What the Wesker Skin Will Be - Theorizing

It has been leaked that Wesker will be releasing with a skin that is 1080 auric cells, so a non-legendary. This has got me thinking about what possibly his skin could be. Wesker has a lot of iconic outfits throughout his series, and there are a couple of very plausible options to me. First, what are his possible skins?
- -RE 4 Wesker Outfit - This is Albert Wesker's outfit from Resident Evil 4, in which he is wearing an all-black suit.
- -RE 1 STARS Vest Wesker - This is Albert Wesker's look from his iconic first appearance in Resident Evil one, in which he is wearing a dark-colored tactical vest, with a blue shirt underneath. He also sports some fingerless gloves and an earpiece.
- -RE 5 Harness Wesker - This is Albert Wesker's other look from Resident Evil 5 in which he doesn't have his long matrix coat, and just sports his tactical harness and elbow-length sleeves.
- -RE Mercenaries 3DS - A fun option but still possible. He is shirtless and without glasses, but his left arm is fully covered in Uroboros. He also has large spike formations out of his shoulder
- -DBD Blighted Wesker - A plausible option based off of the fact that Nemesis received a Blighted skin.
These are my current plausible skin ideas for Wesker in DBD (Let me know if you have any others!)
Now, I want to narrow these down. Firstly, I want to scratch off Vest Wesker, Harness Wesker, and 3DS Shirtless Wesker.
After playing a lot in the PTB and just overall looking at how his power works, it seems BHVR makes Wesker's tendrils come out of his sleeve, possibly as an easy way to hide odd clipping of the tendrils out of the skin. With that in mind, I think the skin ideas where he does not have sleeves for the tendrils to come out of are not plausible (I really want to be wrong about this, RE 1 Wesker my absolute favorite.)
This narrows it down to just two, RE 4 Wesker (Suit), and a possible Blighted Wesker.
I believe the pick for the Wesker skin will be...
The Resident Evil 4 Suit Wesker. I think this is just because blighted skins are chosen closer to Halloween time. Also, because RE 4 is going to be released soon, extra hype for an already super hyped game would be a good business choice all around.
Again, if you disagree let me know! I am just trying to accurately determine what is the most plausible. I really want either RE 5 Harness or RE 1 Vest Albert, but I'm still buying whatever lol also like I stated above if there are any other plausible skins you can think of, let me know!
This is great and all but you’re not allowed to discuss leaks on the forums
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Come on you should know better about posting leaks
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Has a killerever released with zero cosmetics besides Freddy?
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Bubba and Nemesis off the top of my head
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Oh yeah, Blighted Nemmy wasnt available upon release. Cant believe we all had to make do withthe base trash bags.
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Didn't Bubba had the hidden faces? Doesn't it count as a cosmetic?
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If wesker gets a blighted skin I would probably. @#$! Myself
It's probably re5 wesker then he falls into the lava and screams chrisss
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Wesker's RE1 remake look is by far the most likely candidate, I think.