How on earth did they think Dead Hard needed a nerf but Sprint Burst is still a thing ?

If anything, Sprint Burst should cause Hindered at the end of it, not Exhausted.

This happened to me so many times: Try to protect a gen, chase a survivor, he sprint bursts to a good looping area, I go back, other survivors are on the gen, I chase some other survivor, he also sprint bursts away towards a good pallet/loop.

At least Dead Hard was only a thing after you already injure a survivor so you might get something out of that survivor even if you don't get the down, through Mangled/Hemorrhage/Thana/Franklin's etc.

But with Spring Burst, if the survivors play good, and esp if they are SWF, the only thing you'll get out of that ordeal is frustration.


  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Never had it really be an issue for me. If I'm in chase, it's at the start and I can easily decide to break off before I get invested. If I chose to follow, it's not so much distance as to be completely shooting myself in the foot.

    As for defending a gen, I mean, they ran off so mission accomplished. The only thing that you did wrong was to chase them too far to let other survivors on.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Sprint burst is a killer perk at this point. The walking around waste so much time. Sprint burst is fine


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Are you serious??? I thought it was a meme people were going to start complaining about it next

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111

    I just feel like Sprint Burst is more annoying for more killers than DH was. You could wait out DH and the distance they gained was not so big, the only big problem I saw with it was that you could use it to avoid traps.

    Sprint Burst on the other hand really hurts killers that are not ranged or have good mobility.

    It seems not so powerful at first, but as I said, if you're a killer with no ranged abilities/mobility and 2 or more survivors bring this perk, you're gonna have a really really bad time.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    So that's is where the issue stems from: you never faced good Survivors using Dead Hard before

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    We are not unironically doing this.

    Or wait is this whole post an elaborate joke?

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I knew it would happen.... Even some dbd youtubers have said the same thing

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111

    Let's give you an actual example.

    I was Bubba, cornfield map, against SWF, I had a 3 gen so I thought I had the game in hand. They leave the gen in the middle and go 2 on a side and 2 on the other side.

    I go pressure one gen, bam, the guy I chase uses sprint burst. I stop the chase, the other one hid from me. I go on the other gen, same thing happens. I come back to the first gen, the dude working on it is not the one that used the sprint burst, he also starts sprinting away when I come. Now luckily when I come back to the other gen one guy didn't have sprint burst and the other was exhausted, so I get a down and start face camping, I get 2 kills and flamed in the chat.

    It's just an awful experience man, plus if they're good survivors they'll let you chase a little bit before using the Sprint Burst so you'll kind of have to memorize the timers on them etc.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Say it with me everybody!

    "Survivor perk OP!"

    Very good!

  • LennyClan
    LennyClan Member Posts: 6

    Holy hell, I didn't actually believe everyone who said that people would start complaining about sprint burst once DH was nerfed, but here we are. Yeah its just one post but I find it pretty funny.

    In reality though, while this has nothing necessarily to do with balance, my biggest problem with DH was that it was really unfun to play against. Stuff like having to assume everyone had DH and wait it out was really unfun to do. Yeah, you still might have to wait it out sometimes, but not I don't need to assume literally everyone has it and wait everyone on first hook out. Another thing was it was really unfun to get to what seems like the end of a chase, you are about to catch the survivor, and boom they just deadhard to a pallet. It always felt unfun because you should have won the chase there, but one perk was easily able to give them distance enough to extend it without a second thought.

    Sprint burst is doesn't feel unfun in any way to play against. Yeah they might be able to get to a strong loop at the start of the chase, but that is much less unsatisfying than getting victory snatched from your right at what should have been the end of the chase. If they 99% Sprint burst and use it in the middle of the chase, I don't feel bad either because I know how hard that can be to pull off without accidentally using it or having to just hop on a gen when its 99'ed and lose that 99. I see that and am able to go "damn, good job" because it feels like a genuinely skilled outplay that they had to put effort into performing

    tl;dr Sprint burst is much better because doesn't feel immensely unfun to play against since you don't have to always assume its there and it actually takes some skill and planning to use it at anytime besides the beginning of a chase or to even not waste it by mistake.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    This happened to me so many times: I was minding my own business when a blight/nurse/spirit/legion/billy/pinhead/clown/Freddy/Sadako/demo/dredge/oni/wraith/huntress/deathslinger/trickster showed up. I sprint burst away but they caught me right after. Yeah high mobility, teleporting and ranged killers are everywhere and as others have noted, sprint bursters walk around all the time and give you plenty of time value.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    There must always something to complain about, uh?

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I mean you have to walk everywhere so it doesn't actually go off so that balances it out tbh lmao. What next Nerf Balance Landing

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Yeah - All these Sprint Burst topics are cluttering the front page.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    For who? This dude can't even garner one sweet sweet updoot. Obviously nobody thinks sprint burst is a problem.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    run fearmonger, ez

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2022

    Sprint burst is fine because you can just not commit to the chase when they do sprint burst and you waste almost no time. Pre nerf dead hard was annoying because you could commit to a chase for like 30+ seconds and when you're about to get a down, they dead hard to a pallet. If you abandon chase after they extend chase with their E key, you still wasted precious time. If you did commit, you're still wasting a lot of time.

    It's seriously easy to figure out whether or not you should commit to a sprint burst or not, depending on your surroundings. Dead hard for distance was basically uncounterable and gave an artificial bonus to chase time.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    Bring fearmonger on low mobility killers then. They either walk everywhere so they don't use it up or don't get it back while working on generators.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    No one guy complained that means all killers want sprint burst removed from the game.

  • sleepy_knight
    sleepy_knight Member Posts: 117

    Run fearmonger bruh. I swear some of these new killers literally want survivors to spawn in on hook now. If they Kobe they get to play.

    Sprint burst is my favourite exhaustion perk to face. It reveals itself immediately so I know I don't have to worry about dh tanking a hit or lockers. Sprint burst users also tend to walk a lot to preserve it for chases which gives me a lot of extra time.

    Be happy the survivors you face use sprint burst because you really don't want to encounter a full squad of head on/dead hard users. Though seeing as you're here to complain instead of putting on the free perk that pretty much disables it, you won't have to worry about dealing with experienced survivors for a very long time.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    No, I was serious. Take away DH and SB will be used more. Once a perk is frequently used there will be complaints about that perk.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    You're trolling; right?

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Us real killer mains don’t claim this. He on his own on that opinion.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    DH made it impossible to end chases, Sprint Burst makes it impossible to start them.

    I can understand why people feel frustrated about SB, because entire teams are using it and killers are feeling NTR'd.

    However, this was to be expected. Despite how frustrated I've become trying to fight Aim Dressing in order to touch SB gamers, this is still infinitely more bearablethan DH meta.

    Sprint Burst is fine, we just need to get used to how front-loaded chases are now.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    Dead Hard actually broke the game, sprint burst does not

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Still most players failed to use dh effiently. Sb gives always value even for bad survivors. Good survivors with dh were annoying though but there was some counters if they were too greedy and didn't use it 100% safely or you played antilooo killer who could hit throught it.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Dead Hard had "I frames". Meaning, even if you did get a hit through the lunge forward, it didn't count. Not to mention, it was a multipurpose perk. You could use it to "Dead Hard for distance" to get to a window or pallet, substantially extending a chase. You could use it as an "oops made a mistake" perk when you're caught out of position and gain distance during the killer attack cooldown. Plus, you can trigger it, whenever you want, as long as you're injured.

    Meanwhile, Sprint Burst has a clear use; gaining distance from the killer. There are no "I frames" to contend with so faster killers can catch up to someone sprinting away and running at all will trigger it, so you need to make smart use of it. Sure, you can 99% your Sprint Burst, which I often find annoying, but that's a separate issue.

    There is a reason why a majority of Exhaustion perks are similar to Sprint Burst.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Eh sprint burst is kind of annoying. DH irritates the hell out of me but it requires good timing, i miss my dh trigger a fair bit and if you know a player has dh you can usually tell when they are setting up to use is. Just hold off your attack for a second, they waste it, and splat.

    Wouldn't say either of them are broken

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Interesting that people can't even acknowledge that a perk can be annoying without getting defensive lmao. Anyone who says it isn't extremely annoying when you have 2 gens left and multiple survivors have sprint burst is lying. For the next 10 minutes you will either be playing ping pong between gens as survivors sprint away anytime you get close or you commit to the chase and lose the gens anyway. OP is not wrong for calling this out. There are things that survivors don't like and there are things that killers don't like.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I called it AGAIN

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    It’s giving survivors shouldn’t be able to run away from killers. That could be why people are mocking OP, and by extension, I guess you.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,364
    edited August 2022

    Oh no what have you done OP, turn back before it's too late!

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,471

    Sprint Burst is fine. It's a perk with a downside - the survivor spends heaps of time walking around instead of running, which in turns adds up to extra time for the killer. In your scenario, either commit to the chase or the gen.

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2022

    That's easy to say.

    First of all you need to do some mental gymnastics in a situation like I presented.

    You need to keep in mind which survivors have Sprint Burst, when did they use it and how much of a cooldown they still have basically.

    My situation was so frustrating that I just face-camped out of spite, because they were using their cooldowns super efficiently.

    Be Bubba, go to gen 1 which had two survivors with SB working on it, one sits on the gen, the other one hides before I get there since I've been called out, go for the one that was working on the gen, he SBs away, then I stop the chase, kick the gen, go for the gen on the other side, on this side only one survivor had SB but since they were SWF they called me out and the one without SB ran away before I got to the gen, same thing happens here, SB guys sprints away, I kick the gen and return to gen 1. The guy that didn't have SB anymore hides before I get there and lets the other one sit on the gen, if I would chase him, I lose gen 2, I stop the chase kick the gen, and go for the other one, and here's where I catch a guy with the chainsaw right when the gens pop and I face-camp him.

    Yes maybe Fearmonger could have helped me a lot there, but never in my life have I experienced something as annoying as this while playing killer.

    Sprint Burst, if used efficiently, and especially when stacked in a SWF team can literally make you feel helpless.

    As I said, I'd prefer the old DH over Sprint Burst, at least that perk would let you get a hit at first, and make you feel like you're doing something, even if the survivors end up winning, you got a bunch of hits, the game was still fun.