What is with survivors working with killers atm?

Just a little rant as it winds me up to see survivors pointing at me when I’m hiding from a killer, or purposefully leading them to where I’m working on a generator for example. What is the actual reason for this? Literally don’t even play if you’re just gonna go against what the point of the game is 😂


  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    My reaction as a killer is heavily dependent on what has been going on in game and my mood at that point. If someone is just being a jerk and ratting out other survivors that are playing normally, I'll usually just shake my head and leave. Catch me on tue wrong day and the rat gets downed, slapped on a hook and camped, while the rest of the team goes free.

    Now if they are pointing out someone that I know has been useless or worse for the match (afking, being a locker queen, etc), I'll usually slug the person that they pointed out, and leave it up to the other survivors if they want to get them back up or let them bleed out.

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    I've been experiencing this lately also, in fact I just had a Mikaela constantly follow me around with the killer trailing her behind trying to get me down. She would knock pallets down to block me, alert the killer where I am with fast vaults, etc. I didn't even do anything wrong, I know she came with a friend because their names were very similar so maybe she was upset that her friend was killed and just wanted to ruin my match too and the killer went along with it for the extra points. It took me 10 minutes to do everything I can to survive and it wasn't even worth it.😂 Unfortunately I don't think this will ever go away, it's just something that's gonna have to be lived with and hopefully your next match is a better one with normal players. I can't think of a single solution that can be made for this issue.

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    likely just a last ditch effort to try and life and farm some points, its literally in the in-game reportable reasons list, forget which one, if the reports even do anything that is

    have had quite a few games where the killer, as far as i knew, was slugging the 3rd survivor to try an either find me, or bait me to save them so they could down both of us, an sorry, not playing into that, if the survivor isnt smart enough to realize they are being used as bait and get upset at ME when the killer is the one that slugged them and refused to hook them to try and force a situation to get a 4k, then tries to give it to them by pointing out my location, thats when the survivor AND killer are breaking the "rules" since they arent supposed to work with eachother

    and when i play killer if i see someone point someone out, unless i saw them sandbag them prior, the one that im seeing sandbag at that point, is the one going down, its a team game, 4v1, not 1v1v1v1v1, survivors as well as killers need to realize and start acting like it

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    This is called working with the killer. It is against the rules, and reportable. You need video evidence to report them properly. For future reference, since I doubt you recorded your game, you can search where to submit the video here on the forums. On console it is easy to save your current gameplay video. I believe xbox game bar can record your game on PC after the fact. My video card also can record, so look into those if you are on PC. Post the video on a Youtube channel or Twitter and give BHVR the link in your report. You should also click the correct corresponding report button next to both the survivor and the killer's names on the end screen.

    If you want this and other forms of cheating, especially hacking, to stop, you need to be prepared to record video of them cheating. Just clicking the report button at the end screen is not likely to get them banned. You need to do both.

    Do not post an unedited video here, that will get YOU in trouble for name shaming. If you want to post here you need to cover the players' names.

    Killers, just because one of the survivors turned traitor it doesn't mean you get to cheat. Kill the cheater, and everyone else too, don't join in with their cheating. By this I am refering to the survivors with Bond that work with the killer when there are only two survivors left, then the killer gives them hatch for helping them out. That is cheating. If you like playing this game I suggest you don't do that.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Solo queue is a quick BP grab then move on to the next trial. Some survivors will happily rat out others so they can stay alive a little longer to get more points.

    When playing killer I'll usually down the one that did the pointing, unless the person they're pointing out has been a toxic douche or similar. Then I'll take out the douche and let the others go.

    As a survivor, if I come across a person trying to point me out I'll hang around till the killer shows up then hide/escape. When the killer downs or hooks that person, I just ignore them until they bleed out or die on the hook.

  • TarunCosmo
    TarunCosmo Member Posts: 181

    I had a game with a facecamping Nemi where I was the last survivor and he slugged me until I had little life left in the meter. He then picked me up (with my three crows hovering) and dropped me off at the hatch. I quickly escaped before the last drop of the meter was gone.

    The next match I got him again on the same map (Game). He was chasing someone and saw me crouched in the corner, I looked at him and just walked right by him. The whole match I was just kiting the two zombies as slowly as possible (I had crows). He left me alone and by the end of it, I think I was just a third zombie. The rest of the team must've wondered what it was all about, but they each scored 3k-7k so it's not like they were trying either. I left with hatch again. I thought it was better than just DCing and I guess I was helping by leading the zombies.

    Sometimes ya never know, but Friday night is usually about the weird and fun behavior.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Why do I never meet such killers as you? Every time I get ratted out the killer just happily kills me, and then at best kills the rat, at worst (and more often) lets them go as a "thank you".

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Yeah I hid in a locker when I was injured and waiting for the other person to open the exit gate, not injured and I didn't run dead hard so I was hoping for a lucky escape if the killer came. Other person just stopped opening 2/3 of the way and stood there until the Nemo showed up and pointed at my locker. Nemo just ignored them and killed them. They could've just opened the door instead of trying to grief.