As someone who mainly plays survivor I'm so tired of whining survivor babies

Why you always have to go somewhere and complain? Why not practice looping, hitting great skillchecks, flashy saves? All devs did is take away most survivor(and killer) crutches, give some minor buffs to killer and yet you have been whining non-stop since midchapter. Yes going against ton of slowdown perks can be annoying but decent survivors still have an edge over your average killer. If you all stopped crying and learnt to play maybe soloq wouldn't be so bad.
Let's not pretend killers aren't complaining either.
Already handfuls of posts to nerf PT.
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What's pt?
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What the hell is PT? Physical Therapy? Nerf it NOW!
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Prove Thyself
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NEVER seen killers complain about prove. It hasn't been changed in ages. If anything it's a killer sided perk since survivors spread on gens less and you can pressure more people at once. Heaven for someone like plague or legion
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I think it's a cancelled silent hill game
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Both sides complain constantly. It’s the nature of an asymmetrical game since both sides have different strengths and weaknesses. It makes losing feel more like “My side is weaker than theirs” instead of “I got beaten b6 better players” to a lot of people
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Ah, thank you very much. Not sure how I forgot about that one. I might be coming down with Alzheimers.
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You definitely haven't been on the forum long. People are definitely asking for nerfs to prove thyself
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Thanatophobia get nerfed because whining survivor babies.
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Lmao that's ridiculous then
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Thana felt horrible to play against and basically had no effective counterplay. Good riddance
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Anyway i said this once and I will say it again the patch is mostly fine if your in a swf. Buy solo is terrible.
But this patch also unfortunately buffed camping and tunneling. These strategies are too viable and couple with the slow down perks killers still continues to bring as well as buffs to their chases it can be extremely unfun. Survivors got a nearly useless 5 second bt as base kit that probably won't work
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As a survivor I'm quite excited to use hyperfocus to genrush, I think it's the most unbalanced balanced perk they've ever made.
Hyperfocus, Stakeout, Fast Track, This Is Not Happening. This is gonna be my new fave build. I haven't seen a build this perfect since flip-flop, tenacity, undying, power struggle/boil over.
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To a degree yes, learning how to get better would make soloQ better but that'll only get you so far.
You'll need a lot of information when playing solo so unless you're running kindred, bond, or aftercare then the game would be much more difficult.
If the killer is trying to keep their momentum via mass slugging, hardcore tunneling, or face camping, they can easily accomplish this if the team has poor to little coordination/communication. Sure a SWF can fight back but some players don't have access to this during their matches.
I don't think it's the issue of players just not wanting to get better but the frustration from the gap between solo & SWF taking effect while killers got buffed and no acknowledgment for that gap.
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I can't believe this is not happening will see more use now
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That's probably a symptom for playing this game, lol
0 - about heal?
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You are correct.
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Don't worry, they'll add some random nerf to it so people won't want to use it.
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The only thing I mind is when people get too emotional so it clouds their judgement.
Some people don't even have basic understanding of how things work on either side and throw tantrums demanding easy way out. They also judge other players without seeing the full picture. I would blame lack of empathy there.
Both sides are guilty of this. And then they just get into pointless role wars and hive mind mentality.
But there is also something else. Dbd is unbalanced game where some scenarios can affect outcomes in a way that people can't really do much about. Plenty of those on both killer and survivor. Not everything can be prevented by "getting gud" in dbd.
This is why I don't take this game too seriously and I rarely get tilted by outcomes these days. Taking frequent breaks probably helps a lot too so my head is clear.
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The terminally online will always act this way, you can tell these people have a privileged perspective on life when they act this way over a video game, killers do this too, but I won't introduce nuance into this post since people don't like when I point out when their side does wrong.
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Really? because as someone who only play killer. I'm ashamed of playing this easy role 😭😖
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For some reason, I'm extremely skeptical about your claim.
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wasting 64 seconds on a full heal is sure an efficient counter
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low mmr pleb.
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Healing is counter play.
It's now completely dead if just one survivor heals.
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Killers didn't have any crutches, but everything else, sure.
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They were asking for it to be nerfed before this update as well. It isn't new.
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Thana shouldn't be good on every killer? Thana is still very good on someone like legion or plague(pretty much the only killers who used thana before). And you still get 6% slowdown on gens and totems with one person healed so there will be some slowdown. 6 seconds on a gen as a killer can be the difference between 4k and 0k
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I dont complain of PT.
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Ruin, corrupt, tinkerer, noed(in soloq)
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How to show you aren’t a survivor player.
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There's only one perk that I'm pissed they screwed over, that being We're Going To Live Forever. Why make the character perks take more blood points to unlock, but completely ######### over the blood points perks on both sides (Barbeque and Chilli lost its BP bonus, even though it was mostly used to find survivors)
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Against a Legion or Plague? The two killers are most likely to have the perk. Coupled with 2 or more gen slow downs. Great way to kill time and the team. Perks by themselves are rarely ever a problem its the stacking that causes problems on both sides.
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I've been maining survivor since sbmm came out lol
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Being a survivor main or killer main on the forums is less about what role you play and more about what opinions you have, you'll get used to it
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I'd love to practice but it's not that easy.
If you want to practice certain skills effectively you need to find atleast one other person to play kyf with, so that is not a great option.
Sure, there is the bot match in the tutorial, but that is only one Killer in one map, you can't bring items and the bot is really bad. (Same problem if you want to practice a certain killer.)
It annoys me so much that after 6 years we still don't have custom bot matches. (I know that they said that they want to implement them this year, we'll see how it works out.)
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i think humans complain a lot in general
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Right now the game requires you to be better than killer to have chance winning. You win only agains't decent killers if they play nice. Overcharge+call of brine+eruption is very strong agains't soloQ and even average swf who does not perfectly know when someone goes down. Still I do beat consistently survivors who are better than me as killer. You have to be very good team to beat me if I don't play nice. I whipe the floor with most survivors I do play this game bit too much so im better than average player but the game is now killer sided unless you happen to play agains't 4 man seal team but that also because they're usually simply more skilled than you.
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Honestly complaining on the forums is more fun than playing SoloQ now.
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Both deserved to be complained about before the nerfs.
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Ive seen killer mains complaining about pretty much every meta perk, including PT
And these perks too: Any Means Necessary, Calm Spirit, Wake Up and Resurgence. Can't wait to see complaints about Premonition
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To be honest no one ever ran it outside of new players on Dwight so it was looked over during the perk changes. Now players are realizing how they slept on a very powerful Repair speed perk.
Now with Rebecca's new perk coming out you pair that with stakeout, another survivor with Prove Thyself, and two tool boxes gens can be repaired between 30-40 secs depending on the slowdowns in play.
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The thing though, PT is actually quite strong currently, especially in SWF’s. Because then you’re forced to basically never commit since if the first survivor chased can atleast loop 3 gens (if everyone does a gen separately). There’s like barely any counter play unless only 1 person brought prove thyself and you’re chasing them, because if you’re facing competent survivors, you barely have a chance since gens will be rushed if you just take too long, not to mention, 2 people could go on 1 gen and another goes solo. So there’s such little things to do.
people still complain tunneling, slugging and camping is unnecessary knowing damn well it is. Killers also complain i won’t deny, but survivors have been whining much more, when all you need is coordination (which is why solo queue needs fixing, because you don’t have that there).
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I wanna remember this lol
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You know... You can just stop reading those posts/comments.