If hyperfocus goes live as is, killers with 4 regression perks will return in droves

prion11 Member Posts: 361
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hyperfocus's interactions with toolboxes and stakeout have worrying implications for the project W patch. I know it has been said, but I still see some people disagreeing somehow.

I, for one, have been really enjoying the diversity in killer builds since 6.1. My kill rates with more "creative" builds have steadily risen since the perk rework, and that is awesome. I am a pyramid head player. Before 6.1, I was running ruin/undying/discordance/pain resonance. Post 6.1, I've had the time to find success in games with stuff like STBFL/dissolution/I'm all ears, and then throw in something like lethal pursuer just because it is good. Enduring/sprit fury, blood favor, crowd control, dissolution, even distressing/coulrophobia. These are all perks I've been able to experiment with WITHOUT having all gens done in 3 minutes post 6.1.

Now I know there are some killers out there who went from pain res/dms/corrupt/ruin straight over to call of brine/overcharge/eruption/pain res. But if hyperfocus becomes a problem like I predict it will, the creative build loving killers like me might be forced to load up the full regression builds again. And I don't want that.

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