Is matchmaking active at all? Why do I keep getting killers that I should never be paired with in the first place?

My MMR should be way down by now thanks to numerous losses since the last patch. And yet I get killers whose skill is far higher than the skill in my solo queue lobbys. I am currently despairing of an actually simple challenge.

"Fully repair 2 gens, and do in a single trial"

I've never managed more than one gen today.

Apparently the rift only works with swf now or if you are a solo survivor then you have to be a god looper.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm having a really bad day today.

0% escape rate and I can't get any further in the rift.

It´s frustrating , why am I doing this to myself ?


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    The devs really should give us the option to opt out of "fast vs relevant" matchmaking. I think a lot of us wouldn't mind waiting a bit more to not be sent as death fodder to killers that are out of our league.

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    TRhe issue with the matchmaking for solo q survivors is we are put in lobbies with SWF which the matchmaking for them is an average of all their MMR. So there is a person with a high MMR and a low MMR with a mid MMR killer. They need to find a way to buff Solo Q without buffing SWF which is difficult to come up with I imagine.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    MMR rating is probably the same for everyone now. Since almost every match contained someone suiciding or giving up at 5 gens.

    Gonna take a while until the mmr works properly again.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It got lost in the halls of the old RPD. Can you blame it? The map has been out for over an year and I still get lost.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    I fully agree. I've been playing solo for months and I would say 80%+ of my games result in death. And yet, I get the sweatiest killers, the sweatiest builds, but somehow my survivors are not good? So I don't understand how the MMR work.

    I think the biggest flaw in the way MMR is designed is that it 'expands' to find killers and survivors to match your MMR, but what often happens is that it pulls killers from the higher end of the MMR and survivors from the lower end of MMR range.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I'd much rather wait for one quality match than have a fast queue for 3 terrible ones. It seems like a lot of players aren't happy with the one-size-fits-all matchmaking logic. The feedback seemed fairly split between days 1 and 3 of the matchmaking test if I recall, and they tried to accomplish both but ended up accomplishing neither.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Matchmaking will never work "correctly" in this game, unless they find some efficient way of accounting for player skill in a granular way.

    Right now, the only thing that ticks your MMR up or down is a binary "win" (successfully exiting, or killing a survivor) or "lose" (getting killed, or allowing a survivor to escape). Unless it's been changed, every survivor you kill counts as a win (so a killer who 4Ks "wins" 4 matches). And, every exit you make as a survivor counts as a win. But your actions during a match don't matter; you can do literally nothing, hide in a corner, and run out the exit gate. The game parses that in the same way as someone who personally fixed 3 gens or ran the killer around for 5 minutes.

    And, MMR is a secret number that we cannot see, which in my opinion means it might as well not exist anyway. People talk about MMR a lot here, but it's not like we have any tangible ratings to go off of. There are no leagues or brackets or whatever, and you have no clue how your MMR stacks up against anyone you are being matchmade with. You can probably get a better sense of it at the very high-end tippy-top where the Umbras and Otzdarvas are, but for the rest of us, who knows?

    The thing is, the vast majority of players are gonna complain the loudest if matchmaking is slow. People will complain more about not getting fast/frequent games, so this is a bit of a damned if you do/damned if you don't situation for Behaviour. Either leave it as-is and weather these threads of people complaining against lopsided matches, or make the matchmaking logic more restrictive and put up with players complaining about way longer queue times. Given the choice, I'd rather play any match than no match. At least if I'm in a lopsided match there is the chance that I will learn something or improve vs. overwhelming odds.

    At the end of the day, this stuff is probably just not gonna change, because Behaviour has no incentive to change it. It works, we put up with it, we're still here after six years, the game is going strong, so why change it? The developers have shown over and over that they cannot grasp any nuance to base matchmaking logic on, other than binary win/loss, so what even is the benefit of gong to any extreme lengths? It would probably necessitate a rework of their entire scoring system, just complete remake from top to bottom.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Nobody is talking about it but they decreased pallets in new RPD maps now. How good is that <3

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    There are days when the games are bad all day long. If this frustrates you, I suggest taking a break for the day.

    Maybe try different builds next time you play?

    Try to change your playing technique, it can be even the smallest thing. For example, keep a low profile at the beginning of the game, pay attention to which gens the Killer is patrolling and not worth committing to. And always assume what perks the killer is using and try to avoid their effect.

    Eventually you will find a good lobby to play with.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2022

    OP don't worry this is perfectly normal. Same for every solo Q player, escape rates are around ~30%, even god loopers like Dowsey or Probzz get <50% then they switch to killer and get 10+ win streaks.

    Also you should know, games where a survivor DC's are not counted in the developer stats, so the next time you get spanked hard because someone DC's think to yourself: "This game is not real at all, I am not getting destroyed right now" because that's how the developers view it.

    Anyway. The solution for me was to git gud and adapt, aka select the button "Play as Killer"

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    Thanks for the responses, guys.

    The problem is, I've already taken several breaks since the last patch. Once even for a very long time. But as soon as I go back to DBD, I relive the exact same scenario that made me need the break in the first place, and instantly feel just as stressed as I did before the break.

    I'm not one of those players who absolutely has to win (aka escape). For me, it's a win when I've had fun. Then I have no problem saying "GG" in the PGC after getting killed and mean it completely honestly.

    But fun? Fun is reserved for swf groups only. At least it seems so after the last patch. Nothing can get swf into trouble, but solos suffer. Because BHVR has to be careful with the buffs so that swf doesn't get even stronger and it's unfair to the killer. And because BHVR has to hold back the buffs for solo because of swf, I feel that SWF also breaks the game for me as a solo surv. Not just for killers.

    Of course it's always easy to say "Then just play SWF" but it's not always that easy in life. I have mental problems when it comes to socializing. Call it some kind of social phobia. So basically I don't have any friends outside of my family and I can't imagine voice chatting with strangers. I'm too nervous and shy for that. So no chance of swf for me.

    The bad thing is that I actually like playing PVP games. Because I don't have contact with other people in real life outside of my family, I at least like to interact with other people through multiplayer games. Even if you don't speak, it's the feeling of doing something together with other people.

    That's why I can't manage to give up DBD completely. But I've now completely given up hope for improvement for solo queue and with it the hope that the fun will come back in DBD. :/

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    What time of day do you play? I play almost every night usually with a good friend of mine that I have played with for years, you are more than welcome to join us, the game is a lot more fun and balanced actually having teammates that know what they're doing and won't just abandon you on hook.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    I mostly play in the evenings/nights IF I play.

    Right now I have the feeling that I need a break again, at leats for today. It just frustrates me enormously not even getting any further in the rift, I also want the cosmetics.

    I really appreciate your offer. It´s glad to see that there are still wholesome people in this community.

    But you have read what my problem is. I can't go in a voice call with strangers, I wouldn't get a word out. And since you and your friend have known each other for years, it's even worse for me because it makes me feel even more like the stupid outsider.

    And I'm afraid of playing badly (I'm not a good looper) and disappointing my fellow players.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Well my offer remains open if you change your mind. I get the Voicechat hang ups, I don't usually get in them unless I know the people either. You can still join our party and play with us and see how you like it with 0 pressure on jumping in chat with us. We are not super serious players and play for fun- I have thousands of hours in this game and "winning" is not why I still play it.

    And don't worry about being a good looper or disappointing anyone, my games are moments of genius followed by tons of potato game play where I mind game myself straight into a killers arms who had given up on catching me. 🤨

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    If you think your MMR is way down, you are (probably?) getting matched with other survivors who are in your same league. The problem isn't necessarily "the killer is too good," so much as "my fellow survivors are not great." A team of bad survivors can prop up a bad killer a great deal.

    Also, this comment stands out to me: "if you are a solo survivor then you have to be a god looper." Let me tell you, I have played this game for 4,000 hours and I suck at looping. Despite this, I have consistently gotten to red ranks, before and after the rank/grade system change. YOu know what helps me loop? Windows of Opportunity. It is a must-run perk for me, especially after the buff, Windows of Opportunity turns a mediocre looper into a decent one, and I am absolutely the proof of that.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Sorry for the double-post, but I wanted to respond to this too. As a fellow shy person who is very cautious about what I say to people I don't know well, all I can say is, try to overcome it at least a little bit. People are not gonna make fun of you about your social anxiety, and if they do, they are not the kinds of people you probably want to be friends with anyway. If someone is offering to play some matches with you, it doesn't hurt to take the offer at face value, nobody is gonna force you to keep playing if you are uncomfortable.

    Same goes for playing badly or whatever -- everybody makes mistakes sometimes and it's just a video game. There's nothing on the line in a match of Dead by Daylight, so getting really mad at a teammate is just silly and unkind. I have a friend who I have played this game with for years, and he makes dumb plays all the time, I constantly have to remind him the killer can hear him in lockers, etc. It's fine, I don't get mad at him over it. And I make dumb mistakes a lot too. If we lose, whatever, it's off to the next match.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    This is why I want to see my MMR. I have 150 hours and I get consistently matched with survivors with 1k+ hours (survivor and killer). I was playing survivor yesterday and I got matched with a 4.7k hour survivor main twitch streamer who was practicing for a tournament. Then I will get matched with a group of survivors with 20 hours on killer and it's an absolute massacre to the point I'm worried four people are going to quit the game.

  • Brix
    Brix Member Posts: 129

    I have 1K hours which 600 were from 2019 came back in 2021. Yesterday waited 15 minutes for a match and got someone with 10K hours and legit legacy. 5 minute match on Red forest as slinger. I dont believe there is a matchmaking system

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,908

    I think there is one, but I don't think it's functioning well (if at all) right now.

    Most of my killer games I'm going up against teams I legit feel bad for killing, because it's a total mismatch. Or I'm going against really, really good survs who feed me my lunch. Not much in between.