I miss the old DBD

Before its many massivre nerfs and buffs and buffs and nerfs, I found the grind good, challenging, I found it more of a game I could attack and climb at. Now.............................now here we sodding well are. I don't like it.
I always think of my first couple months playing the game. I really really REALLY miss those days.
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I joined in December 2018, and I remember looking at the killer roster and I saw Spirit, I knew I had to buy her because her power was very unique and better from the other killers I looked at, and her outfits were just beautiful. I remember the old maps and environment while I played Spirit, and how spooky it looked, very nostalgic for me. After everything that changed throughout the years it kind of hits you in the stomach with memories of how fast time went. I remember old ranks, there weren't no grades back then, I remember grinding blood points for Spirit and getting to rank 1 and Prestige 3. I will always though never forget how powerful Old Spirit was, thinking about it makes me miss it a lot, but current Spirit is still as good and will always be the best. I do miss a lot of the old stuff DBD had to offer.
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Yeah old DBD had a lot more charm imo from the artstyle of the old maps, old animations to even the old survivor models (I still miss old Quentin)
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I aint gonna get all sentimental and say I have all those mushy crap nostalgic feelings, but I joined shortly after the ps4 port and there were good times and bad. Mostly good for players like myself. Say what you will about the old moris, keys, hatch, models, and animation but I never had as much of an issue with them being the way they were as others have. Probably a hot take but they just added to the already unique horror experience the game provided.
Figure you'll pop in on this one eventually @GeneralV
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Out of all the things i miss in this game, old dbd isn't one of them and the futher we move away from it, the better.
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I really miss the old maps.
Blue Macmillan, I will love you forever
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Ah, no one understands this feeling better than I do.
If there is one thing I love, is Old DBD.
Far more than anyone does.
Far more than anyone ever will.
Damn right!
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I miss being new and having this feeling of being on edge
Everything else? Can stay in the past for the most part
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Totally agree about the old art style. While the graphics were dated by todays standards, it had a charm to it that is now missing. And the fog.. where did that go? For me, much of the anxiety and atmosphere came from not being able to see too far across the map. There is so much to be said about what that added to the experience, but gradually over the last few years it's all but gone. Who is responsible? Who said it was a good idea?
I miss old blue McMillan and yellow murky Coldwind too. Why we can't have the dark maps back in their graphically superior form, at least as an additional option, I will never know.
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I miss the old fog and nightime coldwind.
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2017 was the year when DbD was the most balanced
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Too many perks, useless reworks... Too many meta players. I just don't enjoy it anymore. Every game is the same.
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You mean, when we had darkest moonlight offerings, bright white flashlight blinds and actual facecamping?
No thx.
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the old maps were much more atmospheric. not saying they weren't abuseable but i liked the general design more back then.
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I too miss:
ye old grind
Insta heals
Insta moris
Insta gens
5 blink nurse
Old exhaustion
Old old legion
Old haddonfield
Maps so dark you genuinely couldn't see blendettes
Old old old ds
Old OoO
The machine gun build
Old undying
Old CoH
Old MoM
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I've started playing the game in late 2017, so you could say that I've had some experiences already.
What I do miss the most was the horror atmosphere; The fog and how dark those maps were. There were so many bushes, a lot of grass to allow MacMillan to hide bear traps within, as well as more pallets, offering you more bloodpoints towards the brutality category, and so much more..
Nowadays, it's all about getting the generators done and chases; There's no hide and seek, unless we're talking about hiding behind walls.. And that's no longer what fits the horror atmosphere, as the killer can see scratch marks.
There were so many Claudettes wearing black and brown outfits to blend-in, making them literally impossible to spot.. Generators were getting finished within a blink of an eye, but so were being hooked survivors. Mori offerings were actually a threat, whereas they're just for the sake of it nowadays.
I can't relate and agree with you when it comes to Rin's outfits and outfits in general, though; It seems to me that BHVR didn't have a team handling those tasks back in the day, so there were less outfits and they were of much lower quality if you were to compare them with the newest ones.
The game has started to lose its horror atmoshpere shortly after releasing the Shattered Bloodline Chapter, I guess..
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Alas anyone remember the hatch stand offs? LOL
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You clearly did not play in 2017. The game was extremely survivor sided back then
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I miss some things from the old days like how darker and creepier the maps were. The old fog looked cooler etc. The game was more atmospheric visually.
But balance wise the game was a mess back then. Old DS where you had to dribble the obsession to the hook. BNP that could repair a whole gen. BT that protected both the rescuer and the one being rescued. Five blink Nurse. Infinite loops. Keys and the old hatch mechanic. Literal insta heals etc.
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The jumpscare with Spirit yanking someone off a gen was great 😂
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At least it was fun. Still it was better than the current totalitarian killer-sidedness.
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You realize that people enjoy old dbd for the nostalgia and not for the sake of winning every game right?
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I recall back then saying how Billy needed a Nerf, ahhh back when the dislike button trending, never got so many in my life lol
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The game is not killer sided though. Camping and tunneling are definitely a problem, but the game isn't really killer sided in general.
When you say it was at least fun, that sounds like you are only saying this from a survivors point of view. A game being really unfair for killers surely was quite frustrating for killer players.
This game is actually moving in a great direction, now that tunneling at least is also getting a nerf. I hope BHVR continues in that direction.
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You realize, that i haven´t mentioned winning at all and that nostalgia can be desceptive?
People don´t recall all the things from back then. Insta moris, insta gens, pitch black maps and bright white screens wheren´t exactly fun.
Go ahead, i´m sure the devs could switch some old code back on. I guarantee you, that people would hate it after the nostalgia wears off.
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I'm pretty sure, most players would've started to complain the moment it'd get introduced and implemented, if that were to ever happen; The game got changed because people were complaining about Claudettes hiding in bushes and dark corners of the map..
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Don't forget as well.
- pre-rework Trapper carrying only 1 trap and is unable to reopen closed traps without picking them up and replacing them.
- Wraith being his original weak self.
- Omega blink nurse.
- Insta-Saw Billy
- Pallet Vaccum existing.
- Killers being able to bodyblock hooked Survivors from being rescued since Survivors could only be unhook from the front of it.
- Pallets auto stunning Killers after pick up animation had finished.
- Killer addons having downsides.
- Pre-key rework.
- Hatch closing didn't exist.
- No EGC.
- Every map had double pallets
- Survivors loses their items when it's fully depleted during match.
- DC Penalty didn't exist and bhvr had to resort to banning people if they dc'd too much instead.
- Sprint Burst's original cooldown was tied to the perk and not exhaustion since the status effect didn't exist but the cooldown didn't stop going down even though the Survivor was still running.
- Sabotaged hooks stayed gone for good.
- Original Object of Obsession SWF abuse.
- Original Mettle of Man
- No Crossplay
- Old map's original infinites
Those are from the top of my head alone, i'm sure i can think of more.
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Trapper still needs a Buff, and just one, let him start with ALL his traps, it's the only real buff he needs.
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People nowadays be like "nerf this, nerf that". I just want to have a chill game of 5 blink nurse and old DS for gods sake!
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But, memories :)
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Old ds yes, I feel it's just I don't know, I got excited etc going into a game but eh.
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I mostly get just tunelled still, that is still a thing no matter what, looking back when I started this game, yes things needed an improvement but, it's like fixing needs for needs sake.
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Eh, i kinda agree but also disagree, i think Trapper should start with way more traps than what he currently has, but i don't think he should start with all traps immediately. Also would like to see bear trap spawn locations be placed closer to Pallets & Loops instead of just random spots on the map.
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Yeah but trapper has to go around grabbing them, placing them etc and two gens can pop, he is the only killer that doesn't start with his full potential, least if he had a full bag he can place as he goes.
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Speaking of old dbd @GeneralV I saw a tutorial on how to play previous versions of dbd. Since I know you like that have you tried to do it yourself??
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Althou true, i think however he would benefit more if he already had some of his bear traps spawned in loops immediately placed and ready, it would save Trapper time in both collecting them and setting them up.
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You do pose a point, but then in many loops survs know they are placed there, but I do like what you mean *s
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Not necessarily if the spawn locations are RNG and the number of traps are less than the amount Trapper carries himself.
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Yeah too much work other then him having his own bag of sacks *s
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I don't think it is, but we can agree to disagree on the matter i guess.
Also what does *s mean?
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Nobody mentioned good old traps under the hook yet? ;)
And the original ruin, those iconic red skill checks.
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I think the only reason people miss old DBD is that there was way more silly ######### in the game. Most of the playerbase was trash and compared to the average player now,were way worse at playing the game. I think that's really what most of you feel has changed. DBD went MMR and went way more comp. People have simply gotten better.
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What I kinda miss is the good old first 2 hours I ever played in 2016 a month after release. Extremely scared. Leveled Billy once and Nurse a bit. Got out through the hatch,according to the achievements... No idea what I did except those things lol
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Not here.
If you wish to talk, please take this to Discord: General V#6379
I can give you a proper explanation there.
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Killer main streamers: "Well, chat, we got so bored just winning, so let's start a challenge with 100 win streak as a perkless addonless killer with standing AFK for 2 minutes at the start of every game! Oh wait, we already did it last week, let's make it 200 win streak then!"
Survivor soloQ main streamers: "Well, we died again, but at least it was funny!"
Sure, totally not killer sided.
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Yes, pretty much. I remember some matches, where i could hide in high grass and a killer could step on me and wouldn´t notice that i´m there. Or playing as Freddy with no moonlight offerings. Maps were so dark, you had to search survivors with his power.
Bloodpoint limit was also 500k back then and the bloodweb items became more expensive the further they were from the center away. Its a endless list of things that improved for both sides.
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Old DBD was a mess, but there is certain things I miss. Old maps before the reworks, old animations, hell even the old models. Gameplay wise though, DBD is the best it's ever been in that way. I really miss the old lighting and textures, it felt a lot more grim, along with the fog. Something about the beautiful dark / blue of the MacMillan maps was just so nice. Though the animations could use some tuning, I miss how lively the characters were and actually looked scared, turning there head back and forth. They just felt more fluent I guess. I def miss being scared as survivor though, but that's just how it is when you get used to something.
I wish there was a toggle to turn on old animations and old textures for yourself. That'd be awesome.
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Rose-tinted glasses. You're just burnt out.
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The maps were actually dark and they had a blurriness in the distance that created an amazing feel. I played when it was hillbilly meta in 2017 and I miss it so much.
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For me it is mostly nostalgia. I ha e to say it's really the only game that gives off such a feeling. I never thought I would have nostalgia over a video game but here I am. The moonlight or dark moonlight offerings got a little out of hand when they were stacked but I still don't agree with making the maps insainly bright. They need to still be dark with nice hiding spots here and there. I envy the people that r still in the stealthy stage of dbd and also feel bad cause they never got to experience what us 2106-2017-18 players got to experience