What Exactly Made Solo Queue Worse Recently?



  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    To start it was worse; less because of the killer buffs and more due to an increase in quitters.

    But as time went on I've found myself with much more competent team mates, and even when not I find myself mostly with people who don't give up, which I respect way more.

    I sometimes wonder (with no evidence whatsoever to back it up) whether matchmaking takes dc'ers into account and matches those who quit with other quitters, because I see them way, way less these days.

    As for difficulty, as survivor it is harder, but the matches are more my style: a challenge and rewarding.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Yup 3 man is also now pretty bad as the ramdom usually dc:s or goes down beey quickly. Also people I play with got carried with dh/ds bit too much. I used to play before 4 man too but my two friends quitted after dh nerf one even was killer main but he liked the challenge which dh caused and loved to use the perk personally.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    Disconnection syndrome and generaphobia(fear of gens.)

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,305

    I have been, since before the patch hit.

    I made it clear that my experience doesn't match the norm. If I hadn't been playing solo queue, I wouldn't have an experience to contrast, would I?

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Did OP get their answer? I can relate to much of what’s been said in this thread.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,305

    I've got some interesting ones.

    None that changed my mind, but it certainly helps me understand where other people are coming from.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Im surpriced you don't have those survivors achiement I got them before patch and you have to bit throw games to get them but they were not hard to get. I did the unhooking with slippery meat and luck offerings. Huntress one you have to go for snipes or farm with survivors and hope they help you get it.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    In my opinion, there are several things at work here.

    First of, chases are shorter, due to survivor nerfs and killer buffs (you mentioned it, but isnt bloodlust 1 faster now, too? Not sure about that)

    The second thing is the longer gen times and the stronger regression. First of, due to shorter chases, killer can interrupt you more on gens, making the regression stronger, and the extra 10 seconds give additional time. Also, regression stacking. Since solos cant easily communicate, being chased of a gen that starts regressing might mean all time invested in it might be lost. I had a game where that happend, and a 95% gen regressed down to 0%. In swf, you can easily communicate that and someone goes to safe the gen.

    Before the patch, regression wasnt that strong, and the time to interrupt was shorter.

    Thus leads to the experience, that you can say very early on if the game can be won or not (games with 4 hooks, maybe one already tunneled out, and no gen finished? yeah, that game is usually lost. Even if you pop 3 gens afterwards, if the next one is downed and hooked, one survivor has to go for the rescue and the other might already be in a chase. With shorter chases and longer gen times, you know you have lost then.

    And thus leads to people dcing hand hook suiciding.

    I mean, you see that as a killer as well, by the time the first gen is done i usually know if i am going to win or not. I think the games got way more binary in that way.

    Tunneling and camping was a thing before, but again, shorter chases/longer gen times make it even more viable.

    All in all, the changes brought killers closer to swf (who still have the upper hand, because communication can compensate a lot), but the gap between solos and killers widened, and while a team of good solo survivors surly can handle it, the matchmaking in this game prevents that scenario very effectivly.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    The sweatiest tryhard killers that would almost never lose to solo Q are stomping even harder now. You basically never lost to solo Q as a killer if you were willing to camp/tunnel and run busted builds. Now it's even more so

    Going up against a decent Nurse in 6.1.0+ is just such a joke, it's like instawin if they can find their keyboard. Doesn't help that they all run range addons too. It kills any motivation I have to play survivor, knowing that more often than not I am going to load into these unwinnable games and get killed in a manner that's about as interactive as watching a cutscene

    I hated Nurse back when she was broken OP pre rework and I still hate her now. Hoping BHVR guts her again like she deserves so I can enjoy some survivor again

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    The fact that you have played a decent amount of survivor doesn’t make me trust your opinion when you’re declaring things that are clearly untrue. I also have no idea of your play style or how much you have played post-patch. But the best I could say is that you’re an outlier. It’s fairly unbelievable that any survivor is having a BETTER experience post update.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I just got Bless You a few moments ago off of a NOED (which is my favorite hex to boon) fortunately. The other two seem like fun but I should use a specific build. A lot of the self escapes are kobes just from normal gameplay when nobody was coming to rescue me and some of the combo you mentioned above. In order to finish it off I plan to use OTR, Deliverance, SB and Deja Vu. Deja Vu is mainly just to stop my teammates from 3 genning us.

    For Hiding Seeker, I'm going to run OTR, Lucky Break, Overcome and Quick and Quiet. That's a fun build as well. I get hit, I break LoS, I enter a locker with Quick and Quiet.

    Huntress has been a pain so far. Which maps and perks worked best for you? I go straight aura reading perks and nothing else for that achievement but there are a lot of obstacles on the maps so that messes up a lot of throws.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 513

    They want more survivors to die and they are - what's the problem?

    There is no problem especially since survivor queues are instant if you run up against the over 50% of games that are just a drudge and not very fun either due to map, killer, perks or whatever - it's an easy matter to just throw it and be in another one with a fresh start before the blood dries.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited August 2022

    Regardless of whether you find it believable or not, I've obviously played a lot of survivor. I'm also having a lot more fun. I play more survivor now than before 6.1 because I find survivor post 6.1 more fun.

    That could be for a variety of reasons or combination thereof. It could be (a) I shunned DH so never grew reliant on it (b) I play both sides (60/40 survivor/killer post patch; that was reversed pre 6.1) so I understand how Killer works, was affected, and how to counter it (c) I'm an outlier (d) I'm not an outlier but rather the people complaining on the forums haven't adapted yet or (e) my MMR and region gives me a better experience than yours.

    I have no doubt (a) and (b) play a part. Whether (c), (d) or (e) is true is unknown since BHVR hasn't released any data since January and will remain unknown until that data is released.

    Regardless, attempting to claim that people who play survivor haven't had good experiences, as people in this thread have attested they have had good experiences, and don't actually play survivor when this is demonstrably false just weakens any point you're trying to make.

    I didn't say everyone was having more fun; I said I was having more fun and some posters here attempted to claim that means I haven't played and don't play survivor when that's obviously false. The only way to get all the achievements I have is to play 100s of games and some of my achievements are post patch.

    Speak to your own experiences; not others. What I've stated is very much true for me.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I used usually only quick and quiet for it but occasionally put deception on my build too. But I always went to take chase when killers carried someone and then went to locker probably easiest way to get it.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Yep the deterrents are gone, so anyone is free reign to tunnel.