If hyperfocus goes live as is, killers with 4 regression perks will return in droves

Hyperfocus's interactions with toolboxes and stakeout have worrying implications for the project W patch. I know it has been said, but I still see some people disagreeing somehow.
I, for one, have been really enjoying the diversity in killer builds since 6.1. My kill rates with more "creative" builds have steadily risen since the perk rework, and that is awesome. I am a pyramid head player. Before 6.1, I was running ruin/undying/discordance/pain resonance. Post 6.1, I've had the time to find success in games with stuff like STBFL/dissolution/I'm all ears, and then throw in something like lethal pursuer just because it is good. Enduring/sprit fury, blood favor, crowd control, dissolution, even distressing/coulrophobia. These are all perks I've been able to experiment with WITHOUT having all gens done in 3 minutes post 6.1.
Now I know there are some killers out there who went from pain res/dms/corrupt/ruin straight over to call of brine/overcharge/eruption/pain res. But if hyperfocus becomes a problem like I predict it will, the creative build loving killers like me might be forced to load up the full regression builds again. And I don't want that.
Didn't realize they ever stopped using 4 regression perks
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Perhaps I'm being a bit too naïve, but I am willing to wait and see.
If it does prove to be a problem, those Survivors will be running something like: Built to Last, Hyperfocus, Stake Out and Streetwise. You could just tunnel them out of the game and there's not much they could do. A temporary solution whilst we wait for a fix.
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Yeah, there are too many of those. Too many people don't realize that there is more room for fun and error in 6.1. But I see "fun" killer builds in my survivor games too
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Yeah, I have thought about that too. Another counterpoint to my own argument, is every toolbox build andy is one less person using a medkit...
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They did not.
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Killers are already running 4 regression perks though.
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The issue would be if it becomes the new DS/UB/IW/DH where have games with 4 people running identical perks. Personally I dont think its gonna reach those heigths but I do think it could be a bit too powerful just based off what I have seen. hey if it does get to that point it means its time to bring back good ol Twins with 0 medkits or COHs.
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Stakeout is horribly bugged and I can't fathom why it hasn't been fixed yet. For those of you wondering how it is, it apparently gives the bonus 1% to greats on ALL greats regardless of if you used a token to proc it or not. 45 second gens are a result of this bug. It basically doubles the effect of hyperfocus even if you have zero tokens.
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I would encourage you to read my post more carefully. I know that some never stopped. I said that in the post.
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But, they are already using 4 gen slowdown perks
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I think the stakeout + hyperfocus combo would be okay IF they make it so hyperfocus's extra progression isn't based off 2%, and it's instead based off 1% + you get 1% flat bonus from stakeout. So instead of 2.6, 3.2, 3.8, 4.4, 5, 5.6 like it was on the PTB, you get 2.3, 2.6, 2.9, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8.
I do agree that it probably shouldn't function with toolboxes.
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The outlier these days is a killer that uses no regression perks, I find.
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The simple fix would just be giving it the autodidact treatment
as in
"This perk does not work with toolboxes"
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Or they could increase the base regression from .25 to .50 and see what happens
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As they said they tunnel because survivors use 4 second chances.
But the fact is I got tunneled the most because I use the least second chance in team
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You say some, I say all but the newbies still unlocking their builds
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I don’t expect most Survivors will run that build. It takes 3 perks and a good toolbox with add-ons to really take full advantage. People aren’t just gonna stop running Off the Record or exhaustion perks, or Kindred, etc.
And you can always just dodge if you see 3+ toolboxes in a lobby lol.
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We need to reel in on the dodging all the dang time, it borks the already iffy matchmaking so many here complain about.
The current matchmaking gets one shot at a fair-ish lobby, and is completely wrecked with the dodging. We're doing it to ourselves.
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Literally the unique second chance perk thats really hurt killer is off the record, ds is bad against certain killers, dh now needs skill to use but is easy to avoid, unbreakable doenst work anymore cuz they nerf ds
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Every killer I face uses regression perks. But regardless, Hyperfocus requires skill to get value out of - and even Stakeout isn't free value, you need to be within the killers terror radius to gain tokens. If you have no tokens and you miss a great skill check, then Hyperfocus restarts. So it's a risky play that may or may not even pay off, and takes up half a build. I think perks that require skill and risky plays *should* be rewarding, personally.
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For most people hitting a good skill check 100 percent of the time in not going to happen. but i can see why people will worry.
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I'm not fully convinced Hyperfocus will end up being a problem, but it's not like hyperfocus is stopping killers from doing so already.
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What if hyperfocus had a limit on the tokens then it resets
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im willing to see how it plays out before jumping to any conclusions.
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Is BHVR aware? If not, worth a bug report post.
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Killers have never stopped using regression perks. Survivors need better speed-up perks to make the game more fair. Gens are almost never completed as-is.
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I actually like the interaction hyperfocus has with stakeout, it'll make for a fun build but I agree they shouldn't make it work with toolboxes.
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Sorry, i only use 1-2 gen defense perks, Usually Jolt or brine. I prefer aura reading perks. So yeah not ALL use 4 gen perks. Also 2500 hours in the game so not all that new.
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They didn't stop using them, but there wasn't much choice.
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My two cents on the discussion about the perk is that it won't make much of a change. It will be a treat to sweat squads, sure, but for everyone else it won't be that appealing, your average joe will look at the perk, use it for the adept and maybe a meme build here and there and forget about it like the other 90% of perks on the survivor side. It's not a particularly easy perk to use too, so baby bully squads will probably glance over it.
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It's gonna be super OP for PC survivors, and not so much for console people like myself who get screwed by an unoptimized port and/or unresponsive controls for the skill checks. I can only dream of hitting great skill checks 90% of the time.
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I actually just learned that skill checks on console have a considerable input delay. When I was hitting them on PC it felt super weird, which is frustrating because I had already learnt how to hit greats on console.
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Okay good, it's not just me being crazy. I always have to get my thoughts validated through someone else because I've been told "It's just you" on pretty much every aspect I have a problem with on this game.
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I think Hyperfocus is that one new survivor perk that killers freak out about how broken it is qnd abused its gonna get, that happens almost every patch and then gets released and barely used, kinda like Any Means Necesarry, For the People, Power Struggle, Build to Last Boon: Exponential etc
I doubt anyone is gonna ditch their current build for Hyperfocus and Stake Out, but if they do, they also gotta spend 45 seconds in the killers terror radius doing nothing before being able to get full Stake Out stack, unless they're lucky enough to find a gen inside the killers terror radius, that the killer for some reason doesn't check.
I'm glad the devs are letting it release in a decent state to see how it works, then nerf if it suddenly becomes meta (spoilers: it won't)
Also killers never stopped running regression perks. I see 2 to 3 of those almost every match.
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How?They run as fast as you and have 10 secs protection
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Time for Gearhead to become meta, bois!
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They ever left?
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Hit them as they get unhooked.
Also, they're only faster if you play Mirror Myers or Nurse.
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Usually what it happens is that the hit u did doesnt count or its blocked by other player I rarely hit the hooked survivor
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I'm 99% sure that I saw a Dev comment where they said that they are aware of the bug but want to keep it for the moment.
But I can't find the comment anymore, I think it was in the 6.2.0 PTB Feedback.
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I was not saying you were a newbie, just relating my own experiences and what I face most of the time.
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I mean, killers tunnel even is there's no genrush
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