How is it reducing the grind when I need to spend thousands upon thousands to get the addon I want?

I may be late to the party but I recently came back to DbD after a short break and while BHVR may claim that they reduced the grind by 75% (for veteran players, if you're new then you're screwed) that only considers the perks while completely ignoring addons.
With the old system, if you chose not to prestige, you were guaranteed higher rarity addons so it was never a problem to get the addons I liked. Since the new system forces you to prestige I find myself wasting a fortune in BP just to be able to get something decent on certain killers. Based on my own anecdotal evidence the bloodweb will give you nothing above the occasional green addon for the first 20 bloodwebs or so. If you are still getting perks then it gets even worse as perks will be counted as rare items and therefore you will have to waste yet another bloodweb in order to get purple addons. Most of your bloodpoints will be spent on bloodwebs that look like this:
I don't know if this is by design, but it doesn't look to me as "reducing the grind". Not to mention you get absolutely nothing after prestige 9 which means prestige forces you to waste bloodpoints with no benefit whatsoever. Playing gimmicky builds for fun has been a lot harder for me just because I don't have the addons on certain killers I don't normally play and if I wanted to get them it'd cost me half of my bloodpoints. I just think it's kind of pointless to force everyone to prestige.
TL;DR: New prestige makes you waste a ######### ton of bp to get higher rarity addons which increases the grind we all love and cherish.
Agree this is a massive issue. Not to mention the time wasted to clear these useless 20+ bloodwebs.
Spending 10 minutes in the bloodwebs to get only brown/yellow trash everywhere is very frustrating imo. I don't know if the grind has truly been reduced, but it feels much worse.
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That's the neat part, it's not a grind reduction for most players.
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Good. You shouldnt be able to just stockpile the add ons you want.
They should eventually run out.
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To be fair, "the grind" did refer to perks. Specifically teachable perks. That's the entire thing that caused such a bloated grind in DBD to begin with, and that's the thing they (successfully) tackled - for everyone, not just veterans.
Though, to speak on the addon situation a little bit, BHVR seem to agree with you, as they made it that successive prestiges change the rarity distribution cumulatively. I've yet to prestige that many characters multiple times post that patch, so I can't speak to its efficacy, but it does seem to be on their radar.
Personally, I'm on the fence about it being an issue. On the one hand, rare and very rare addons probably should be rare and very rare respectively, but on the other... eh, people should have the ability to use them a little more than they can under the current system, that doesn't seem too unreasonable to me. Thankfully, most killers (and I believe most survivor items?) have plenty of usable brown/yellow/green addons, so it's not a huge problem right now. Heck, some killers' best addons are browns and yellows.
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The perk teachable grind was made better at the expense of the addon grind
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I don't think it was. Not from a time perspective.
You need something like 400K more BP to get from LVL 40 to LVL 50, plus the ######### prestige tax. Then, you have to play with the BloodWeb to get your perks to Tier III. All the while, you get almost nothing per game as Survivor and only slightly more as Killer.
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Maybe a new player would have a different perspective from myself. I had all perks on Cheryl and Jill so whenever a new survivor came out, I'd bust them out and play with the new toys. All I had to do was get the new survivor to 40, then I'd immediately get the perks on Jill.
This was nice for my max Survivors, but for everyone else I'd have no chance of ever getting what I want. With each chapter, BBQ got harder and harder to roll.
Now I have all my builds on all my survivors, so survivors are just skins now. I dont need a maxed out Survivor anymore.
NOw if I want a tier 3 perk I can just get the first Prestige and then just buy webs til the perks are purple. If that character has just prestige, the perks will be cheap as low lvl webs barely have anything.
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If you were a new player though and not like us, who have wayyy too much time in the game, you'd have to grind the BP to get to P1 and then roll the bloodweb odds. For...thirty-three Survivors.
To unlock the teachables for every Survivor pre-patch, you'd need about 40 million BP. A lot, for sure, but you had BBQ, WGLF, BP offerings and Events to help.
Post-patch (using pre-patch bloodweb numbers because it's been widely reported that the bloodweb is much more expensive now) you'd need 53 million BP. Without many Events, BP codes (seriously the 10K BP codes are jokes), BBQ or WGLF. You also still need to roll the bloodweb RNG afterwards.
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Yeah it feels grind got increased 100x worser for the add ons part.
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I never use addons because I can't bear the thought of getting used to them and running out of them, so I don't really care about that, but everything still feels much slower than it used to...
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Addons do get better in the lower level bloodwebs as you raise the prestige of that character. At prestige 10 and above you can expect to see a lot more green than brown in those early webs. The downside is you don't get a choice, you have to buy whatever crap that appears in webs.
It's getting harder and harder for me to collect party bottles for my Clown.