Fun fact: You can win in solo queue



  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    with the way hatch works now, i dont get why the broken key doesnt just open the hatch and then break on use, regardless of addons (or restrict it so you cant put keep on milky glass for the keep on use

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Game is survivorside when you play as weak killer or when you are bad at game. I don't know which one is your problem but if you are losing games as Nurse, it's on you.

    Maybe you are not that good tho. Maybe the team you played agaisnt was better than you?

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    you cant say the game is survivor sided if the issue is a person being bad at killer, if thats the standard then theres a lot of survivors ive played with that could easily say the opposite and say the game is killer sided, and majority would win since i generally have 1-2 garbage teammates per match that kill themselves or dc, but does that mean its actually killer sided just because of that? no, that wouldnt make sense, nor does saying the game is survivor sided when you play a "weak killer" or are "bad at the game" those are choices being made or skill not acquired yet, not a game balance issue

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    I think its funny that the community and the game itself pushes away new players by just telling them to get gud. A majority of players in soloq are new or casual so stop trying to kill the game by alienating them and trash talking their skill level.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    They should give you the kills. Killers letting survivors go skews the numbers that devs look at to determine kill rates.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Yey, you saw the point. Game is not supporting any side. I think DbD is feels mostly balanced right now. We still need some changes for sure.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    idk about these people. But i have fun as a solo player more than i do a swf. Least if i die as a solo, i can just go to next, But in a swf if i get tunneled out, i have to wait, and wwait. and wait. and wait. kinda gets boring af when i just wanna play. =T

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    and killers never said "get gud" or "just adapt" when survivors complained about changes before? come on get off that high horse, it goes both ways, and killer isnt even hard either, you are literally handed tons of perks to choose from that either help you track, slow gens, slow healing, or make chases faster, and multple of each, sure similar can be said for survivor, difference is, killer can choose to literally hook one person and sit around their hook till they are dead, which happens often, and the basekit BT is a joke, all it did was tell killers to wait for 5 seconds, oh and what happened when survivors found a way to get a hit while being TUNNELED off the hook so they didnt die immediately? (off the record) devs in their infinite wisdom, and to listen to the ire of the killer mains, made it so the perk doesnt work after the last gen is done, just like DS, effectively telling killers camp and tunnel all you want in end game, instead of oh i dont know, encouraging killers to kill before the last gen is popped, thats your job as a killer after all

    swf isnt an instawin lol what are you smokin? thats a tired old excuse, and an excuse generally given by people who dont want to improve much anyway and want an easy win through 4 solo queue survivors, cuz they will all kill themselves or dc right? makes so much sense to wait 5-15 minutes for a 2 minute game, rather than same amount of time waiting for a 5-15 minute game (depending on how the survivors and you do that is)

    and i would say the only time it could even be argued that the game was survivor sided was when there were actual infinites (real ones, not these ones nowadays where if the killer breaks too many walls, they give the survivor an infinite loop, thats on the killer) and back in those days, there were survivors who would actually block other survivors that abused the infinites because it was unfair

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    You're calling millennials boomers? Can I assume you're significantly below 18?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Maybe this is true at your mmr range, but at the upper limits you can and will out killers especially when people are bringing strong items/perks and no what they're doing.