No pallet spawns near Wretched Shop's main building

lav3 Member Posts: 758
edited December 2022 in Bug Reporting

• Platform - Xbox Series X

• Description of the issue - Pallets don't spawn near main building's any sides at all.

Only pallet that was detected from Windows of Opportunity is 4L wall's pallet.

Every sides (left, behind, right) of main building take up many spaces and no pallet spawning near main building doesn't make sense at all.

Currently Wretched Shop's main building is complete deadzone and something's wrong with pallet spawn variables.

• Steps to reproduce (if possible) - Check out screenshots.

• How often does this occur - Happens often or always whenever you go to Wretched Shop.

Post edited by Mandy on
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  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,704

    This has been a problem for a few patches now. Literally every time the building is just a deadzone apart from the window. There’s never any pallets there.