Ray Sphere, which led to such consequences. The largest and most developed area of ​​the city - the Old City, is almost destroyed. Few manage to survive, among these people are Cole McGrath, and his friend Zeke, as well as Cole's girlfriend, Trish. When Cole wakes up at ground zero, he tries to fight his way through the explosions to Zeke, who was waiting for him on the bridge. Upon reaching Zeke, Cole faints.

Gradually, Cole got better and eventually he got on his feet, with the help of Trish, an excellent medic. Further, McGrath discovers the ability to control electricity, slide on any, even vertical surfaces, and suck energy from any device.

The Feds drop food containers, but they get stuck on a statue in Neon Park. Cole manages to go upstairs, knock them out, and then deal with the reapers. At that moment, a message from the Telehacker flashes across the large screens, which reveals who set off the explosion - Cole himself. Trish immediately abandons Cole because her sister, Amy, died in the explosion. Cole decides to flee the city and offers to meet at Stampton Bridge. However, the escape fails.

After an unsuccessful escape from the city, Cole ends up with Moya, an FBI agent who wants to find her husband John, who also ended up in the center of the Ray Sphere. Cole questions Moya and finds out about the First Sons faction. There he will be able to learn about the Ray Sphere. Cole goes to the second island, Warren, where the so-called "Scavengers" are in command, led by Alden - the son of the leader of the First Sons - a telekinetic. A little later, John White calls him. It turns out that: John has nothing to do with Moya, Alden has the ray sphere. Cole meets up with Zeke and they go to Alden's tower together to retrieve the sphere. In the middle of a fight with Alden, Kessler arrives by helicopter. Zeke manages to extract the sphere and tries to use it. However, there is no effect. Kessler offers Zeke to give the sphere to him and he will give Zeke the powers he dreams of. Zeke flies off with Kessler. Cole has to fight Alden on the bridge. Alden is defeated, but offers Cole to join forces and kill Kessler. While Cole is thinking, Alden jumps off the bridge.

Cole breaks into the old city where the First Sons' base is located. At that moment, Kessler contacts him and offers to undergo a series of tests, since Trish is in his captivity. Cole saves people from the bombs, but the final test forces Cole to make a tough choice: try to save Trish or save 6 doctors tied up on a nearby rooftop. Cole saves the doctors, but does not make it to the second roof - Trish dies. Cole promises revenge on Kessler. Together with John White, he manages to find the Ray Sphere, but when it is destroyed, the sphere splits and John is pulled into it.

Kessler challenges Cole to a fight, and the latter wins. It turns out that Kessler and Cole are the same person. Kessler reveals that in his future, a certain Beast came to Empire City, seeking to kill all life. Kessler had a chance to stop him, but he chose to run with his family. As a result, then no one could be saved, and Kessler goes into the past without a return. He led the first sons to accelerate the development of the ray sphere, organize quarantine and find himself in the past. Kessler killed Trish to prevent Cole from making his mistake. After Kessler's death, Cole promises that he will be ready to face the Beast when needed.

A month after the start of quarantine, Cole is found by special agent Lucy Kuo. She informs him that in New Mare, there is Dr. Sebastian Wolf, the creator of the Ray Sphere, who can give Cole new powers to fight the Beast. Cole agrees and she gets them a ship.

The quarantine is lifted, the ship is almost ready to sail, but suddenly, near the statue of Neon, the Beast begins to form. Cole fights him and wins. The Beast destroys the dock, but sinks. Cole is trying to get to the ship when the Beast grabs him again. Cole has to strike his opponent with lightning, but the lightning strikes them both. The beast falls into the water, Cole, completely squeezed out, falls onto the ship. On the way to New Mare, he learns that the Beast survived and destroyed Empire City and heads down the east coast after them.

Already in New Mare, along with Kuo, Cole goes to Dr. Wolf. Wolf asks for help from Kuo, the militia almost captured him. There is an explosion in the laboratory on the roof. Cole manages to save Wolf and he tells him about the energy cores and the Ray Dphere inhibitor, which will help defeat the Beast. Cole passes the energy of the core through himself and passes out. He woke up later, when Wolf was captured. Kuo manages to find Wolf, but in the process of escaping, Wolf dies, Cole is badly injured, and Kuo is captured. Zeke manages to locate the swamp guide, who turns out to be a dark-skinned girl named Nyx. She and Cole sabotage militia banners and give him the second core.

Next, Zeke determines where Kuo is. Cole manages to rescue her, but Kuo's powers have been activated and transferred to a large number of Vermaak soldiers, a private military organization. The soldiers also escape from the underground laboratory.

Much later, Cole sees that the Beast has already reached New Mare and is fighting the militia in the swamp. Zeke steals a nuclear missile and launches it from a crane at the ports, but the Beast survives again. After learning that the ships with the soldiers of Vermaak are ready to sail, Cole incapacitates them and then John White appears in front of him. It turned out that John did not die, but became the Beast, but he uses his abilities to heal the conduits from the plague and activate their abilities. John began to act like a Ray Sphere. He asks Cole for help.

Cole is ready to activate the inhibitor. He starts activating, but he, Kuo, and Nyx start to die. Zeke knocks the inhibitor out of Cole's hands, damaging the power regulator in the process. It turns out that the activation will kill all the conduits. Nyx and Zeke demand to destroy the Beast. Kuo offers to help the Beast as no one is sure the inhibitor will work on the plague. Cole refuses to activate the inhibitor and leaves with Kuo to join John. Nyx fights Cole and the Beast, but Cole kills her, then regretfully kills Zeke and destroys the inhibitor. John says that he is tired of killing and transfers his power to Cole, making him the new Beast. Later, while wandering around another city, Cole is lured by a strange voice. Cole finds himself in a strange place controlled by an ,,entity". She offers McGrath new people to turn into conduits. Cole agrees and immediately feels his powers weaken. He seemed to have only recently mastered them and he only had a couple of abilities left. Later, he realizes that it was a trap and now he has to kill people for fun. Cole attempted to fight the entity, but lost due to being weakened. Cole decided that he would obey the entity until he found a way to kill it.



Chase Theme:

inFamous 2 Soundtrack- The Railyard.

Ability: Alpha Lightning and Ionic Splash.

Alpha Lightning:

Cole can shoot lightning from his hands. To do this, hold down the ability button to enter shooting mode. Press the strike button to fire lightning. If the lightning strikes a survivor, the closure meter begins to accumulate. When the closure bar reaches its maximum, Cole will be able to use "Ionic Splash".

Ionic Splash:

After the closure scale reaches its maximum, within 3 seconds, it will be possible to use the Ion Splash. To do this, press the action button during the Ion Splash. When the "Ionic Splash" is triggered, a blast of energy will hit the Survivor and they will let out a loud scream and get injured. If you miss the moment of using the Ionic Splash, you will immediately exit the shooting mode.


Technical Expert:

You know perfectly well how electricity works in any device, including a generator. After you hit the generator, a trap will be laid in it. When the survivor starts the generator, he will face a difficult skill check. If the survivor misses, the trap will go off and the survivor will be injured, and the generator will lose 5/10/15% of the current progress. ,,Technical Expert" recharges every 160/130/100 seconds from the moment the generator is hit.

"Bam, and all with one blow!" - Cole McGrath.

Once deceived:

You have been deceived many times already, it is time to put an end to this. If a Survivor activates any skill that allows them to hide their footprints or sounds from loud activities, "Once Deceived" will show this survivor for 3/4/5 seconds. "Once Deceived" recharges every 30/25/20 seconds.

,,I'm done. Deal is over" - Cole McGrath.

Dangerous reaction:

You interact with the environment more than you think. After you climb over the window, you will leave a trap on it. If a Survivor climbs through this window, they are slowed by 2/3/4% percent and gain the "Exhausted" status effect for 1/2/3 seconds.

"No one can run away from me" - Cole McGrath.


Ultra rare:

Energy Shard:

An item that makes your abilities stronger. During the time that Ion Splash is triggered, all Survivors that are within 5 meters of the Survivor hit by Ion Splash will also take damage.

Photo from the wedding:

Photo from Kessler's wedding, which he kept for the rest of his life. The Alpha Lightning ability is replaced with the Magnum Lightning ability. The Ion Surge ability is disabled. Before you start shooting, you need to wait 3 seconds for the Lightning Magnum to charge. Now, when lightning strikes a Survivor, he no longer begins to accumulate a closure charge, but immediately gets injured. After shot fired, Magnum Lighting will recharge 30 seconds.

Addons of other rarity:

Various effects after Ion Splash.

Increasing the filling rate of the closure charge.

Increased lightning speed and range.

The new survivor: Zeke Jedediah Dunbar.


Zeke Dunbar was Cole's best friend and they spent a lot of time together. Zeke went to New Mare with Cole 4 years before the Empire City bombing, and even joined his friend when he practiced parkour and  climbing.

As Empire City was rocked by the explosion, Zeke hurriedly made his way to the Fremont Bridge, shocked by the devastation in the Historic District, where he knew his best friend was before the explosion. Zeke managed to contact Cole, and after learning that he was alive, he advised him to get to a place near the bridge, adding that he would meet him there. As he made his way there, Cole experienced a massive surge of energy, causing multiple lightning bolts to rain down from the sky in a row. Cole hurried to the other side of the bridge, where Zeke and Cole's girlfriend Trish Daly were waiting for him before he passed out. Zeke helped transport Cole to the hospital. Zeke sat by Cole's bedside for the next few days, keeping a constant watch beside his best friend. When Cole finally woke up, Zeke told him about his abilities. Upon learning of this, Cole brought Zeke out to test his new powers. While training on a nearby dumpster, Cole became convinced that Zeke had a plan on how to use his new abilities.

Zeke and Cole were trying to start a business in the park, charging civilians electric cars for money. When their first customer saw the process of Cole charging a battery pack with his electricity, the customer ran away, telling them to leave. When Zeke tried to catch up with the customer, Cole held him back and a riot broke out, forcing them to retreat back to Zeke's rooftop.

After a failed escape from Empire City, Zeke learns about Agent Moya and the Ray Sphere, convincing Cole not to give it to the Feds. After dropping products in the square, Zeke and Trish learn that it was Cole who was responsible for the explosion. After that, Zeke begins to be afraid of his friend. But Zeke's fear passes and soon he is already jealous of McGrath's abilities and also wants to get superpowers. Despite the risk, Zeke helps Cole climb Alden's tower and attempts to disable the Orb. When he succeeds, he, wanting to gain abilities, activates the Ray Sphere. But he doesn’t succeed, and at this time Kessler appears on the roof, promising to give Zeke abilities, and he leaves with him, taking the Ray Sphere with him. After Trish's death, Zeke tries to contact Cole, asking for forgiveness and saying that he was wrong, but McGrath does not listen to him.

During the final battle between Kessler and Cole, Zeke suddenly appears and shoots Kessler, diverting his attention. Kessler throws Zeke aside and the battle continues. It is later revealed that Cole still forgave Zeke for his betrayal. During a trip to New Mare, Zeke proves in every possible way that he is a good friend and makes Cole  a melee weapon- the amp.

In the new city, New Mare, Zeke continues to play the role of a passive assistant, helping in the search for power cores. He also helps the rebels cope with the invasion of monsters from the swamps. But later it turns out that the "plague" raging in the city, caused by the Ray Sphere, struck a huge number of people not only in this city, but is also spreading throughout the country, and there is no cure for it. And Zeke is just as infected. The only thing that can save Zeke and millions of people is the Inhibitor, with which Cole needs to stop the Beast.

But Cole refused to activate the inhibitor, which is why Zeke tried to kill him, but was defeated and died. However, Zeke woke up in a strange place. Thinking that this was some kind of paradise, he approached the fire that stood in the depths of the forest. There he met other people who told him about the place. And it was clearly not heaven, it was hell, or even something worse.


Engineering Genius:

You are wonderfully versed in different mechanisms. If you continuously start the generator for 40/35/30 seconds, the Genius of Engineering is activated. The killer will not see the aura of the generator you are repairing, and also if the killer hits you, within a radius of 2/3/4 meters from the generator, the generator will explode and spark for 5/8/10 seconds, but will not lose progress and will prevent the killer from hitting it. Engineering genius recharges every 120/100/80 seconds.

,,It was cool! You touched that thing, the sparks ignited the gunpowder and the whole thing went bang!" - Zeke Dunbar

True friend:

You care about your friends, even after you've taken them down. At the start of a match, you and one random survivor form a special bond. You can see each other's auras from any distance. If a Survivor you're connected to gets hit, you'll see the Killer's Aura for 2/3/4 seconds. If the Survivor you're bonded to is in dying state, you heal them 10/20/30% faster. After the Survivor linked to you dies, you will automatically receive their item with 20/25/30% charge.

"Listen, I don't call you brother because I like the word." - Zeke Dunbar


You have learned to make unusual things. When you have opened the gate to 80/70/60 percent, the Homemade will activate. You install a motion sensor on the gate, and when a Killer passes within a radius of 5/10/15 meters from it, his aura will be visible to you for 1/2/3 seconds.The killer can break the sensor, but for this he will have to open the gate himself. You can only place one sensor per match.

,, Like it? I made this thing myself, called it "Dunbar beam"!" - Zeke Dunbar.

New Map: Empire City Ruins.

Once a well-developed city that showed great promise. However, the explosion of the beam sphere and later the attack of the Beast put an end to the city. The gloomy streets of the city are full of devastation and chaos. Somewhere you can see the corpses of civilians and local gangs. But the entity tried and now this place looks even more gloomy and corrupted than ever before. There will be three variations of the map in total: the area near the destroyed statue in Neon, the area near Alden's tower in Warren, and the area of ​​the Ray Sphere explosion in the Old City.

Post edited by Legion_main56742 on