Prepare for next update, the queue times are going to be LOOOOOONG

There has been a clear noticable shift in queue times because of the past update. It was 15 minutes wait times playing as SWF (at peak hours) for the past 2 YEARS, which are now INSTANT queues. On the forum more and more threads of killers complaining about long queue times (notice how the past year, before the update, there were almost 0 threads from killers complaining about queue times).

It still baffles me that after 5 years the killrate was finally getting close to 50% killrate instead of 60%, and then the devs stated that they wanted to increase the killrate as they are not happy with the current BALANCED 50%...... (plz some1 help me understand this part, this is confusing for me and i still havent found a logic explanation).

At release of patch 6.0 a big part of survivors didnt see what effect all the changes would have on the game, didnt understand the synergy of the killer buffs, didnt understand the effect of increased gen times and shorter chase times on how fun the game feels to play. These survivors had to experience it before making a conclusion on how bad the game now feels as survivor. As expected, it seems like these survivors are starting to realize this looking at the steamgraph of the past 2 weeks with a clear dropout of players, slowly but consistently. Looking at how the game feels now as survivor i think that these are permanent dropouts and not just the typical break dropouts.

Like every new killer release, the killer queue times increase by a HUGE amount the first week(s)

  • -Lots of killers come back to the game to try the new killer --> increased queue times.

  • -Some survivor players want to test the killer, not does this only increase killer players amount but it also drops the survivor player amount --> increased queue times.

  • -Almost every game is going to be against the new killer which becomes stale very fast for survivors players (so they take a break) --> increased queue times.

  • -The new killer is not even fun to play against as survivor --> increased queue times.

i guesse there is 1 positive effect on queue times which is that some killers that consistently 4k'd before the patch are leaving now because it became too easy/boring for them.

I 100% bet that the devs think that if they inscrease BP's to play as survivor when there is a shortage is going to fix this problem. From their view BP's = more people play the game. (which is a logic conclusion if you look at the effects on playercount when there are BP'events). What they somehow seem to overlook is that the fun factor drastically dropped, extra BP's isnt going to change this.

It just saddens me to see that this game is being destroyed. I feel like they waited too long to adjust some of the changes so dropout players arent even bothered to come back again, even if the devs make changes to address the current problems.

enjoy your future queue times ;)


  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545
    edited August 2022

    If I really wanna play, I can wait, I'll just watch YouTube while I find a lobby. It will just be really annoying if players start dcing because it's a killer they don't wanna play with or they get downed so early. I will say, queue times are gonna be quite long, so I want to request that survivors please don't dc so quick and actually try for a little bit when this new update releases.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    I have been playing since 2017, and queue times were going in all sort of places periodically. sometimes survivors had long wait times, sometimes killers did. And actually it was never unbearable. Of course with each new addition things shifted around for a period of time, but I don't think I will see things I didn't see before in 5 years. So it's not a huge deal

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    I mean, next patch they're finally going to implement bp bonuses for the role that is more needed. I believe that will fix a lot of queue time problems.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    Eh? I'll queue up for whichever gives me the BP bonuses. Actually, this is the first chapter in a long, long time that actually made me more excited for the survivor perks than the killer+killer perks, so there's that.

    Though, they really should add new mechanics for survivors; playing a new killer is almost always a new experience, whereas (balance aside), Survivors still fundamentally feel the same as when the game released. M1 Generator, drop pallets / vault windows in chase, do hook rescues, etc, etc...

    I'm not saying the game needs to become F13 / VHS / Evil Dead where you actually fight killers, but we definitely need a new mechanic similar to pallets / vaults to spice things up.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    Just wait until the bots are released. I think for a brief period initially the queue times are going to be even longer because frustrated players will just want to chill out and learn a new killer or just quietly relax and kill bots.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Lol you thought you did something with this post huh? The q times are not even remotely bad.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Some form of new mechanic would really be cool, I do agree. As long as it is balanced in some form, you know, by not just increasing the amount of defenses survivors have, because otherwise maps would need to have the amount of pallets and windows reduced.

    I would love if they could come up with some kind of new item as well. Just no idea what that could be.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    The words "THE END IS NEAR! REPENT NOW!" were omitted from the beginning of this post.

  • sasnayahdrezka
    sasnayahdrezka Member Posts: 132

    we'll see in 3 days if u're right. i know that first 3 hours when update releases are tough for killers but we'll see

  • himheart
    himheart Member Posts: 102

    I'm ready

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I just hope they don't killswitch incentives few hours after release like last time because it's bugged again, honestly yes solo Q is bad but you're wrong about incentives, for me personally a +100% bonus make a huge difference, I'm willing to play if I see +100% bonus + reduced cost of bloodwebs, right now I just play other games because it's not rewarding, grind is too long

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It’s still pretty time of day dependant and it’s still pretty instant to play killer at night where I am.

    That said just from a design perspective, it should be expected that killer have a longer queue time as it only takes 1 killer per game to 4 survivors.

    Killer should be the power role, the side you play to get your kicks. Like old F13 it was a wait to play Jason but it was great when you did.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    The stats also came out around the time mmr was put live so the stats didn't factor in mmr adjustments either

  • Arkmenhah
    Arkmenhah Member Posts: 68

    Hmmm, there's a bit of logic flaw in there, there's 5 players in a match, 1 Killer and 4 Survivors, having 2 kills and 2 escapes every match TECHNICALLY counts as 2 times more survivors winning said match than killer, so a 75% kill rate would be INDIVIDUALLY balanced, but not much else.

    Honestly they should have made gate and hatch escapes a separate category as soon as they nerfed hatch and key, getting hatch at this point is 90% either luck after losing or mercy. Getting 3 categories as Death, Hatch or Escape would have a bit more accuracy on the numbers.

    • -Almost every game is going to be against the new killer which becomes stale very fast for survivors players (so they take a break) --> increased queue times.

    • -The new killer is not even fun to play against as survivor --> increased queue times.

    The first issue is a basic survivor gameplay, it becomes stale pretty fast not because they're always facing the same 4 killers or something, it happens because core survivor gameplay is to hold down a button for 90 seconds while pressing another button every few seconds, or just holding W, since the current meta of perks and killers have been favoring distance over looping for a while now.

    The seconds, you talk like Wesker has been released for like 3 months now, but he still haven't left PTB, but in time you'll enjoy being ping-ponged around, and in like 3-4 days most survivors will know all the tricks to counter most of his power, as happens with every killer (Sadako condemning people left and right for 2 days, Dredge mindgaming most remnants and having oppressive darkness, Artist getting to play in tiles where she set up birds, and so on.).

    About queue times, I don't know what to tell you, this is a Resident Evil chapter, again with 3 characters, Wesker and Ada being 2 of the most popular in the franchise. Add that to the usual return of players every chapter and you'll get a bunch of people coming back or starting to play. Not even mentioning people who migrated to EpicGames for any reason, or all the kids that started playing after getting it for free there, those don't show up at all in the SteamCharts.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    You know there are more recent stats than 2016 right? stats way past DH validation. Circle of healing got added 19/10/2021 to the game, stats from late january 2022 show that ONLY 2 killers had a killrate below 50% (yet still higher than 49%). Maybe there are even more recent stats.

    DC games are excluded from those stats as stated by the devs. Lots of DC's are from fast downs at the beginning of the match, 9/10 a match like that would have ended in a 4k anyway because of killer snowball effect starting to early. This are games were 4 surviors wont experience fun yet these games are totally ignored in stats. You also got these people that DC at the very last second, i assume these games are excluded as well.

    DC games should be excluded but should not be ignored as they clearly were.

    Alot of people seem to be coping in this thread. Instead of coping try to understand/read the graphs. Its so visible if you look at past week(s) playercount. Its a consistent drop from week to week. People play more in weekends and this are the times that they realize how unfun this game has become which will result in more drops every week.

    If i remember correct the next update is tommorow, mark my words how fast they will drop compared to other chapter spikes. Its obvious this is going to happen. Im amazed how many people are blindly ignoring what is happening to the game. Its seems to be mostly killer mains that are ignoring this, i wonder why.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It’s been a great evening, near instant killer queues, near instant survivor queues.

    I haven’t waited in a single queue for more than 30-60s. This is probably the most dbd I’ve played in a single evening for about a year.

    Every game has been pretty good too, a couple of snowball 5 gen killer games but most went hard fought to 2 gens and maybe 1-2 escapes.

    Cranked out a few survivor games too got out about 50/50 depending on quality of team.

    Only a couple of salty sore losers and they were mild. It’s like the new changes made all the obnoxious players rage quit and leave a great game behind for the rest of us.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,175
    1. The statistics everyone keeps using for the killrates is across all MMR ranges. The truth is BHVR has data that makes them unhappy about the balance of the game and they decided the buff killer, this could becomes of high MMR, or maybe because they felt like killer wasnt in a good spot, we dont really know, only BHVR does. So even if the killrates are 50%-60% before the update, it isnt really accurate to BHVR's vision for the game, rather people like it or not.
    2. They have released basekit mechanics to try and discourage tunneling, and while not the best, I dont think people realize how impact the upcoming 10 seconds of 10% Haste and Endurance is. Some people have been going crazy over it on both sides, a lot for and opposing it. I want to remind people how much tunneling actually influences killrates, if no killer tunneled at all, the killrates would be much higher, so mechanics that discourage easy ways to get hooks and kills are going to have more impact on killrates.
    3. Both of the previous things being said, we dont really have an accurate way of tracking killrates after the update. We dont know what is going on at BHVR's end. We dont know how much survivors giving up on hook that plagued the beginning of the update actually influences killrates. Killrates dont even take into account stuff like hackers or killers farming. There is a lot of inaccuracy in the data and the fact that the basis for "the game isnt balanced" is focused around old data at that doesnt help the case at all.
    4. One thing I will admit is that queue times are horrible, but here is the thing, my queue times have always been inconsistent. Some days survivor has faster queues, some days killer has faster queues. Time of day is also important. There are a lot of factors in play, nothing is cut and dry. But I do think there have been survivors that quit or moved the killer, since I do think a lot of the changes made are in favor of the killer as a role, and not a lot of people are happy about that.
  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is part of this narrative they have been maintaining, it is really important to just let them have this and not address it. They do not get much, can't we just pretend our queues are unbearable to provide them with a shred of schadenfreude? Happy survivors are good for the game, and they are happy at our perceived suffering.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    TL/DR: killer queues increase during the release of a new killer.

    It has been like this for years and usually only lasts about a week at most, before people go back to their main role. Even more, the amount of threads from killers complaining about queues, will be nothing in comparison to threads where survivors complain about only facing the new killer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,067

    The incentives will help. But I already see Killers complaining that it is constantly on Survivor (and this time without being bugged), because there are just too few Survivors playing since 6.1.0.

    But then again, it depends how exactly the games are played out. No incentive will bring people to play Survivor if it is as miserable as it currently is. 100% Bonus-BP dont really matter if you get camped and tunneled out with 5k BPs total, making it 10k.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,451

    I can't speak for everyone, but as a survivor main who hasn't played much lately I will absolutely play more often when incentives come back. Especially with the bloodweb price decrease. There might be more survivors doing the same, so queue times mightn't be too bad.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    If it becomes impossible to touch the killer in the late evening (UTC+2 20:00 - 23:00), I may be forced to take a break from the game.

    I do no longer play Dead by Daylight for five hours everyday, but I'm mostly fine with five matches per a day on both sides nowadays. If it becomes impossible to play as a killer, so if the waiting times get to increase over ~5 minutes, I'll take a break.

    I can't, yet, tell if I return back.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The thing is Killers did not make my SoloQ games miserable but other Survivors. In many of my games I'm the only one doing Gens, they refuse to heal or receive healing, hide all match, don't go for rescues, die instantly on hook or DC when they go down too quickly.

    Yes Killers are stronger with their base changes but wouldn't be bad if Survivors would actually help out and work as a team.

    In many threads I have seen people say this game is not 4v1 but 1v1, 1, 1, 1. That way if thinking just astonishing when you have to work together as a team to escape. Most asymmetrical game where it's in a 4v1 are best veiwed as the 1 would be set at 100% Power while the 4 are set at 25% power each. The 4 would have to work together to overcome the 1 and yes it's gets considerably harder as they lose a player.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2022

    It's true that this is what Dead by Daylight is kinda famous for.. But, what gives? Do people actually mean the suggested nerfs, or are they just throwing jokes around to have fun?

    It doesn't look like they're serious to me, but I have never been good at reading other people's minds.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Generally I ignore buff/nerf threads during the first week after the release. People simply don't know how to play as or against the new killer.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Does that mean, you do start to listen to them after two weeks?

    I am havin' a feeling, that most of the threads you're seeing or reading through aren't any different from the ones that you do see half of a year after the Chapter's release..

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The threads usually change over the curse of the week. For example, on the big perk rework patch, everyone claimed that DH is trash and totally useless.

    No one would claim that now. As its still a really strong perk.

    Its just pointless to argue when something is freshly released.