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General Discussions

The myth that Nurse holds back perks

Member Posts: 3,910
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Imagine unironically thinking this after:

  1. Buffs to:
    1. Coulrophobia (faster skillcheck speed)
    2. Dead Man’s Switch (removing Obsession condition)
    3. Discordance (range/linger)
    4. Eruption (regression and Incapacitated duration)
    5. Gearhead (one less hit needed)
    6. Retribution (longer aura)
    7. Surge/Jolt (cooldown removed)
    8. Knockout (recovery speed slowdown)
    9. Lethal Pursuer (secondary effect of lengthening aura reads)
    10. Lightborn (trying to blind or Lightburn = aura read)
    11. No Way Out (longer duration)
    12. Overcharge (max slowdown effect)
    13. Gift of Pain (slowdown)
    14. Monstrous Shrine (more scourges, helps basement hooks more, reduces hook to 50s if outside for entire time)
    15. Sloppy Butcher/Hemorrhage effect (healing regression on interrupted)
    16. Thanatophobia (slowdown)
    17. Tinkerer (80->70%, longer Undetectable)
  2. Releasing:
    1. Insanely good perks on her:
      1. Barbecue & Chili
      2. Call of Brine
      3. Corrupt Intervention
      4. Deadlock
      5. Eruption
      6. Pentimento
      7. Ruin (pre-nerf)
      8. Undying
      9. Infectious Fright
      10. Lethal Pursuer
      11. Make Your Choice
      12. No Way Out
      13. Pop Goes the Weasel (pre-nerf)
      14. Floods of Rage
      15. Pain Resonance
      16. Starstruck
    2. Great perks on her:
      1. Darkness Revealed
      2. Discordance
      3. Grim Embrace
      4. Devour Hope
      5. Haunted Grounds
      6. Plaything
      7. Retribution
      8. Surge/Jolt (pre-buff)
      9. Terminus
    3. Decent or okayish perks on her:
      1. Blood Warden
      2. Coulrophobia (pre-buff)
      3. Coup de Grâce
      4. Dark Devotion
      5. Dead Man’s Switch (pre-buff)
      6. Deathbound
      7. Dragon’s Grip
      8. Gearhead (pre-buff)
      9. Hysteria
      10. I’m All Ears
      11. Merciless Storm
      12. Rancor
      13. Surveillance
      14. Thrilling Tremors
      15. Trail of Torment


Before someone brings up Awakened Awareness’ recent nerf, pre-nerf AA was awful, even for Nurse, and the nerf made no sense. 3/3.5s fatigue/2.7s cooldown + 3s pickup = 24/26/22.8m a Survivor starting literally right beside the Killer can run away before the pickup even finishes. As in, out of the 20m. (3 is 1 blink hit, 3.5 is 2 blink hit, 2.7 is M1 default)

Post edited by EQWashu on

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