The myth that Nurse holds back perks

Imagine unironically thinking this after:
- Buffs to:
- Coulrophobia (faster skillcheck speed)
- Dead Man’s Switch (removing Obsession condition)
- Discordance (range/linger)
- Eruption (regression and Incapacitated duration)
- Gearhead (one less hit needed)
- Retribution (longer aura)
- Surge/Jolt (cooldown removed)
- Knockout (recovery speed slowdown)
- Lethal Pursuer (secondary effect of lengthening aura reads)
- Lightborn (trying to blind or Lightburn = aura read)
- No Way Out (longer duration)
- Overcharge (max slowdown effect)
- Gift of Pain (slowdown)
- Monstrous Shrine (more scourges, helps basement hooks more, reduces hook to 50s if outside for entire time)
- Sloppy Butcher/Hemorrhage effect (healing regression on interrupted)
- Thanatophobia (slowdown)
- Tinkerer (80->70%, longer Undetectable)
- Releasing:
- Insanely good perks on her:
- Barbecue & Chili
- Call of Brine
- Corrupt Intervention
- Deadlock
- Eruption
- Pentimento
- Ruin (pre-nerf)
- Undying
- Infectious Fright
- Lethal Pursuer
- Make Your Choice
- No Way Out
- Pop Goes the Weasel (pre-nerf)
- Floods of Rage
- Pain Resonance
- Starstruck
- Great perks on her:
- Darkness Revealed
- Discordance
- Grim Embrace
- Devour Hope
- Haunted Grounds
- Plaything
- Retribution
- Surge/Jolt (pre-buff)
- Terminus
- Decent or okayish perks on her:
- Blood Warden
- Coulrophobia (pre-buff)
- Coup de Grâce
- Dark Devotion
- Dead Man’s Switch (pre-buff)
- Deathbound
- Dragon’s Grip
- Gearhead (pre-buff)
- Hysteria
- I’m All Ears
- Merciless Storm
- Rancor
- Surveillance
- Thrilling Tremors
- Trail of Torment
- Insanely good perks on her:
Before someone brings up Awakened Awareness’ recent nerf, pre-nerf AA was awful, even for Nurse, and the nerf made no sense. 3/3.5s fatigue/2.7s cooldown + 3s pickup = 24/26/22.8m a Survivor starting literally right beside the Killer can run away before the pickup even finishes. As in, out of the 20m. (3 is 1 blink hit, 3.5 is 2 blink hit, 2.7 is M1 default)
she does. Everyone knows it. Not really a myth.
Post edited by EQWashu on40 -
the devs blatantly said they changed it bc it would be oppressive on some killers
not a myth, fact - as stated by the developers themselves
Post edited by Brokenbones on28 -
This is a weird hill to want to die on.
The devs stated Awaken Awareness was too strong on some killers which basically means nurse. Who else would take advantage of Starstruck + Lethal + Awareness to the extent of nurse?
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Devs: "The combo Awakened Awareness + Lethal + Starstruck might be too opressive on certain killers"
Definetly not Nurse. I think they are talking about Piggy.
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It’s not a myth, supposedly according to you two. Which is clearly why devs have buffed 17 perks decent or amazing for her, and released 40 perks that are either decent/okay, great, or insanely good for her. Yup. Checks out.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Who is it then?
The reason for the nerf was some "mysterious" killer making it oppressive when combined with other perks.
So who was it? Can't be Blight. His power doesn't count as basic hits.
Unless your trying to say it might be Wraith. Or maybe even Clown?
Or maybe it's the one who can teleport through walls and whose power hits count as basic for some reason.
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Nah, it is Trapper. He is strongest killer in game y'know.
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I mean, devs can think AA was a concern, but if you literally just run the numbers, it was a complete non-issue that could be avoided before the pickup even finishes, even if you start literally beside the killer. The devs nerfing something doesn’t mean the nerf was actually necessary. If you got caught in AA’s range, that’s literally your fault.
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Our opinions do not matter on this really
The devs said it not us so - it's not a myth.
They confirmed what a lot of us had speculated about for a while now
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You guys, it was clearly Myers.
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I am actually going to laugh if a Dev comes out and says
"It was because of The Hillbilly"
Like I would be in hysterics
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Ah yes, one single perk nerf is clearly holding back perk balance out of 17 buffs and 40 releases. Amazing take, what a genius. By that logic, multiple killers hold back balance given other killers have also gotten perks nerfed lmao.
Maybe some day people will understand nuance and nerfing a thing that devs think is a problematic interaction is different from holding back balance, lmfao.
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Specifically with monitor and abuse dead rabbit in tier 2. His 4 Meter tr breaks starstruck.
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Nah, Myers. This guy can mori people without hooks.
Wait a second...
Sadako can do exactly same thing. Let's say they are equal and strongest killers? Deal?
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They thought AA was a concern with specific killers running a specific perk set. They literally typed out that they balanced AA around Nurse existing.
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Yes, it's definitely the survivor's fault if they get caught in range of AAs. Because most Nurses don't use Agitation where they can travel almost the whole map.
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Are you capable of having a discussion without the snark
Just because your precious nurse is being criticised there's no need to act like this lmfao
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What about pig?
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Do you know what literally means?
And congratulations, you failed understanding nuance between nerfing what (devs thought) was a problematic interaction and holding back balance as a whole.
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Honestly, the combo would've been equally as mean on Spirit.
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Don't forget Pyramid Head; he can mori survivors without hooks as well. That means he's at least as good as Sadako, maybe even Myers.
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Ssshhh silly, do not call her name. Do you wanna make her nerfed again?!?
Let's hope devs don't remember her.
But they nerfed his best part, the butt. He is not same anymore :(
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AA doesn’t increase the 20m, and you could literally be out of the 20m before they could even move, since you’d be out before pickup even ended. And that’s if you start literally right beside the killer for some reason. If you had even remotely any distance, Agitation isn’t going to suddenly reach you with AA when you can literally hear the TR as a warning in advance that she’s coming towards you.
Still waiting to hear why devs have buffed 17 great or insane perks for her and released 40 that are okay, great, or insane for her.
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is it possible that all those perks you listed as being good on Nurse is simply because Nurse is ridiculous and they're just normal good perks?
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Spirit still has to respect walls and floors. On top of that she does lose the aura reading when she phases. IDR if it's during the charge or after the charge, but it takes 1.5 seconds to charge the phase so you lose 2.5 seconds of the aura reading which means she has a tougher time tracking where a survivor exactly is where as Nurse can hook, blink, and swing before the aura reading expires.
Could it be strong on Spirit, sure. But I doubt the devs were thinking of spirit when they made this change.
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Could you imagine
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I hope they continue this trend and nerf Starstruck next
It'll be golden
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Knowing how survivor-sided Behavior is, they'll nerf every killers butt soon. Just watch.
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Considering that they said certain killers (plural), I don't think it's a reach to say Nurse wasn't the only killer they had in mind.
Still sucks it got nerfed though.
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Wow, it’s almost like if the dumb myth was true, BHVR wouldn’t buff and release literally dozens of perks that are okay, great, or insane on her while not changing her at all. Wow, amazing how that works.
Still waiting to hear your excuse.
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Nobody else could use it anywhere near the effect that Nurse could.
Could there have been multiple? Sure, maybe.
Nurse is definitely the biggest reason.
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I don't need excuses
The developers confirmed you're wrong, it doesn't matter what I say or think
I'd like to hear your excuse for the snark though.
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I don’t know why people are acting like BHVR making a decision means it was a good decision lmao. AA was literally awful because a killer can never ever get it off if the survivor just leaves after someone goes down even if they started right beside the killer.
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Okay, so no excuses for why devs have buffed and released dozens of perks great for her without ever changing her. Got it. Thanks for letting me know not to waste my time on someone who has no intention to discuss in good faith.
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"discussion in good faith"
*Is snarky to anyone who disagrees*
Grow up
If BHVR came out and said Nurse is balanced you would never stop talking about it
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Yes I do believe Nurse holds back perk balance, cause her power is an entirely different beast compared to every other killer, some perks don’t exist most likely due to her, but the perks that do exist could also be better balanced for other killers too (tinkerer got nerfed same patch it was buffed, once per gen)(thanatophobia actually got nerfed, sorry I had to be the one to tell you) and coup de grace being on this list gave me a good chuckle, thats all i’m saying, some perks are super restrictive because some killers, not just nurse other killers do it to slightly, can become obnoxious with them
Post edited by EQWashu on9 -
I’d want to see actual proof even if they said that statement, but how incredibly unsurprising of you to do more mental gymnastics to leap to conclusions about others.
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Ironic coming from the person who goes on every nurse thread and just assumes people are bad and don't know how to play against her
I agree with BHVRs conclusion, I got nothing else left to say. Have a nice day 🧐
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You are literally objectively wrong. Tinkerer’s 70%+longer Undetectable was 4.1.0. The nerf to one time proc was 6.1.0. Thanatophobia got buffed in 2.6, 4.3, and 6.1, at the loss of healing reduction in return for everything else, and was nerfed in 6.1.2.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
"This would be a little oppressive on some killers, especially when paired with starstruck to make survivors exposed" quote from the devs, they themselves r designing perks with nurse in mind.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
I’d love to hear your explanation for the 17 perks buffed and 40 perks released. All of which are okay, great, or insane on her. Without ever changing her or making any statement that she needs or will be changed.
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Hey everyone, let's please try and dial back the amount of snarkiness and sarcasm in this discussion. A lot of this is bordering on namecalling and is very aggressive, let's just try and simmer down a bit.
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I won't really comment on the main point of the thread (I personally don't care whether Nurse holds back perk design, I believe BHVR's perk design team holds back perk design more than anything else, although in this instance it seems pretty obvious Nurse was the main reason for the perk nerf, so regardless of whether the same is true in general, in this instance it appears to be true - and Nurse has always been a blatantly busted killer, making her blink hits not count as basic hits is the absolute least they could do, and that would already have made the Awakened Awareness + Starstruck combo a non-issue on her)... but your math is not really capturing the situation adequately at all.
3/3.5s fatigue/2.7s cooldown + 3s pickup = 24/26/22.8m a Survivor starting literally right beside the Killer can run away before the pickup even finishes. As in, out of the 20m.
First of all, Awakened Awareness activates as soon as the pickup starts, so you can already see survivors within those 3 seconds. And then, running away as soon as Nurse gets a down is not only a bad idea because you will be regularly revealing yourself to her doing so and she can just slug, but there's tons of scenarios where running away is not even possible, let alone in a straight line, due to the area or structure of the map you're in. Furthermore, bolting it across the map every single time the killer gets a down is a huge time sink, you will be giving them tons of value regardless - and you don't even know whether they have AA, so you'd literally have to do this against everyone. And finally, the aura also lingered if you dropped the survivor, and it was lengthened by Lethal Pursuer; Nurse could pick someone up and drop them instantly, and see everyone that was within 20m of her position at the time of the pickup for another 4 seconds.
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Why would I talk about older renditions of the perks when I am talking about current states of the perks? Current Tinkerer only works once on a gen because of the increased gen time technically triggering tinkerer’s threshhold faster. Current Thanatophobia has extremely small numbers depending on how many people are injured.
Talking about older versions of the perk doesn’t work as they aren’t that perk anymore, so yes I actually know what the perks are and I know what I am talking about because discussing the before state of the perk is useless, or its like comparing Nurse to a perk in 2.1.0 when Nurse didn’t have a cooldown on her blinks like she currently does, it literally makes no sense in that context as Nurse isn’t like that anymore,
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Did this discussion get so out of hand it spawned a new mod?
Hi though 👋
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oooo the birth of a new moderator
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Hiya 😀!
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New mod just dropped.
Also, Awakened Awareness literally got nerfed because of Nurse. A shame.
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Time to nerf pig