I 4k every game - AMA



  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Sounds like Nurse needs a nerf.
    Honestly survivors can never be properly nerfed without nerfing top tier killers a tiny bit , I have this opinion because you have to think that even with the strongest add ons there has to be a way to survive it in order for there to be balance, so here we have these few top tier killers the survivors are balanced around and then everything below them that doesn’t come up to par , people using top tier killers correctly won easily every game while the others using low- mid tier are lucky to get a 3k vs competent survivors
  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited December 2018

    @Nickenzie said:

    Are you a nice Nurse? I see some nurses abusing their power and play extremely unfun when they don't have to as they are the strongest killer in the game. Example: Whenever someone farms another survivor, I'll down the farmed survivor to make the farmer lose benevolence then go after the farmer. Usually the farmer gets hooked and the farmed survivor gets back up since really it wasn't his fault that he got down.

    yes im a nice nurse. most of the time i down the farmed surv (just like you) then down the surv who farmed him, teleport back to the farmed surv where usually another one is already trying to heal him and also slug the surv whos trying to heal him.

    so now there are 3 guys on the ground.I just hook like 2survs while the 4th surv healed up another one but i already won the game at this point with 2 survs hooked and the other two trying to heal/getting their friends unhooked.

    its always the same but i love it so much <3

    more questions for me?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited December 2018
    xXNurseXx said:

    @Nickenzie said:

    Are you a nice Nurse? I see some nurses abusing their power and play extremely unfun when they don't have to as they are the strongest killer in the game. Example: Whenever someone farms another survivor, I'll down the farmed survivor to make the farmer lose benevolence then go after the farmer. Usually the farmer gets hooked and the farmed survivor gets back up since really it wasn't his fault that he got down.

    yes im a nice nurse. most of the time i down the farmed surv (just like you) then down the surv who farmed him, teleport back to the farmed surv where usually another one is already trying to heal him and also slug the surv whos trying to heal him.

    so now there are 3 guys on the ground.I just hook like 2survs while the 4th surv healed up another one but i already won the game at this point with 2 survs hooked and the other two trying to heal/getting their friends unhooked.

    its always the same but i love it so much <3

    more questions for me?

    Yes, I been playing a lot of Spirit and I feel like she's pretty close in power to the Nurse. If not she is exactly as power as the Nurse if you are great at tracking. If you don't agree with me, what separates the spirit and the nurse?
  • My_Dude
    My_Dude Member Posts: 132

    @xXNurseXx said:
    Hey People of the Fog,

    i 4k every game in DBD (or lets say 98 of 100 games) - doesnt matter if SWF or not. It also doesnt matter if they run D-Strike or Insta Heals, i just dont care. I even prefer to play against good ppl who are running all there crutch stuff because the game become a bit more interesting.

    my Setup:
    Killer: Nurse
    Perks: BBQ - NC - Whispers - Shadowborn

    i even dont have to tunnel or camp but whats most important to be successful but i have to admit that i slug pretty often and i always slug the last person to make sure the last surv dont get the free hatch escape (i mean if they manage to get 2 gens on because most of the times they dont).

    Also note: i have 1850 hours. i would say around ~1400 hours as killer and ~1300 hours while playing nurse

    So yeah - if you have any questions - ama

    Why are you afraid to play without slugging?

    I too am a Killer main, and just don't get it.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    Bow your head, friend...

    May I remind you that we're on THE OFFICIAL FORUMS?

    Who DOESN'T 4k every game?

    Trying to trick forum members with LESS THAN 25 FORUM HOURS is pretty scummy, though. 

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited December 2018

    @Nickenzie said:

    Yes, I been playing a lot of Spirit and I feel like she's pretty close in power to the Nurse. If not she is exactly as power as the Nurse if you are great at tracking. If you don't agree with me, what separates the spirit and the nurse?

    Nurse is still a lot better than spirit because you have more map control. you can go faster from A to B especially with more range addons. also the chases are still quicker because nurses power doesnt have a cooldown like spirit does and the chance of loosing survs no matter how good youre is higher with spirit.

    but i agree that spirit is the second best killer and a lot better than billy against good survs. against the casual rank 1 surv billy is better because of the 1hit and map pressure but against ppl who know how to play spirit is much better because she cant get looped.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    @My_Dude said:

    Why are you afraid to play without slugging?

    I too am a Killer main, and just don't get it.

    im not slugging is just the best tactic. everyone thinks camping is but thats not true. slugging is still so much more efficiency if you dont need more then 30 seconds to down another player.

    i would recommend to just watch zubatlel for example whos a great killer and also 4k every game with his nurse and most of the time with billy/huntress too.

    shoutout to him i learned so much from him <3

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    With a name like xXNurseXx, how could you not be a killer main
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    I don't understand the purpose of this thread. 
  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100

    When you 4k and pip or double pip, do survivors also pip? If so, are they technically winning alongside of you?

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2019

    @Raziel said:
    When you 4k and pip or double pip, do survivors also pip? If so, are they technically winning alongside of you?

    well depends.

    often i just start so slug and the after 2min all 4 survs are on the ground and the game is over. in that case, they dont pip. when they get like 2 gens after i get my second kill. i´m searching for one of the last two survs then, slug him, look for the last one. after hooking him i hook the slugged one. in that case 2 out of 4 survs are pipping i think. but i dont care if they pip or i pip. rank 1 is absolute meanless.

    i just care for my 4 kills and if they pip & win while i kill all of them i´m totally fine with it

  • yes
    yes Member Posts: 361

    @MisterCremaster said:
    You are holding onto your grandmother's hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your rationale for making the decision?

    I'd let my grandma go. She had a few years left anyway.