What's Your Preference

pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

What's Your Preference 47 votes

Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared
AdelooWolff_BringerI_am_NeganMattie_MayhemOGmewmew[Deleted User]MaxwellFilthyLegionMainElcopollobm33UndershotNormal1PatatesdarkcloudlinkGannTM_NIGHTMARE_Karao_KeAnother_LegionMainViktor1853Guiltiisyain 39 votes
SBMM, Sweaty games, Frequent Tunneling and Camping, Almost 0 Chill
BlazelskiRoboMojodugmanNoOneKnowsNovaPSPThatOneDemoPlayerAlex_Valaryyn 8 votes


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,095
    Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared

    Rank - randoms made more risky end game plays because even if they died they could safety or gain a pip. Now they chose escape over risky save of random since nothing but own survival matters. Also feel like I get way more teammates that spend the match hiding because they're less likely to die if they hide instead of working on gens or saving teammates. I wish they just tweaked the rank system.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared

    SBMM still does the same thing as Rank but more volatile and stressful, if i still get paired up with -100 hour survivor every game, I much rather get Rank instead.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared

    The current SBMM doesn't even work, so I'd rather take the old ranked system.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763
    Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared

    I do prefer "chill games and almost nobody cared". But it has nothing to do with rank matchmaking, in my experience of playing this game for two and a half years. I still think that difference between SBMM and old MMR is either non-existent, or so small it's negligible. I've said it before, but it's simply nocebo effect in action, because as far as I remember old MMR did not save you from getting into matches, where you had to sweat your ass off to do anything. Just like in current SBMM you do get quite a lot of chill matches, where you don't even need to try that hard.

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351
    SBMM, Sweaty games, Frequent Tunneling and Camping, Almost 0 Chill

    I voted for the second because the poll is biased and dishonest.

  • Valaryyn
    Valaryyn Member Posts: 72
    SBMM, Sweaty games, Frequent Tunneling and Camping, Almost 0 Chill

    This poll isn't biased at all /s

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,782
    SBMM, Sweaty games, Frequent Tunneling and Camping, Almost 0 Chill

    Not only is this poll biased like others have mentioned, but I love being forced to play my best. I live for those close matches that go right to the end, both sides making smart play after smart play.

    Easy 4ks/escapes are boring af. I'd much prefer a hard worked 2k or last second escape over an easy 4k or escape where I sat on a gen the whole time.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249
    edited August 2022
    Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared

    I love this poll because it has ruffled the feathers of the players who won't own up to slugging one of the last two survivors or stand on the hatch for 4 kills or run every meta perk with their 3 or 4 lackeys on Discord as survivor. That's a way to play but the shoe fits even if you don't want to wear it.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    SBMM, Sweaty games, Frequent Tunneling and Camping, Almost 0 Chill
    1. Biased poll
    2. You can still have chill games with SBMM, you just have to play chill yourself,
  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60
    Rank Matchmaking, Chill Games, And Almost Nobody Cared

    I only voted chill because I like vibing and having a good time. For some reason SBMM chucks me against the sweatiest Killer with the teammates that waddle down the middle of the map without even having Urban Evasion equipped. I don't understand SBMM's constant desire to stab me in the eyeballs repeatedly.