Survivors are frustrated

DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

With their own failings.

The tools and mechanics are in place for success. All it takes is the knowledge of what to do and then personal ability to follow through on it.

It's not just swf with comms that can pull off dominating a killer; just 4 solos that understand the situations as they appear. If you consider yourself a decent player then that's all you need to atleast remain as the last survivor standing and then there's a free escape chance waiting for you.

Stealth is viable

Breaking chase is possible

Looping until downed (while counterproductive to survival) buys time

So many 2nd chance perks


  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    mmmmm....yeah but it's hard and takes a lot of game knowledge and thinking, complaining about it being not easy while suggesting alf and knightlight are the killers in all my survivor games and anyone who says they do escape is probably just getting baby killers seems better than trying to improve.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited August 2022

    I mean yeah, was this supposed to be some kind of gotcha comment? I honestly don't understand some whataboutism quips.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    It is one thing to say (in general) that Survivors are frustrated when it's Killers as well... so players are frustrated would've been a better title (then explain what you mean)

    MM is screwy to say the least, Maps are just as bad (for both sides), Perks are what they are, playstyles are what they are

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Tsk. Typical survivor bully trash. YouTube guys were the Powerrole for 4 ys and now feel entiteled to your bullying antics and cry out loud when the game moves the slightest towards Fairness.

    Peeps like you make me sick

    /s obviously <3

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Fair right 😂. Play some soloq and we will see if you still think the game is fair.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited August 2022

    I think OP is addressing a very specific point, that many survivors would rather hope they get carried than carry themselves.

    That doesn't really apply to killers, since they have no teammates. You could argue about the balance of x or y for either side until your face turns blue, but the fact of the matter is that a team of 4 always has more skill safety nets than a team of 1. Unfortuantely the amount of ego and bm in this game only further encourages that mindset as well.

    Many survivors aren't complaining that they want to be better, they're complaining they don't consistently get carried often enough, so the times it doesn't happen, they feel it must have been impossible for them to have done better. Its a personal responsibility perspective more than anything, doing your best is not the final outcome, and is the thing people should always be focusing on more than winning or losing. Doing so has the consequence that you'll end up winning more than losing because thats how self-improvement works.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited August 2022

    What would that prove? Anyone could show you any number of clips from any big-name streamers and there will always be something somebody can point out.

    Mistakes will always be made on both sides, point isn't that everyone needs to make a perfect run.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    Why do you think you're entitled to a five game win streak?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I agree that mm can be a lottery. Given that teammates are beyond control I prefer to focus on what I can do for myself and by myself.

    I do often see some posts confusing solo balance with mm issues though. And while mm does have an impact on survivor's experience, I think it's important to separate the two inorder to better define problems for the devs.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Nurse is strong, not denying that, but she is not unbeatable. She does suffer from a weakness all other Killers have as well though.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Getting better never hurts, I'm aware I always have room for self improvements, but mainly just suggesting self reflection before blaming balance is bias against survivors.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 306

    DbD is one of the most unintuitive games ever made. People aren't going to get better no matter how many matches they play. Game won't even let them practice the maps.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    If someone doesn't learn from their mistakes, that's a personal issue which doesn't need to be addressed by game design.

    And yeah you can practice, it's with friends in kill your friends mode. Probably the most chill way to gradually improve and learn tiles against the full roster of killers. But I'll admit a solo bot mod would be my first choice, especially if I could customize the oppositions loadouts.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Not ignoring issues or feigning ignorance, both side have tough situations. Survivors can fail as a collective even when an individual exhibits peak performance. Killers can lose because they encounter the most efficient survivors first. That's just asymmetrical, teammates are as much a liability as an advantage.

    I consider when a killer 4ks, that's a reflection of the team's actions in combination with the killer's efforts. Yes, we can be the best solo survivor on the team, but a teammate can still grant killers an advantage over us that would not be present in a standard 1v1 situation.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I'm not sure which game you're playing but these are the Dead by Daylight forums. Are you sure you're on the right page?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I am nowhere close to playing perfect games, but escaping by objective is a collective effort. Survivors can go down quick in chase and the team still finish gens. Hatch escapes are just a matter of outplaying teammates.

    If your referring to chase mistakes, it goes both ways. A bad decision by the killer can extend chases dramatically to the teams benefit. A bad play by survivor results in a short chase.

    Outside of chase mistakes play similar roles. Survivors prolong the objective where a killer's mistake decreases the time to complete their own.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    That is the FAREST THING, from asymmetrical if killers are now constantly getting 4K's whether or not survivors make a slip up or not. Survivors don't have to slip up and still get avalanched due to them not being able to make enough distance, due to certain killer perks that put them in an extremely oppressive situation from the start; just due to anything on the killer side, honestly.

    The only THING that's hard for killers right now, is when survivors bring Prove thyself to get gens done quicker and still fail at it because the killer, unlike before where i'd actually argue things were more balanced; is alot more powerful and capable of downing them in less than a minute.

    What you're expecting is that the survivors will take every loss gracefully and reflect on what they could've done better while constantly de-pipping and rolling on to the next match where, chances are; the same play will happen, just with a different player, perks, map and teammates.

    I'd genuinely argue that pre-patch, things were more balanced, excluding dead hard. Now, it's much harder to win as is or do even basic tasks as a survivor since the killers are able to put much, MUCH more effective pressure as a whole and it doesn't feel like the win is given survivors but killers. In the past two weeks, i've been facing nothing but back to back, consistent losses. Death before the 2nd gen even pops, or before 4th gen pops, and I'd consider myself a decent survivor, good at looping, stealthing, doing gens, going for saves; all the like, yet here we are.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    I mean, go ahead.

    It's an exercise in futility trying to play with anything less than a 4-man right now. My entire night tonight has been dominated by 4 Nurse's and 3 Pinhead's.

    It's been so ######### miserable.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    You keep mentioning survivors not being able to make distance, so I'll just state 2 things and leave it at a disagreement.

    1. Killers by design have chase advantage and the devs want chases to be finite, this encourages a flow of interaction between players and encourages attempting to break chase before being downed.

    2. It has been tested and proven that with percentages far exceeding the buff that was actually given to killers (can be done with current live perks & addons); survivors can still make it to the next available pallet/tile when not outpositioned in dead zones. The increased % only minimizes the room for bad movements.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    I was going to play dbd tonight, but the forum is actually more fun right now.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,270

    The point is that survivors have the tools to win. If a random wants to ruin that, that's on them, not the killer. This misconception that survivors can't win simply because they're not SWF is absolutely untrue. If you have 2-4 efficient survivors, not babies or rage quitters, you will be playing at almost 4-man SWF level. The only reason solo survivors aren't going on 20+ win streaks constantly is because of poor matchmaking and camping Leatherface.

  • TheycallmeLix
    TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334

    ‘So many 2nd chance perks’

    Why do people still say this.. what’s a 2nd chance perk right now when survivors had the biggest nerf in the latest patch?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Imagine thinking stealth is viable. Maybe in the bottom parts of MMR… maybe.

    ”Breaking chase is possible…”

    Not even sure what that one means, as I have never seen a survivor “break” chase.

    Not saying that part of the reason why solo Q is bad is also survivors who are at fault, but let’s not pretend like there aren’t things that are missing. Such as a Ping System… Load out information from each survivor, Voice comms.

    Also let’s not pretend like these two playstyles (Camping and Tunneling) aren’t problematic for the health of the game and also unbalanced.

    Not everything is about someone “getting better”, it’s also about having an equal chance of winning.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Stealth is viable at all levels. All killers suffer time loss when transversing the map and then forced to search. The absolute best scenario for killer is to move from one chase to another.

    Breaking chase- not surprising its a foreign concept to some. So many survivors are convinced that the only option available is to run a killer until downed. It's been widely pushed for years now that looping until downed or the killer abandons chase is the best time buying tactics for teammates to do gens. There is another option though of Breaking line of sight, misdirection, and even stealthing out of an active chase. Yes it's hard and some killers make it even more difficult, but your versing a human being which is susceptible to confusion and mistakes.

    If you want fair win conditions then the community itself needs to urge the devs away from their "Casual" idea for balance. Trying to balance mechanics around players consistently making mistakes leads to imbalances when those same players eventually get better. Top down would mean any failure on both sides is from mistakes not mechanics intended for newer players.

  • Kolitra
    Kolitra Member Posts: 61

    "Surviving" well, the definition itself mean it's hard, survs have to survive, this is all about this.

    When you go into a trial, you need to play well to exit, if it mean leaving others on their fate, it's okay, your goal is to survive. I saw so much stupid bold altruists actions and pallets greed to know these survs don't play well, but be reassured, most survs don't play well, they just didn't know because they were perk-babysited. This mean, even bad, you could bully the killer because of op perks and extend chases to an amount you should have not in normal circumstances.

    I sometimes wonder if survs realizes they got a ressource who is other survs, exit is way easier if you use others survs as a tool for your win.

    Being downed and hooked is part of the game, if this don't happen, there is a serious balance problem, or the killer is afk.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not know, I often lose to killers I feel much better than just because stealth is not an option once you head on their fragile egos. After that, you are done for. They REALLY don't like it and will stop at nothing to get you. Lol.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Can't argue against that, if a survivor is doing something to become the primary focus a killer is far less likely to chance dropping line of sight. Best thing we can do is look for strong tiles and take any opportunity where they don't just brute force the loop.

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    I don't think experienced survivors find it fun to just be around m1 gens or have their chase be dropped for a weak link and then wait for everyone to die to get hatch just because they're good (and that bush Claudette with high MMR definetly isn't good). They'll go for saves and they'll go down on purpose to protect tunneled teammates and they'll hook trade if necesary because this is a game and we're all supposed to be able to actually play and interact with the other survivors and the killer.

    Also just a reminder that the killer can of course find hatch first, slug for 4k, have the doors spawn next to each other, etc.

    I'll also say that everyone is/can be frustrated, not just survivors, because most people, if not everyone, play both sides, and both sides can feel like garbage. "Git gud" arguments for Solo Q only go so far. Skill more often than not doesn't guarantee an escape as survivor, and someone's skill, by itself, won't always get them a win because they rely on the map having good resources to use. A pro survivor is still a dead survivor if they don't have anything good to loop. That's why killers hunt weak links and hook them in dead zones whenever they're able. Stealth in those situations is also barely a temporary coping mechanism and it won't work half the time and when it does it's not a permanent solution. Also killers tend to complain when survivors hide because it's not fun.

    Anti-loops also exist and holding W isn't very skillfull either.

    Also let's not forget that a killer can be completely screwed when a map just has a lot of loops chained up together. So sometimes the "git gud" for killers doesn't always apply either. In conclusion, and in my opinion of course, at this point "git gud" is just an endgame chat insult with little to nothing to back it up. The game and the matches overall are too random to have proper game balance and a solid spot for player skill, which I think is the source of a lot of salt. People more often than not, regardless of role played at that time, just feel out of control of what's happening.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 264

    Ping system and to see eachothers loadout would be awesome!

    How about a nerfed version of kindred when a survivor is hooked? One where you only see the auras of eachother but not the red aura from the killer when hes near the hooked survivor.

    Something, anything, that can help on comms to make SoloQ a bit more....managable and entertaining.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 534

    Survivors keep crying that Killers are OP now, and I won't deny that they are stronger now, but all I've noticed is that a lot of survivor players have become incredibly dumb. I will get one or two downs, and as I'm trying to bring the survivor to a hook, there is another survivor that is basically inhaling my ass waiting to unhook the survivor directly in my face immediately after I hook them. Or they decide to just stand behind me clicking a flashlight at the back of my head. This isn't something that happens every few matches or so, it happens Every. Single. Match.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761

    Solo survivor needs improvements for help, because its terrible play SoloQ now, play as killer and SWF is OK, but solo survivors hardly ever has a decent match, its so frustrating now