I Feel Proud Because I Must Be High MMR

I was DDOS'd for the first time last match. Definitely an Epic Game Store player who did it. Only happened when I was about to throw a hatchet at her. Next thing I know, 4 gens pop in 20 seconds. Good times. Just wanted to share my achievement! Everyone was death hook, 1 gen done, no camping or tunneling. No iri hatchets. Just exhaustion and the 10% hatchet throw CD. My friends got to see it in action lol. It stopped as soon as the epic game store user escaped. I couldn't even move. Like when I moved, it would put me back in front of the locker. Only Claudette (the epic game store user) was moving around and teabagging me during.
That's not really a DDoS.
Sounds more like lagswitching or connection throttling but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Anyways, ######### DDoS'ers. Had way too many experiences with them on Xbox.
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I've been going against quite a few hackers lately and this is the first time where my internet tanked while I was streaming from Discord to 2 of my friends. The other 2 said she was running around me and I was just staring at a locker. Then I unfroze, hit 2 survivors with hatchets and saw the Claudette, readied my hatchet and froze again. Saw the red icon of a skill check at the top left of my screen. When she left, it went back to normal. Cost me the match and she was the only epic user. Other 3 were steam users. I think she was either ddos'ing me or hacking because 4 gens with 1 dead is not possible in 20 seconds. Just made me realize that I made it to the big leagues now since I'm getting them constantly now. Had to report 4 of them in the past 2 weeks. Random damage from nothing. Looks like a mini scythe hits me from the side and I take a hit with no one around. Getting sick of it already.
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No no, they were for sure cheating.
I had a cheater today as well. Two in the same match, actually.
Might have gotten into an ego battle. Might've been held hostage for a couple hours.
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People need to realize that its just a game. If someone is cheating just to win, they shouldn't be playing then.
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But I won :)
They held me there for a while but they left.
Ergo, I won the ego battle and they wasted 2 hours :D
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Ay, that's all that matters lol.
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How often do you get killer cheaters?
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I think since 2018 when I started playing I've had eight Killer cheaters.
It should be noted that like seven of those were bots on a single day.
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Honestly not as much as I though. I see quite a few survivor cheaters that are obvious each month.
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I feel VINDICATED! I saw a post from a "streamer" about hackers and one did a video about hacks. Big Streamer. BIG. And GUESS WHAT? One of the hacks LAGS THE LOBBY FOR THE KILLER. Me freezing every time I was about to down the Claudette? A subtle hacker. I didn't even know that was a hack, Man. I feel much better now. Just wanted to post an update.