Skin Prices

The skin prices really need to go down because they are super dumb. Each skin should be the about $1. People have accepted terrible prices for so long in games. So much so that now it sounds crazy to have reasonable prices. People just accept skins like in DBD that are $15 when you can buy full games for just $5. They are not worth that price and there is no defending. Even if they were $1, we'd still have to buy the $5 auric pack every time anyways so you're still earning at minimum $5 every purchase still and everyone else gets decent value for their hard earned money.
yeah i'm sorry but $15 cosmetics in a $20 game is absurd. legendary skins have the visual effect of owning another character but cost 3x as much and don't come with perks. didn't even come with their own voice actors or portraits until long after they were introduced.
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Ummm... this is a business and there are many people who are part of the team that need to get paid. While I agree that $15 for a skin is very pricey, I would think $10 for a skin would be fair for some of them. They have to make money in some way, and cosmetics is the most common way games make money.
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Yeah, I understand they need to make money, but the cost of cosmetics is too much. I would pay $5 for outfits without complaint, but almost always any paid cosmetic is going cost you $15 in the end, not just the legendaries. Relative to the cost of the game itself, this seems absurd, since even the DLC chapters are less.
Also, auric cells are set up so you have buy more than you need, and have enough left over to encourage you to buy more so they don't got to waste, propagating a cycle, which is also pretty slimy.
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Theyd make more money if theyd stop whale hunting. Companies dont see it that way tho. Yay end-stage capitalism!
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If you think they are overpriced don't buy them. Unfortunately most people don't agree with this logic which is why online games nowadays have these kind of prices. It just works very well.
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I agree, especially the ones from the rift. Those ones are all just badly done recolors anyway.
I stopped buying cosmetics a while ago because theres been plenty of times i stopped myself from purchasing one and instead was able to buy a whole new game that was on sale. Like, do i want this cosmetic for a game im growing to hate or do i want dying light platinum edition? Lol
I dont really get the cosmetic craze. I have friends who mindlessly buy every cosmetic, it seems like anyway, and im just like why? With how many skins some people have bought they could have literally bought themselves a few new REAL outfits.
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It's something people want, but is inaccessible to many because they're so expensive. They'd probably make more money by lowering the per unit price and dramatically increasing the volume sold, but that's a longer term play, and companies these days can only see as far the current quarter's profit.
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There's a lot of people on the internet that admit to buying video games and cosmetics instead of food and other bills. I think the desire of expression is strong and companies know this.
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$10 a skin isn't fair either for us. 2 skins are not the equivalent to buying full games either. Skins being $1 wouldn't kill the game or anything since we'd all still have to pay the $5 anyways but instead WE get 5 skins.
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They don't see the upsides of making prices smaller to help other people because the number for each individual purchase is smaller but it can lead to some really important stuff. Like possibly more money since you'll have more people buying it and of course some good will which can go a long way if you can maintain it.
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Staying silent is the reason why this garbage keeps happening and spreads and evolves til we get DBD's new "Entity Rarity" or something and it's $25 for that rarity or something.
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A skin is more than a chapter? Sounds normal to me (sarcasm btw)
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Look at gas priced. It's called inflation bud, although the prices were always absurd before this crisis
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Yeah but it's the market. Dbd are getting the money on there skins like crazy why would they change it now?
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I've spent decent money for cosmetics, just not in DBD. Other games you may want the bad ass glow, but this one I rather be immersive. However, some of these killer skins are tempting.
I look at it as playtime value and a tip to the devs to keep on going. I think there's a good amount of spenders that look at it as a contribution to the company more than wanting the look. There's many types of people out there, and many ways people spend their money. I bought Ash, simply because I love Bruce Campbell, and also to contribute. But, I never play him.
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19 dollar fortnite gift card?
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Supply and demand. Nothing you can do it about it.
Also it is kinda late for that. People accepted this kind of stuff long time ago and new generations consider it normal.
It is pointless to protest at this point.
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that's microtransactions for you. it's a horrible, predatory system embraced with open arms by the gaming industry because it is run by scum.
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$1 for a skin? LMFAO
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MOBA games
Mobile Legends
League of Legends
When people see that skin they know you mean business. But the last thing I want in DBD is extra attention.
Plus the free cosmetics do nicely.
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No i disagree. i bought most of the skins i wanted, and they are fairly cheap
Devs need to make MONEY. no MONEY they wont SURVIVE + NEW CONTENT
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Yes. It costs $20 for full games. Seems reasonable to me.
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There are developers who make full $60 games with no microtransactions and continue to make FREE content all the time for the people who played the 1 time purchase of $60. They don't need $10 or $15 for a skin.
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This is the type of attitude that keeps it in these games and makes gaming as a whole worse. People can do something about it. There is always people pushing back against EA. One day it might actually work. That's why people actually try and don't get pushed around to pay hundreds of dollars for worthless digital goods when I'll just go buy all the best games that have ever been released with that money.
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Your forgetting that some people dont have to pay for the game, its been on gamepass for xbox/windows store for years.
Aside from that point, i have no problem with what they charge when skins are new. I do wish that older skins would have more sales/price drops, and also find it odd when older non licenced skins are only available with auric cells and not shards.
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To be fair, it beats Triple A where you spend 30 USD for a single cosmetic in a 60 USD. Dont get me wrong, the prices are still horrible, but it could be way worse, Ive seen way worse.
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Yes, I totally agree that cosmetics prices should go down. The thing that bothers me the most is that a cosmetics I bought is being distributed for free on the Rift. It's really silly.
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Yeah, I also totally agree that prices of cosmetics should go down. I mean like others said I know a lot of gaming businesses do need to make money. But if they lower prices of their outfits they may make even more money. Heck if they did lower the prices of outfits, I would love to buy more of them.
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Exactly..I'd still be paying $10 and possibly just simply making more purchases because I know I'm gonna get some decent value for my money. When I know it's bad value I only buy stuff I REALLY want mostly.
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Then don't put it on gamepass. But also they get paid to put it on there to.
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I totally get it and I like to spend money on what I like too. Even when I probably should wait for a sale but I like spend sometimes, lol. But yeah if BHVR could lower the prices then everyone could get more value. Like say if they spend 20 dollars and they get 20 outfits which to me is good value.