A healthy balance change to NOED and DS

Since the perk balance change update I have noticed a significant growth in power in the end game towards killer who bring in 1 hit down killers, perks and add ons. DS used to have play in these high risk high reward scenarios and NOED used to even out the playing field if DS UB was in play. Now there is just little to no play anymore and if NOED is active and if NOED is positioned well for killer the correct thing to do is leave. Half of the game that used to be is essentially gone. So I propose a change to both DS and NOED that creates a well balanced endgame that players on both sides can find enjoyment in and we can have balance here once and for all.
NOED. Currently NOED is a hex totem that you must break to not be exposed to a juiced up 1 hit down killer. And after some time to aura of the totem is revealed to survivors to break the totem. I propose that NOED be changed to for however many seconds or minutes the killer is in chase with a survivor throughout the match, all other survivors are building seconds or minutes in exposed time for when the exit games are powered. If BHVR want to keep the break totem part then make all dull totems light up and every lit totem increases everyones overall timers by 10 seconds or so and decrease timer by 10 seconds when broken.
DS. I propose that DS once again be active when the exit gates are powered but only for however long you have led the killer in chase. There is not enough incentive in this game to be active and lead a killer in chase and this is evident in alot games where survivors will avoid killer entirely and go off on there own way. I believe this will incentivise more healthy gameplay throughout the match and both changes will encourage more active playstyles on both sides.
DS deactivating after the Exit Gates have been powered is fine. It would be a free Escape otherwise.
NOED has never been an issue. It doesn't need any nerfs
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I'm uncertain as to what you mean by the DS change. Are you saying if you have DS (or OTR for that matter) and you're currently in a chase and the last gen pops that it should stay instead of immediately disappearing? I feel that would be okay. If the timers continued naturally until the chased ended then at least it would punish you for taking a chase in solo q, since you never know what gens are going to pop and when.