Garden on Joy house is still too dark 2 months later

On the PC version of the game, that house (especially on the top floor) is just too dark. Did you know that upstairs there's a breakable wall near the gen? And did you know that there was also a chest up there? I noticed this only because I saw the prompt on my screen, otherwise I can't see anything. I don't know how it works on console but on PC that's how it is.
On PS4 it's not dark at all in the house. It's like playing on cornfield map it's so bright in there.
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Please can we have some of your brightness? Looking forward to playing Freddy so I can actually see!
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I just want to know if someone at BHVR even knows about this on PC
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I just had a game there 😒 yes I also noticed the chest by getting a prompt when next to it. The killer was a hag, there was a hacker on my team, pretty terrible round overall really
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It's dark for me but im on xbox series.
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I did know about the chest and breakable wall but yes it’s way too dark on PC. Please make it brighter.
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I hopped on KYF as killer for pic since killer tends to be darker than survivor so imagine this screenshot a bit brighter/clearer for survivor (can perfectly see the colors on breakable wall as survivor). I always find it so sad when I see a killer trying to hide in that room because I know if they're PC they think that room is way darker.
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This is me breaking the wall
And this is the room with the chest with a survivor on the right.
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Its not a bug, its a feature~
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my understanding is that its dark on current gen and PC, but bright on previous gen consoles.
Guess its bhvr's attempt at throwing them a bone in place of actual optimization?
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Room with chest on PS4, again it's darker as killer so imagine a bit brighter as survivor.
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Damn If on console it's a complete different story. Hope you got the idea from my screenshots. I don't even know how this got pushed to live
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As someone else said it may be brighter for me simply because I'm on old console so it's their way to help with the poor optimization of the game. I do find that hard to believe though when playing v the Dredge the darkness is like your pics so why bother brightening a map for performance issues while having a killer that goes that dark anyway?
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I think they simply forgot to add lights in the pc version. That's the only reason I can see if many console people say it's very bright
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Well dbd is pretty unplayable with old consoles so at least they have something to their advantage. I do like the dark personally if im not playing killer.
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This dark is a little too much
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oh i was being facetious. Its a lighting issue that older consoles are literally too weak to have happen, most likely having to do with dynamic vs map based lighting. Either its on purpose and they want the lighting to be unplayable on all platforms and it didnt work on old consoles for performance limitations, or its wrong on both and the idea is to have it be darker than the rest of the map, but not as dark as the depths of a feng player's soul.
Either way, its just another in the long list of dynamic adjustment bugs that will probably never be addressed, just like all of the sound ones over the years.
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and PC players with machines older than the game's release get the best of both worlds, with both poor performance due to optimization issues and abyss-o-vision at the same time. The true winners of this map.
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For the first time ever the other day I was happy to be playing against a Freddy so I could actually see in the dream world hahaha especially if I’m playing before sunset it’s unplayable darke
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I love how pitch black it is, I just wish that experience was shared across platforms
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How is it that dark
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yeah this requires a fix, and its not the only map with issues like this. Haddonfield has some really dark spots and so does RPD but maybe RPD will be resolved with the rework.
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That's what I've been saying since the map was on PTB 😂
I also wonder how it got pushed to live servers. But it seems just a problem for PC players
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Just delete this terrible map and switch it for a Korean neon Streets map for fix
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Yep, reminds me a bit of the old version of The Game where you couldn’t see the walls in parts of the lower level. Some maps are just way too dark, it’s why I play with my brightness up a notch (and even then it’s still hard to see in that Garden house.)
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The same issue occurs with the Haddonfield houses as well. I play on both PC and console, and the console versions of both Haddonfield and Garden Of Joy are bright while the PC versions are dark. It shouldn't be that way.