What happened to the Fog?

"Into the fog" used to be the series strap line, even as recent as the RE chapter. I stumbled across a video of old gameplay today and I forgot how different the game used to look. Sure its had a graphic update, but I don't think it's been 100% for the best. I forgot how much fog there used to be as standard and it gave the game a much creepier vibe. Some maps these days like New Haddonfield also look way too clinical. But considering the above, where did the fog even go? Even the offerings seem worthless now.
Without that fog, the game completely lost its horror aspect in my opinion.
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I think it's a consequence of performance issues. Maps now have no fog, less trees, less props, etc. Unfortunately.
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Wasn't fog always traditionally used to mask poor loading, pop in etc though? It seems like a better option to have for performance issues..
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Ok, so I wasn't aware of this, thus I watched some old gameplay :
I'm so mad that I didn't get to play when the game looked like this, what we have now feels like a straight downgrade
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Large fog surrounding the player that severely limits their view, such as early Silent Hill, yes.
Fog around the environment that moves and at times hides or doesn't hide a certain area of the map, no. It makes it worse.
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The developers messed the Fog up, for some weird and dumb reason, considering how important it is for DBD.
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DBD Mobile actually still looks a lot like this.
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I didn't play back in those days, but I definitely think having fog like that would improve the atmosphere and add something to gameplay.
As it is, the fog is essentially irrelevant, barely noticeable at its "thickest". If they aren't going to beef it back up, they might as well get rid of all the fog related items on the bloodweb, because right now they're even more useless than keys/keyrings, which are pretty damned useless.
Also now saying things like "see you in the fog" or having "fog whisperers" are kind of headscratchers. What fog?
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I believe the fog was toned way down because of the huge performance drops it caused, particularly on the Switch and the older consoles.
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Just wait till a swf takes you to eyrie with a coin and fog offering lol.
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It basically turned into dust clouds. The fog is what made the game scary and unique, but for some reason it was thrown into the dumpster.
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less trees? less props? where?! Are you being sarcastic?
cause the new and reworked maps are CLUTTERED
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That depth of field effect makes the maps so beautiful
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I wasn't sarcastic. I do think there are much less objects in the reworkd maps
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I know I'm in the minority here but I want to chase people not spend 5 minutes looking for a survivor. That's would just be boring
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The fog was more about atmosphere than hiding, it used to sit low on the floor and actually did look really good and I don't think YouTube does it justice. In the earlier days it was a huge problem when survivors would dress in very dark clothes and hide in dark corners, I don't ever remember it being a problem where you couldn't see someone because of the fog.
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Survivors would have a hard time seeing you too, so it should make things more interesting for the killers as well. Especially the ones with smaller models, or the ones that can crouch.
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I mean, I don't play this game for the horror/ hide and seek. I want to test my skill vs a survivor at a tile.
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Why does the mobile version continue to be superior over the main one in almost every aspect? Did they put all their competent devs on it, while leaving the rest working on the main version?
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The mobile game was coded from the ground up by a separate team, not continually updated to the existing coding.
No doubt that team learned and implemented lots of improvements from seeing how the main game ran.
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Off the back of this thread I tried the offering to moderately increase the fog and honestly I wasn't impressed. The moderately increased fog is still lesser than the standard fog of back in the day and the fact that is white rather than the darker colour is used to be doesn't really add any atmosphere apart from Mount Ormond where the white colour pallate fits.
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Its not just the moderately increases the fog thing. Its the eyrie offering + a coin offering +fog offering.
You need all 3. That particular combination is for whatever reason bugged.
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Honestly they should either remove the fog offerings since they have no real effect right now or revamp the fog to be more noticeable. I don’t really care about the fog either way, but having a bunch of fog offerings cluttering the webs is annoying.
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What confuses me is that the fog was toned down due to performance issues, and yet the Garden of Joy heaps the fog back! If the fog works there, why not bring that fog to the other maps?
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I haven't played back in the day, but I have started playing in 2017, I think.. That's when the Fog was the best; It didn't make survivors too hard to spot, it was sitting on the ground and it did fit the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, once again, consoles - Crossplay - Has managed to ruin the PC gaming. This has happened with numerous games, like Cyberpunk 2077 for example, which have had such a huge potential! But, they can't deliver what they've promised as it'd have made the game impossible to run on consoles, you know..
I don't want hide'n'seek; I just want a bit of fog, not those clear visions where you can see the survivor within 60 meters, if possible, regardless of the map.. That's just no longer the horror atmosphere! Oh, well.. I guess, the young teenagers are up to blame here, as they were the ones who were demanding more of a chase and easily noticeable prey with the removal of hiding elements.
You've created thread with a really very interesting topic that can be discussed so much! You do have my gratitude for this, because I do love reminding myself of the good old days a few times every single year..
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The longer one plays the less everything is scary
It's a PvP game so the scare factor will wane over time
Think about the first time you faced a specific Killer VS now
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That's debatable, I guess.
I've literally never found facing Billy scary, but ever since he got a unique chase music.. Damn, the atmosphere has changed and I'm really gettng nervous whenever I'm being chased by him. It's like my mind and heartbeat are running at over a three times higher speed!
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Well I stand corrected
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because it's not an UE4 blueprint mess made by bhvr
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Fog and the darker maps made this game feel so much better. For killers, dark was rough yeah, but still wish they coulda just brightened the killers pov. It's not impossible, considering shadowborn and or lightborn used to mess with killer brightness.