Do you think the Rancor bug should be a feature

King_Midas_Xynopyt Member Posts: 5

Rancor is a perk that, once a gen is done reveals the locations of survivors and when all gens are complete (NOT when the hatch is closed), makes the obsession become exposed and lets you Mori them but allows the Obsession to see your aura every time a gen is complete

there is a bug that makes Rancor activate when the hatch is closed

I think this should be the way the perk works, I got a good reception about it on Reddit and I want to ask here.

there are several different answers because of the perks multiple effects but all answers on 2-5 will confirm that Rancor should be buffed somehow

Do you think the Rancor bug should be a feature 24 votes

Rancor should stay the way it is
GibberishSpacingLlamasAven_FallenMattie_MayhemOGdarkcloudlinkSlowLorisPyrosorc 7 votes
Rancor should activate when the Hatch is closed
AdelooWolff_Bringersmappdoodamusstang62MrPenguinTaigatenoresaxUndershotHeaderAnother_LegionMainAnchorTeaBothSidesEnjoyerSlanusesPython 14 votes
Rancor should but remove the location
LeFennecFoxKing_Midas_Xynopyt 2 votes
Rancor should but remove the exposed
Rancor should but remove the Location and Exposed
ByeByeQ 1 vote


  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    Rancor should activate when the Hatch is closed

    to me rancor always should have been when the gates are powered, so either 5 gens or hatch closed.