Should Alert get a secondary effect?

RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60

Alert is a decent perk, though I feel like it could have something more to it without being necessarily overpowering, such as giving it a "technically a nerf" that I call a helpful nerf: While active, increases the odds of triggering a skill check by 50%. For someone running Autodidact, Alert could help get your stacks a little quicker, for other things it could be useless or harmful (such as facing Skillcheck Doctors), but I think it makes sense with what being alerted tends to do to someone in the middle of something.

Should Alert get a secondary effect? 33 votes

Yes, but not a Skillcheck Trigger
AdelooOnryosTapeRentalsFilthyLegionMainTeabaggingGhostfaceBrokenbonesxni6_KotelettphantomOrangeBear 8 votes
Yes, and that's a good Secondary Effect
Yes, but I'm not sure what effect would be good
Viktor1853Alex_Iron_CutlassDeathstrokeBrandon48 5 votes
No, it's fine as is
GibberishMrPenguinRadan42SebaOutbreakAshInTheTallGrassbm33UndershotDhurl421IlliterateGenocidedarkcloudlinkNoOneKnowsNovaAurellesizzlingmario4BothSidesEnjoyerspliffysandsJCMooneyEckoValaryynusesPythonBrummi 20 votes


  • Valaryyn
    Valaryyn Member Posts: 72
    No, it's fine as is

    There are a lot of perks that need help more, like Autodidact. They should fix those perks directly rather than indirectly by adding secondary effects to other perks.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    No, it's fine as is

    Alert is fine as it is. It's a good information perk.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,967
    Yes, but I'm not sure what effect would be good

    I made a post about Alert, and personally, I feel like it is competing with Any Means Necessary in terms of information. Both have their ups and downs, but I feel like Alert can use a tiny bit of a buff to make it compete a bit better with AMN.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,997
    No, it's fine as is

    Alert shows killers aura, any means shows downed pallet auras, i think alert is def better

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,967
    Yes, but I'm not sure what effect would be good

    Again, I stated some stuff in the post I linked for a reason.

    1. Any Means Necessary will show who is in chase regardless if a pallet is broken or not. If a pallet is broken, the aura is gone, which is good against stealth killers since their auras wouldnt otherwise be revealed by Alert.
    2. Any Means Necessary has the ability to reset pallets for added utility.
  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,095
    No, it's fine as is

    They shouldn't nerf Alert to give Autodidact more skill checks. They can just adjust Autodidact to increase chance of skill checks if that's all it needs to be a better perk. They should never nerf a perk to "help" another perk when they can just make the other perk better on its own.