Artist Add-on ðŸ˜

So I bought artist with shards and man... Her add-on seem TERRIBLE. What add-on are good? Lol
The browns & yellows sound underwhelming on paper but there's some decent ones there. All the purples are great except for the egg thing. I haven't ever used the iris.
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I've been using mostly the brown and 1 yellow. I don't have enough purple but they mostly sound very bad
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Nah, she has some decent add ons, imo.
A good low cost combo is the Thick Tar + Festering Carrion, which simply gives you a little more time to line up/land subsequent crow strikes.
For her greens, I like the Silver Bell, which makes survs oblivious while crows are on them. Thorny nest can also be useful.
For the purples, Severed Hands has utility, especially in the new meta where survs are more likely to team up on gens. Matias' baby shoes can function as wall hacks at loops.
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Yeah they seem useless or just boring, but theres a couple decent ones.
They wont excite you like an MDR Ring or a Tombstone piece for sure though
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Yeah they seem useless or just boring, but theres a couple decent ones.
I feel like this is the case with most killers. There really aren't that many great add-ons in total. And Artist's suite of addons certainly aren't as feeble as some other killers'.
cough Pyramid Head cough
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Ink egg is great for tracking, but not much else.
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Try them all and find out the ones that help you
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Her add-ons are very subtle but they're more useful than they seem.
Thick Tar and Festering Carrion are deceptively useful. Often, you'll be prepared to hit a survivor that's swarmed, only for them to get rid of the birds at the last possible moment. These add-ons help with that.
Her purples are mostly all good. I'm not a fan of the one that gives her a 4th bird, personally.
There's a green that gives Sloppy that's always good, especially when survivors commonly heal under the hook.
The bell has some surprising uses, making survivors Oblivious as long as they're swarmed. It's also pretty fun with Severed Hands. If not that, the Exhaustion addon is nifty, especially since it kills the use of Dead Hard if they're swarmed.
Stay away from the Charcoal Stick and her Iris, imho.
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The baby shoes are very nice for direct hits at tiles. The severed tongue just sounds boring on paper but feels very smooth. Severed hands is her strongest and is hilarious paired with discordance. Egg is meh but nice for tracking as @Sadako_Best_Girl said or for counteracting the iri that reduces bird amount.
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No she actually has some good addons. Her iridescents are bad though, and Charcoal Stick is worse than not having addons at all.
Ink Egg is kinda bad since you don’t really need 4 crows and it will make your cooldown even longer after doing so. (1 bird 5 seconds, 2 birds 9 seconds, 3 birds 12 seconds, 4 birds 14 seconds). But her other purple addons are decent (especially the baby shoes).
Automatic Drawing is worthless, don’t bother with it. I also don’t really recommend the addons that increase the max idle time for crows since it will backfire if you want the crow to disintegrate (instead of firing it since this will slow you down and have a longer cooldown).
Severed Hands can be fun with Discordance although somewhat predictable.
Thick Tar + Festering Carrion are both good especially when combined. The half second on the tar doesn’t seem like a lot but it can make a difference more often than you’d think. Velvet Fabric can help you get smart survivors who switch direction after 2.5 seconds thinking you can’t see the crow aura anymore (once a survivor starts repelling, you normally see a swarm’s aura for 2.5 seconds before it goes away, but this addon increases it to 4 seconds).
Oil Paints isn’t the strongest by any means but it can be deceptively useful for tracking especially in houses or multi-level indoor maps as it can sometimes let you track survivors on the opposite floor whereas that normally doesn’t work.
Artist isn't really that addon dependent though, most of her power comes from her basekit which is a good thing.
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Severed hands - Potentially her most strongest and most threatening addon, allowing you to do this to deal massive pressure
Then Thorny Nest if you're getting constant dire crow hits.
The bell is nice when they can't see you, and on indoor maps.
O,Grief O lover is nice to deny deadhard , Lithe and Overcome.
Thick Tar and Festering Carrion are good if you're not reliably hitting dire crows yet.
The rest are super situational or kinda wack but those 6 you will get value from.
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Let me introduce myself
9.000 BP, requires 2 addon slots, on F Tier killer
has equal effect to
5.000 BP, requires 1 addon slot, on A Tier killer
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I'm gonna have to get better and try this. I've mainly been using the brown that extends crow swarm and a random yellow.
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What do you guys think of my build...
I'm running...
Dying light, Pain resonance (crow regression perk), Jolt & bamboozle
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the hands one is kinda cracked tbh
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festering carrion is probably her best, matias' shoes are really good, thick tar is pretty good too, severed hands is great, severed tongue is not great but feels good to use, the rest are either gimmicks or straight up bad
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I think Artist's addons are a perfect example of what killer addons should balanced around. Her basekit is already good and her addons buffs her a bit which is what addons should do. Addons should buff killers a bit, shouldnt make a killer too strong or shouldnt be just useless at the same time.
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Thick Thar + Festering Carrion is her most reliable addon combo.
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You might appreciate this video of mine then haha :D
Pain Res is reliable, more so with Agitation if you have that. Jolt doesn't proc from Dire crows, only main weapon hits that down (Still good though), However Eruption does proc with dire crow hits. Bamboozle is not really needed on her as her crows go through walls and objects. Dying Light is not bad but weak on it's own.
I suggest any of these : Dead Man's Switch , Pain Resonance, Agitation, Discordance, Eruption , Call of Brine, Overcharge, Thrilling Tremors, Hex:pentimento, Hex:plaything, Gift of Pain, Lethal Pursuer , I'm all Ears, Devour Hope, Deadlock. Functions really well with her power or her in general.
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I'm missing half the killer cast lol. I stopped buying at spirit
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An artist build i learned to like even tho its not the strongest ever.
BBQ,Dead mans Switch,Deadlock,Thrilling tremors with Thick Tar and festering Carrion.
I just wish Thrilling tremors cooldown was like 30 seconds and not 60.
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Her best addons are Thick tar, festering carrion, thorny nest, o grief o lover, and severed hands. Garden of rot is alright I guess as well.
If you want exclusively chase/bird snipe addons use thick tar + festering carrion